跪求一篇描写夏天景色的英语文章。 PS:要有译文,大概五年级水平。请各位父老乡亲帮帮忙~

作者&投稿:蠹券 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

春游小记 An Spring Outing
Last Sunday, our class held a spring outing in the forest park. It was a nice day. The sun was shining brightly and the flowers were swaying in the spring breeze. We took a lot of pictures and had our favorite snacks on the bench. The girls talked about their favorite movie starts and the boys played football on the ground. We had so much fun. I love spring outing because we don’t need to do the homework.

我的钢琴老师 My Piano Teacher
I am ten years old. I like playing piano. And I have a good teacher. She is beautiful, just like the fairy from the heaven. She likes wearing white dress. Her hair is long and straight. And her fingers are the most beautiful I have ever seen. They are long and thin. She can use them to play wonderful songs. I feel pleasant when I hear her songs. I want to be as excellent as her in the future.

。精彩的学校艺术节An Excellent School Art Festival
Our school art festival is held once a year. I think this year’s was excellent because a lot of students and teachers took part in it. At first, the students of Class1 Grade6 danced the Gangnam Style. How wonderful they were! Then, English teachers had an English Choir. How good they were! I liked these two programs. Finally the students of Class3 Grade7 sang pop songs. They sang so wonderfully! At last they won the first prize.

春天The Spring
here are four seasons in a year. The spring, summer, autumn and winter. I think spring is the most beautiful season. In the spring, the flowers are blossoming, the grass is green and the birds start to sing. The temperature in the spring is not too cold or too hot. We can go on an excursion during the spring. We can fly kites and enjoy the sunshine. I think spring is the best season ever!

我的一个朋友 One of My Friends
I have a funny friend. He is twelve years old. His home is not far from mine. We usually go shopping together. His hobby is playing the piano. He can play lots of songs. He has a big piano. It is beautiful. His father is a worker. He works in TianTong Company. He likes reading newspapers. He usually reads newspapers after dinner. He is a great boy.

我朋友的一家 My Friend's Family
I have a good friend. Her name is Hou Qingqing. She comes from the north of China. But she grows up in Tianjing. She's very beautiful. Her mom is very beautiful too. Her dad is very kind. She likes singing and swimming. Her mom likes listening to music. Her dad likes swimming.
Sometimes we go shopping. Usually we ride a bike and go to the cinema. This is fun.
She doesn't have sisters or brothers, so in the morning we go to school together. I want to be a designer. She wants to be a policewoman.


Summer night, the sunny sky is full of stars. I always love overlooking the attractive stars.

Look, the countless stars twinkle, like economicsystem precious jewels, the vast sky, just like a huge screen. Sometimes if stars on a blue screen socket, flashing light light. Sometimes they like information small alive.your eyes, curiously on the ground looking for something.

Stars some like to live alone, others like to gather together. See the seven stars, like a composed of plough spoons, I really want to take it from heaven, taste to use it on the national silver river, sweet not sweet, very not good. To see the Altair and vega across the galaxy opp-osite ends, poor couple conjugal love cannot meet, they only the annual lunar generation in July 7 can meet on the Milky Way. Look carefully you will also find that there are 13 star composed of tianma seat, like a horse is Yang hoof head baima, majestic great. Ah, the stars are so much, so beautiful, I can even count, see also see enough...

Legend heaven was without the stars, the moon is in the daughter to make starving partners in no moon night, can find no hunger, and KuaiLeDao turn yourself into the stars, give partners lighting, no wonder sometimes in no moon night, the stars are twinkling, blinks on!

I looked up at the sky produced infinite daydream, if I can become a star should much good! In no moon night, I can quickly from blue screen after a jumped out with the guys, light the way for passers-by. Tired, in the cloud cozying up a nap, Thirsty, in the silver river queen-sized have had enough. I will let the world forever light, always full of peace and joy.

Ah! Another the stars of the night. Oh, I would like to become in the night sky a star twinkling stars.







A cinder - path winds along by the side of the pool. It is off the beaten track and few pass this way even by day, so at night it is still more quiet. Trees grow thick and bosky all around the pool, with willows and other trees I cannot name by the path. On nights when there is no moon the track is almost terrifyingly dark, but tonight it was quite clear, though the moonlight was pale.


篇三:夏天的景色 夏天,是一个炎热而又欢乐的季节。早上,晴空万里,云雾漫天,太阳公公把一切都镀上上 了一层层金黄色。一群群美丽的小鸟在绿树上欢蹦乱跳,叽叽喳喳地唱歌。空气清新凉爽,而且散发着一种难以形容的芳香,每吸一口都令人振奋。下午,天空一片蓝色,暴烈的太阳把地面考得滚烫滚烫,一...

夏天有哪些景色的描写1 1. 夏日的傍晚格外热闹,老人围成一圈下着象棋,而老奶奶则边品茶边聊天,偶尔静下来听听知了的歌唱。孩子们欢闹着,被召集着讲故事,做开心果;被驱赶着,因为老捣蛋。2. 夏天来了,天气炎热。青蛙伏在池塘里的荷叶上打盹,知了在树上吹奏着夏日交响曲。孩子们有的享受冰激凌...

描写夏天景色的作文 篇1 四季有生机勃勃的春天,果实累累的秋天,冰天雪地的冬天,还有丰富多彩的夏天。而我最喜欢的季节是迷人的夏天。 夏天的大街上,人山人海,人们都争先恐后地在买衣服。看,大街上行走的姑娘们,她们身上的衣服款式新颖,有短裤、有背心、有短裙……颜色非常鲜艳。我想夏天是姑娘们的天下,是展现...

描写夏天景色的段落1 1、天越来越亮了,太阳也升了起来,不久,雾散了,那裸露的岩石、建筑物,都被朝霞染成红色,又渐渐变成了古铜色,与绿树相互映衬,显得分外壮观。静静的城里现在活跃起来了,传出了汽车的喇叭声,人们的叫卖声,自行车的车铃声.这一切组成了一首清晨的交响曲。新的一天就这样开始了。 2、雷雨是夏...

描写夏天美丽景色的句子篇一 1、青草、芦苇和红的、白的、紫的野花,被高悬在天空的一轮火热的太阳蒸晒着,空气里充满了甜醉的气息。 2、夏日的山水毫无羞涩地敞开自己的胸怀,让游人从容地欣赏它的雄奇,它的妖娆。 3、初夏,石榴花渐渐开放了,绿叶衬红花,美丽极了。远望,它像一片烘烘燃烧的烈火,又像黄昏升起...


问题一:描写夏天的景色有哪些? 烈日似火,大地像蒸笼一样,热得使人喘不过气来。 走在路上,迎面的风似热浪扑来。 大清早,蝉就高声大叫,告诉人们又一个火热的日子开始了。 夏日炎炎,小鸟不知躲藏到什么地方去了;草木都低垂着头;小狗热得吐出舌头不停地喘气。 知了不住地在枝头发着令人烦躁地叫声,像...



1.描写夏天景色的诗句 《夏时田园杂兴》(其一) 【宋】范成大 梅子金黄杏子肥,麦花雪白菜花稀。 日长篱落无人过,唯有蜻蜓蛱蝶飞。 《小池》 【宋】杨万里 泉眼无声惜细流,树荫照水爱晴柔。 小荷才露尖尖角,早有蜻蜓立上头。 《晓出净慈寺送林子方》 【宋】杨万里 毕竟西湖六月中,风光不与四时同。 接天...

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扈子丽珠:[答案] 自力更生丰衣足食 没办法 吼吼

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