
作者&投稿:钊垄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My wish
Do you have any wishes? Oh, I have many wishes.
My biggest wish is I hope the world will be peaceful all the times. No wars, No quarrels, and then all of us are happy. If the world can be peaceful all the times, the world will be harmonious, everywhere will be more beautiful. Isn’t it?
I have many wishes, although these wishes are maybe just the dreams. But I think they are so wonderful in my life .They‘re the beautiful rainbow fresh my life. With these wishes, I feel happy every day.

My wish is to hope that you will have me.

My wish is to hope that you will have me.

My Wish我的愿望
When I was young,I watched a movie "the sound of music" with my friends.I was touched by the love affairs and also shocked by the music.I didn't understand music at that time; however,I can feel the power of music.Fron then on,I had a dream to become a musician.I want to play the masterpieces of outstanding musicians by my own hands.I want to tell people my understanding and interpretation of music by my instrument.I also want to write my own pieces of music.I hope all the other people will love my music.Maybe,others will keep playing my music even after my death.I want to leave something to this lovely world,so I want to become a musician.No only because I love music,but also I love this world and I want to use my own way to express my feeling.
I want to be a pharmacist since I was fourteen years old.I know for sure that the job is of great importance to society.And I wants to make medicine that is useful to the patients.Somehow,I think,being a pharmacist makes me feel like a hero to someone.I am intersted in Biology and Chemisty,and I want to work in the field of meidcal and Biology.But being a pharmacist is not a easy task to achieve,it takes a lot of time and you have to be really smart to do it!Gosh!It is my dream,But I will try my best to achieve it!
If I had a boat,I would sail away across the seven seas,wandering and drifting as I went to see the world.I have loved the sea ever since I was a small child.I often strolled along the beach,all alone,and gazed into the blue horizon,wishing that I could be there.
Some day,if my wish came true,I would sail alone on a never-ending journey,with only the sunny blue sky and the peacefully calm sea as my companion.I knew I would not be lonely,because there would be the sea breezes bumming me a lullaby and carrying a salty spray on to my face.
And even when there was a storm,I would face it bravely as if with a challenge;I should prove myself a man of strong will and power.Oh,life should be an adventure!

在生活、工作和学习中,大家都经常看到作文的身影吧,作文是经过人的思想考虑和语言组织,通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。还是对作文一筹莫展吗?以下是我为大家收集的我的愿望优秀作文,希望能够帮助到大家。 我的愿望优秀作文1 愿望可能会实现,也可能不会实现,所以我只有一个比较简单的愿望。 我的愿望就是希望...

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