
作者&投稿:潭京 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
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Along with the development of the retail market, the radical expansion of small and medium-sized supermarkets, each chain supermarket in the increasingly fierce competition, in order to seek development, increase profitability, promote an enterprise competition ability, pay more and more attention to the inventory management. The inventory management to promote the supermarket management, the best inventory levels, can reduce the occupation of the capital stock enterprise, speed up the stock funds flow, enhance the inventory management level, promote enterprise's lower cost to improve the enterprise economic benefits. And in the rapid development of the business today, many enterprises has simply pursuit high profits, but often ignored inventory management, causing a lot of backlog inventory, along with the growing competition between the supermarket, supermarket in inventory management also highlights the big problems, the supermarket of the profit ability greatly abate. In view of this situation, in order to improve the competitiveness of the supermarket, must be paid enough attention to inventory management. This paper from the inventory management and supermarket inventory management concept and related introduces the important significance of inventory management, in view of the existing order is not sound supermarket, information to deliver opaque, inventory management system is not perfect, the inventory control strategy simplification, inventory management function know not comprehensive, high inventory and inventory-optimal phenomenon of the problems, and puts forward the reasonable inventory management and the way, listed some reasonable inventory method of realization.


I want to live, honor but alive
I am a Chinese, I'm li Tong, this year is 15 years old. On the west point is my dream, because I want to serve the country, fight for the honor to live. The truth of us here university really don't like. I don't want my like them, to die did not understand why you alive. I just hope I can proudly in age of their grandson said, I was once a westpoint students. Perhaps I live less than 80 years, perhaps I am a to battlefield was first shot bullets. But that doesn't matter, because I am for his country and died, I died a glorious death glory, my death is meaningful. Actually I'm afraid to die, afraid oneself because liuliumowei die. I want to go abroad to become a chinese-american, then pasing west point. But our home economic condition of the bad, go abroad and overseas living expenses for us this kind of family is really was huge. So I want to please the west point to help me, I know I'm the idea a bit weird, but a person's strength is really too small, and a root chopsticks is easy to be broken, but ten pillars chopsticks are different. So I need help, need your help. Can be a proud of west point soldier, can glorious his hearth, is my wishes of his life.
Born, also my desire also, With, also my desire also, Which can not be get and, shebna born take righteous one also.

I am a Chinese, My name is sun about to rise this year, 15 years old. West Point is on my dream because I wanted to fight for the country, live for the honor. To be honest we are really not very good university here. I do not want to like them, to death do not understand why they should live. I just hope I can be proud to own old grandson said, I was a West Point student. Maybe I live less than 80 years old, maybe I got to the battlefield is the first killed by bullets. But that does not matter, because I was dying for their country, I die a glorious, glorious death, my death is meaningful. In fact, I am afraid of death, afraid that they died because of mediocrity. I want to go abroad to be a Chinese-American, and then acquire West Point. However, poor economic conditions in our home, the cost of living abroad and foreign to us that family is really huge. So I would like to invite to West Point to help me, I know my idea a bit ridiculous, but the strength of a person is too small, and a chopstick can easily be broken, but not the same ten chopsticks. I need help, need your help. Proud to be a West Point soldier, defending the homeland can be glorious, the desire of my life.
Students, but also my objectives; to, also my objectives; the two can not have both, those who care for justice is also born.

I am a Chinese, I'm li Tong, this year is 15 years old. On the west point is my dream, because I want to serve the country, fight for the honor to live. The truth of us here university really don't like. I don't want my like them, to die did not understand why you alive. I just hope I can proudly in age of their grandson said, I was once a westpoint students. Perhaps I live less than 80 years, perhaps I am a to battlefield was first shot bullets. But that doesn't matter, because I am for his country and died, I died a glorious death glory, my death is meaningful. Actually I'm afraid to die, afraid oneself because liuliumowei die. I want to go abroad to become a chinese-american, then pasing west point. But our home economic condition of the bad, go abroad and overseas living expenses for us this kind of family is really was huge. So I want to please the west point to help me, I know I'm the idea a bit weird, but a person's strength is really too small, and a root chopsticks is easy to be broken, but ten pillars chopsticks are different. So I need help, need your help. Can be a proud of west point soldier, can glorious his hearth, is my wishes of his life.


