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“蒙古国” 英语怎么写?~

蒙古国 the State of Mongolia(全称)
蒙古 Mongolia(简称)
首都 Ulan Bator 乌兰巴托

赛耨(nou) 塞拜耨 你好
巴雅尔泰 ba/yer/tai 再见
ta/yamar/ner/tai/baoy? 您叫什么名字呀?
og/lo/o/a/mg/lang 早上好
ta/ler/ha/l 谢谢你
ha/ma/ga/ui 没关系
za/tan/il/oi/i 认识一下吧



古老的用英语表示是:1、[ancient]∶古雅而不同时俗 古老的传说 2、[age-old]∶年老;苍老 古老之人无所闻知 3、[simple and vigorous]∶形容书画文章等苍劲朴实,有古人风格 公有文章若干卷,深茂古老。ancient 英[ˈeɪnʃənt] 美[ˈeɪnʃ<...

1.世界四大文明古国 The Four Great Ancient Civilizations 2.丝绸之路 The Silk Road 3.历来是兵家必争之地,帝王成功立业之地 It has always been a place contested by all strategists and a place emperors thrived 4.兵马佣 the Terra-cotta Warriors 5.第二条欧亚大陆桥 the Second ...

用英语介绍中国,,, 字越多越好

China is a country that has a long history for over 5000 years. It is situated in the east of asia. Beijing is the capital.There are 56 minorities in the country,especially in Yunnan Province. It has many tourist sites such as the great wall, Forbidden Palace, Summer Palace,...


They are eager to visit the secret ancient nation which has a splendid culture of 5 thousand years.

1.世界四大文明古国 The Four Great Ancient Civilizations 2.丝绸之路 The Silk Road 3.历来是兵家必争之地,帝王成功立业之地 It has always been a place contested by all strategists and a place emperors thrived 4.兵马佣 the Terra-cotta Warriors 5.第二条欧亚大陆桥 the Second ...

China, too, is one of the four earliest civilizations in the world. It has splendid scenaries including the Great Wall.

古国名。鬲国 [Ge state],相传为夏方国。西汉在其地设鬲县。如:鬲氏(古国名。即鬲国)通“膈”。横隔膜 [diaphragm]食饮不下,鬲塞不通。——《素问·风论篇》又如:针鬲(用针刺横膈膜);鬲要(膈腰。指心胸);鬲肝(膈和肝)通“槅”。大车轭 [yoke]鬲长六尺。——《周礼·考工记》。

For foreigners, China could be a mysterious Oriental country with an ancient civilization, also may be an underdeveloped countries. In the past 100 years, China suffered hardships, but, the fact proved, China has the tenacious vitality. Nowadays, it grow, day after day, powerful. I...

金塔县18049978263: 蒙古国用英语怎么说 -
叔哑核黄: Mongolia

金塔县18049978263: 这俩字用英文怎么写. -
叔哑核黄:[答案] 平时就说 Inner Mongolia 就对了 就是“内蒙”的意思 如果写文章中要说官方一点“内蒙古自治区” 就说 Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region. (好多人都喜欢说 Mongolia 那是不对的 那是蒙古国.)

金塔县18049978263: 蒙古用英语怎么说 -
叔哑核黄: Mongolia蒙古 Inner Mongolia 内蒙古

金塔县18049978263: 外蒙用的蒙语用英文怎么说?蒙古国用的蒙古文 -
叔哑核黄:[答案] Mongolian 就是这个

金塔县18049978263: 英语蒙古怎么说 -
叔哑核黄: 蒙古 [简明汉英词典] Mongolia

金塔县18049978263: 请问蒙古的县用英语怎么说 -
叔哑核黄: 蒙古国县的英文写法是sum,西方一般把蒙古的县称为district,而county主要是根据我们中国人的理解给他们的英文叫法 sum是根据蒙古人对县的发音采用的罗马拼音,就像中国对县的英文同样可以写作xian,当然county也很常用 蒙古的一级行政区为省(aimag),共21个,二级行政区为县(sum),共315个

金塔县18049978263: 蒙语蒙歌尔什么意思 -
叔哑核黄: Mongols是蒙古人的英文表达,蒙古国的蒙古语表达:Монгол улс,根据英文的发音来说,应该是蒙古的意思.也有可能就是为了说:“蒙歌儿”,蒙语歌.

金塔县18049978263: 蒙古族用英文怎么说
叔哑核黄: 蒙古族= the Mongolian 蒙古=【国】Mongolia 有用请采纳

金塔县18049978263: 谁能帮我用英语翻译2个地名阿,急,谢谢. -
叔哑核黄: 1. Ulan Bator railway station, Ulan Bator, Mongolia2. No.4, 5A building, section 1, Bogda Residential Quarter, Ulan Bator, Mongolia...

金塔县18049978263: <内蒙>这俩字用英文怎么写. -
叔哑核黄: 平时就说 Inner Mongolia 就对了 就是“内蒙”的意思如果写文章中要说官方一点“内蒙古自治区” 就说 Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region.(好多人都喜欢说 Mongolia 那是不对的 那是蒙古国.)

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