
作者&投稿:弘屠 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My hometown is Guangzhou, which is located in Guangdong Province.it's one of the most important cities in China with a population of about 10 million, covering an area of 7,400 square kilometers.it is called Goat city or Flower city,it's in the south of china.There are lots of trees and flowers in it, which wins the name of flower city. My hometown is a beautiful place to visit.welcome you to my hometown.

首先be busy doing sth是固定短语,所以busy后面跟动词现在分词结构单词,that在这里是充当前后句之间的连词,用于引出后面的从句,意为“以致于”

1、When people talk about cartoons, we always think of Mickey Mouse.
2、He is always ready to help others.
3、In fact, some things aren't so simple as we think.
4、One of the main reasons is that the cinema has comfortable seats.
5、to talk
6、to be
7、to go
8、to study
9、to watch, to go
10、to bring
11、to cook

1:When people say we will think of Mickey Mouse cartoons
2:He is always ready to help others
3:In fact, some things are not as simple as we think.
4:One of the main reasons is that the cinema has a comfortable seat.

The Jim family I have a good friend, his name is Jim. He is an outgoing boy, I like him very much.Jim's father and mother go to work at the same supermarket, two people go to work by subway every morning, do their distance is 10 kilometers away, to spend 30 minutes....

初一英语求大神学霸答案 谢谢 耶嘿 ⊙▽⊙
2.后面填 to do

My aunt can't find her passport.The boss makes the workers work all day.There is a river near my house.The trees turn green.Some birds are flying happily.She wants to buy a present (for )her grandson.第六题,我觉得题目少了一个for,因为for his\/her grandson\/granddaughter\/son\/...

Jack is very confidence and outgoing,while his younger brother is shy and quiet.Comparing problem with others, mine seems worse.I am going to bookshop as well as bank now.I know he didn't finish the work, he has tried his best after all.We spent on museum as much time as...



all 2. both 3. all 4. both 5. all all 用于三者以上或不可数名词,both只能用于两者。1. came, stopped, said, was looking 2. was watering , began, put , went 3. began, ran jumped as 连接两个短动作, while后面必须跟长动作,一长一短的情况下,短动作前只能用when....

初二英语题,求学霸帮我看看吧,为什么我no one 错了,而是 nobody else...
no one 没有人,里面就包括了Linda,那么就和后面的意思冲突 nobody else 没有其他人,显然是除了Linda之外的人

一般以ly结尾的,大多是副词。其余的得自己背。时间和频率副词 now,then,often,always,usually,early,today, late, next,lastday,already(已经),generally(一般地),frequently(频繁),seldom(很少地),ever,never,yet,soon,too, immediately(立即), finally,shortly(很快), before, ago,sometimes,...

英语学霸们 跪求答案 回答悬赏100

上城区19634233219: 初二英语习题,求学霸帮忙解答. -
佴衫羚翘: 16. come from17.ready to help18. take his place19.all got high marks20.got dresswd

上城区19634233219: 10道初二英语单选,求学霸解答 -
佴衫羚翘: 11A 提出我可以看一看吗? 12C本题的含义为蒂娜起床起得迟,所以她不得不乘出租车上学 must语气最为强硬,不合适. 13D 词组had better do 最好做某事;否定形式是had better not do 14B 我看到你发表意见【但是】,我不同意 15B 别人问介意开窗吗?回答:不介意;【去开吧】 16D【照料】我的狗狗 17D 知识点一:hard意思是努力地;hardly意思是几乎不,所以AC排除 知识点二:形容词、副词在enough前面;名词在enough后面 18D如果你想成功解决压力的问题,你得先找到【原因】 19C词组 feel like doing 20C留你自己在家

上城区19634233219: 八年级下册英语. 求学霸解答 好人一生平安! -
佴衫羚翘: carefirstoversweepunlikelyMakingstressedmineleaveusing

上城区19634233219: 求英语学霸八年级英语I+动作+every day/twice a week表示什求英语学霸八年级英语I+动作+every day/twice a week表示什么意? -
佴衫羚翘:[答案] 意思是这是个组句公式

上城区19634233219: 初二英语,求学霸解答 -
佴衫羚翘: 展开全部1to raise

上城区19634233219: 初二英语习题求学霸帮忙解答 -
佴衫羚翘: write downbe able to3. start learning 4. at the beginning of5is in connection with6. agree with...

上城区19634233219: 英语八上求学霸解答 -
佴衫羚翘: 第三个是report第九个是shows

上城区19634233219: 八年级英语翻译句子,求学霸解答. -
佴衫羚翘: 8. I want to have a try out for the sports day.9. To my surprise, our class has won this football match.10. He has just made a decision to give up this match.11. Jimmy came up with a new idea for how to protect the environment.12. I believe the words of parents make a great difference to their children.

上城区19634233219: 八年级英语求英语学霸我上英语课时英语老师在黑板上写了A has比较级n than B 什 -
佴衫羚翘: A has比较级n than B 是说:A比B有更......的东西. 例如,A has more money than B. A比B有更多的钱.

上城区19634233219: 八年级英语 求空白处答案 其余的帮我检查下 谢了 有好坪哦 -
佴衫羚翘: take action2.didn't go until六题是didn't2题是until,这个是固定的,楼上的答得有问题你英语学得不错的啊祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!不明白请及...

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