I want to live, live for honor
I am a Chinese, My name is sun about to rise this year, 15 years old. West Point is on my dream because I wanted to fight for the country, live for the honor. To be honest we are really not very good university here. I do not want to like them, to death do not understand why they should live.I just hope I can be proud to own old grandson said, I was a West Point student. Maybe I live less than 80 years old, maybe I got to the battlefield is the first killed by bullets. But that does not matter, because I was dying for their country, I die a glorious, glorious death, my death is meaningful. In fact, I am afraid of death, afraid that they died because of mediocrity. I want to go abroad to be a Chinese-American, and then acquire West Point.However, poor economic conditions in our home, the cost of living abroad and foreign to us that family is really huge. So I would like to invite to West Point to help me, I know my idea a bit ridiculous, but the strength of a person is too small, and a chopstick can easily be broken, but not the same ten chopsticks. I need help, need your help. Proud to be a West Point soldier, defending the homeland can be glorious, the desire of my life.Students, but also my objectives; to, also my objectives; the two can not have both, those who care for justice is also born.



麻烦各位帮我把下面这段话翻译成日文,不要翻译机翻译的,谢谢了_百度知 ...
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请帮我把这段话翻成日文 不要机械式翻译 是男生讲的 谢谢 为什麼 那时...
为什麼 那时候 不在你身边呢 「なぜ、その时にお前のところにいなかったのか。」「なぜ、そのときに おまえのところにいなかったのか。」「naze, sono tokini omaenotokoroni inakattanoka]」

I have a lot of friends, my really very importance. Whenever I encounter difficulties, they will always take the initiative to help me. The biggest help to me is mainly manifested in learning. When I was in learning problems, they will always take the initiative to help me. My...

双峰县13392291680: 请各位帮帮忙,翻译一下这段话,谢谢 -
阮服培菲: 谚语:朋友总是帮助增加你的美德,而敌人总是增加你的罪行!没有动词可以的!

双峰县13392291680: 请正确帮我翻译一下这段话,谢谢! -
阮服培菲: hank you for your understanding 谢谢你的理解 You make the best use of people's minds is a girl 你是个能充分利用人们的智慧的女孩 展开全部

双峰县13392291680: 帮我翻译下这段话,谢谢 -
阮服培菲: 一只老鼠在看一袋谷物,他很饿很想吃.它在袋子上弄了个小洞.然后他钻进袋子里,吃了很多谷物.然后他想出来.但是他的肚子太鼓了.所以他钻不出来了.他哭了 一只猫听到了哭声,然后猫钻进袋子里把老鼠抓住吃了

双峰县13392291680: 请大家帮我把下面这段话翻译成英语,谢谢.
阮服培菲: Hello,Ladies and gentlemen.My name is XX.I am in Class 1 Grade 3 in Rizhao Middle School.I'm very happy to join the competition.I bring a small joke to you.I hope you will love it . 笑话一篇: One day when women's dresses were on sale at the ...

双峰县13392291680: 谁能帮我把这段话翻译成英文?谢谢 -
阮服培菲: My grade is very poor because I do not learn, and you learn is very poor, so you have no right to make fun of me, I'm smarter than you, if I learn my will!

双峰县13392291680: 麻烦请用白话一点的语言帮我翻译一下这段话 谢谢 -
阮服培菲: 大致翻译,不一定准:自己成人自立平安享福到三十六岁和四十六岁,财富不用自己谋取自来,有贵人的帮助,(我理解着这几句意思是你四十六前比较顺利,有贵人相助,钱财不缺)家庭幸福平安,妻子这方若想要没什么大的事情,灾难,和...

双峰县13392291680: 英语翻译我想请各位大神帮我把这段话给我翻译成英文谢谢.baby对不起,我没有不相信你,怀疑并不是不信任,我在乎你才会这样. -
阮服培菲:[答案] baby, i am so sorry to question you! i do believe in you, the reason why i do this is because i really care about you. 也许你可以加上一句,i can't affort to losing you.(我无法承受失去你的痛苦)

双峰县13392291680: 谁可以帮我把这段话翻译成英文?大家帮我翻译一下!谢谢1!大家好,我的名字是冬梅,我有一个很好的英语教师,她的名字是陈美芳.她非常友好,经... -
阮服培菲:[答案] Hello everyone, my name is Dong-mei, I have a good English teacher, her name is Mei-Fang Chen. She is very friendly, always communicate with us live, and she is also very humorous, and often in after-...

双峰县13392291680: 请帮我翻译一下这段话,谢谢. -
阮服培菲: The creativity is the advertisement soul, is entrusts with spiritual and the life activity the advertisement. The advertisement attracts the public through the remarkable creativity the attention, deepens the advertisement influence the depth and dynamics,...

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