一小段汉译英 高分高分

作者&投稿:万研 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

萨拉还没有去过纳什维尔,但是有朝一日去那是她的梦想。她已经了解了很多关于这个地方的资料,而且对这个地方也做了写研究。 她知道那里有一个乡村音乐名人堂博物馆。 那里经常会有许多著名的音乐家和歌手演唱的乡村音乐会,比如布鲁克斯。萨拉已经听过了他的大部分歌曲。 布鲁克斯是美国历史上最成功的音乐家之一。他已经卖出了1.2多亿的唱片。我希望有一天看到他的现场演唱!

Based on our high school because of Hechuan YanJing analysis of the body, the body of youth development, selecting the appropriate data, using principal component analysis method to establish the corresponding mathematical model of principal components analysis for the middle school students, the 12 indexes of data analysis, it has been revealed that a student body 299 index of comprehensive evaluation value, according to the results of the teenagers to evaluate the degree of body development.
Keywords: the principal component analysis, Data variables, Comprehensive evaluation

From her hometown to Beijing for her postgraduate courses, she showed great adaptability to the new environment.(中间我发现她是一个适应能力很强的学生这句话我个人感觉比较累赘,因为在前面这句话已经体现出来了,所以我没有翻译。) moreover, gradualy I find her to be a student with a strong sense of independence both in her study and daily life. And the mild temper, easygoing disposition and the ability to bear hardships help her accomplish the al most all the tasks i assigned to her with satisfying results, however the setbacks she suffered during that. above all i believe she is able to ajust to the new environment and the study.

Graduate school she came to Beijing from his hometown, and soon will be able to integrate into the new environment. Contacts, I found that she is a strong ability to adapt to the students. And she was very independent, which is reflected in her ability to learn life skills and work on. Plus she has a good personality, and his easy-going, and willing to endure hardship, resilience is also good. I gave her any task, no matter what setbacks encountered midway, she can better deal with and ultimately complete the task. Therefore, I believe, by virtue of her character and ability to live and work, she can quickly adapt to a new environment, and immediately put into the new learning and research to

She came to Beijing to continue her postgraduate study, and got used to a brand new atmosphere soon. I found during our interacts that she is a self-disciplined girl of strong mental power and high ideal. Her success in study and personal life proves it. In addtion, she is easy going, quick-witted and warm-hearted, I can trust her entirely and let her be my assistant in some really hard tasks, and she can always surprise me with high quality and efficiency. I am convinced that, with all the fine qualities stated above, she is sure to enjoy herself in your university and make further successes in her favorite research fields.

She from their hometown to Beijing for the bachelor's degree, will soon into the new environment. Contact me find that she is a very strong ability to adapt to the students. And she's a strong independence, which is reflected in her life ability and working ability to learn. Together with her character is very good, am easy-going, and agree to bear hardships, strain capacity, is also very good. I gave her any task, no matter what, she met midway through setbacks can very good treatment and finally completed the task. So I believe that through her character and life work ability, she can quickly adapt to a new environment, and immediately into the new study and research

内丘县18324769645: 中译英,翻译一段话!高分哦!!!
裴匡肾上: 翻译一段话Translation a paragraph of sentence.

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