There are 40 chickens on the farm. the hens are 8 more than the cocks. how many cooks and how many

作者&投稿:郑甄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
There are 40 chickens on the farm. the hens are 8 more than the cocks. how many cooks and how many~

农场里有40只鸡,公鸡比母鸡少8只,多少母鸡,多少公鸡? 40/2=20 8/2=4 母鸡:20+4=24 公鸡:20-4=16

农场有四十只小鸡.母鸡比公鸡多8只.母鸡有____只 公鸡有____只


24hens and 16 cocks

cocks (40-8)/2=16
hen 16+8=24



华阴市17356342967: 一道英语奥数题
郸凝瑞适: There are40 chikens on farm. The hens are 8 more than the cocks. How many hens? The hens are 24. The cocks are 16. 家场里有40只鸡,母鸡比公鸡多8只,有多少只母鸡? 母鸡有24只,公鸡有16只.

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郸凝瑞适: There are 40 students in our class.

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郸凝瑞适: There are +可数名词复数 如 There are forty students in my class. 我班有40个学生.注 there be 结构遵循就近原则 There is a book on the desk. 书桌上有一本书.

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郸凝瑞适: 你好!有40个教室 There are 40 classroom

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