用省略句改写下面句子 英语,高二

作者&投稿:移官 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

the woman was dying

平行句,如果句子中只填ought to,则只有助动词,真正的动词即谓语没有,所以需要补充一个原型be

1 Unless invited to speak, you should remain silent at the conference.
2 It is a shame that I lied when I was questioned at the meeting by the boss.
3 The disc at the partysounded fantastic.
4 Who do you suggest work there?
5 I believe we've met before.
No, I don't think so.
6 David seems a nice person, but I don't trust him.
7 You should have shanked her before you left.
I meant to, but I couldn't find her.


1.unless invited to speak, you should remain silent at the conference.
2.I t shamed me to say It,but I told a lie when questioned at the meeting by the boss.
3.the disc, which digitally recorded in the studio ,sounded fantastic at the party that night .
4.Who should be sent to work there ?
5..--i believe we've met somewhere else.
--No,i don't think so.
6.Even thought Daivd seens a nice person , i don't trust him
7.--You should have thanked her before you left
-- i meant to ,but when leaving i couldn't find her anywhere

有主从句时,当从句与主句的主语一致时,从句的主语可以省略,有几句我也不是非常确定 ,希望能帮到你

-damn you



20 divided by 4 is 5 这是一个省略句,请帮我把完整句子写出来,谢谢
这里的divide是及物动词,divided是它的过去分词,有动词词组 A be divided by B 译为“A除以B”,divided by 4在句子中作后置定语,be动词省略,句子的谓语动词是is。你也可以这样识记: A divided by B is C. A除以B等于C.

英语语法顺口溜:省略句口诀 回答问题要简洁,并列重复须省略。祁使主语必省略,比较than后须省略。宾从表从that省略,主从that勿省略。前后出现同一词,惯用习语常省略。省略句英语语法详解;1. 省略句可同时省掉句子几个成份 What exciting news! (= What exciting news it is!) 多么令人激动的消息啊...

《小石潭记》中的省略句:1.乃记之而去。(省略主语“这番景致”) 于是记下这番景致便离开了。2.斗折蛇行。(省略主语“小溪的岸边”) 溪水像北斗星那样曲折,像蛇前行那样蜿蜒。3.以其境过清。(省略主语“我”)我因为它的环境过于凄清。愿对你有所帮助!

省略和替代一样,也是一种避免重复、突出关键词并使上下文紧密连接的手段。为了避免重复,常常省略句子中的一个或几个成分,这样的句子叫省略句。省略句的几种形式有从句中It is 的省略;从句主语和主句主语一致时的省略;表语的承前省略;动词的省略[],下面请看常见的省略现象:并列结构中的省略现象第...

My brother majors in japanese ,I in english是省略句.(major应加s)还原应是:My brother majors in japanese and I major in in english 两句谓语动词一致,后句可省略谓语动词。

要区分这两句句型,有以下重点:1.如:例句:日本人逃跑了吗?是的,已经逃跑了 我们现在就来分析一下这个例句的后半部分:已经逃跑了 其实完整的句子应该是:某某已经逃跑了,这里为了避免重复,省略了主语日本人,所以这是主语省略句。例句:谁逃跑了?一定是日本人了。这个句子中:一定是日本人了。

续写:陌路人一句关切的话语;赛场上一把有 力的搀抚。改写:难道这不是千金难买的幸福吗?仿写:像燥热 的天气里吹来的一缕缕凉风,让人感到身 心舒畅。(答案不唯一)

While playing football, she is singing.翻译:她一边打篮球,一边唱歌.完整的句子:while she is playing football, she is singing.因为两个she is,可以省略掉.

榆社县17074052275: 用省略句改写下面句子 英语,高二 -
沈仇风湿: 1 Unless invited to speak, you should remain silent at the conference. 2 It is a shame that I lied when I was questioned at the meeting by the boss. 3 The disc at the partysounded fantastic. 4 Who do you suggest work there? 5 I believe we've met ...

榆社县17074052275: 高二英语省略句) The traditional goal of science is to discover how things are,not how they ought .〔A〕 to〔B〕 to be〔C〕 be〔D〕 have been为什么选b?... -
沈仇风湿:[答案] 平行句,如果句子中只填ought to,则只有助动词,真正的动词即谓语没有,所以需要补充一个原型be

榆社县17074052275: 【高中英语】这个省略句补充完整应该怎么写? -
沈仇风湿: She seldom eats out if she ever does.她很少出去吃,就算她有时这样做过.【俊狼猎英】 团队为您解答,欢迎追问!

榆社县17074052275: 把这个句子改写成省略句;1.Someone has used my mobile phone, but I don't know who has used it. -
沈仇风湿: http://baike.baidu.com/view/190767.htm?fr=ala0 你这种人 I don't know who has used my mobile phone. John worked hard but his brother didn't I have lazy students and hardworking ones in my class. If necessary, we will finish it ahead of time...

榆社县17074052275: 写出下列句子的省略句(英语)1.Jack must have playing football and must have been doing her homework -
沈仇风湿: 1. Jack must have been playing football and doing his homework simultaneously. 2. His advice made me happy but it made Jim angry.3. His opinion,whether is right or wrong, would be considered.4. He didn't come although he ought to.5. I also want to be a soldier like my brother.

榆社县17074052275: 高中英语语法省略句,倒装句解析. -
沈仇风湿: 倒装的重点有五点: (1)句首为下列副词:Here,There,Now,Out,In,Up,Down,Away,Off,Then,的句子局部倒装. 但是如果主语是代词就不倒装. 例如:Here you are. There he comes. (2)在下列副词为首的句型中,构成部分倒装. Only+副...

榆社县17074052275: 高二英语语法省略句语法 THANK YOU,sir! -
沈仇风湿:[答案] 省略句是英语的一种习惯用法.按照语法的分析,句子应该具备的成分, 有时出于修辞上的需要, 在句中并不出现,这种句子叫做省略句(elliptical sentences,这种语法现象称为“省略”(ellipsis or leaving words out.其特...

榆社县17074052275: 关于省略句的一道高二英语选择
沈仇风湿: 就相当于I hope not.一样你记住这形式就可以.

榆社县17074052275: 英语翻译 用省略句完成下列句子: -
沈仇风湿: but her mother told him not to go and my sister in high school the other side painted white as to speak as if in search of something when crossing the street in unless asked Once bitten Although badly injured as long as is necessary to place OK,thanks!

榆社县17074052275: 高二英语:省略句they won't attend the meeting -- Ang we ( )为什么填won't,either而不是too -
沈仇风湿: 只有肯定的时候才能用too,比如: -I like apple -Me, too. 而否定的时候要用either,比如: -I hate maths. -Me, either. 哈哈.打个比方而已. 题中为否定,所以填either

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