
作者&投稿:慎霍 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The spending on toys by China’s urban and rural residents is ever growing with the economic development; there is a strong demand in the toy market. It is estimated that China’s consumer spending on toys in 2010 will exceed 100 billion Yuan. The market potential of Chinese toys is really enormous.

The rapid development of China’s economy has driven up people’s income and broadened their spending; from 1978 to 2007, China’s nominal GDP had shot up to 15.1%, urbanites’ income had improved by 13.6%, while the income of rural people had also increased by 12.6%. Along with the substantial increase in income, the consumption capacity of the people also continued to grow, and the scale of consumer market kept on expanding. The total volume of retail sales for social consumables in China had improved 56 folds in 29 years from 1978 to 2007, and vaulted to the front ranks of the world.

China’s development is in a tremendous pace; the growth of its consumer market is the fastest in the world. Its annual average growth rate has reached 14.4% since 1978, about three times the world’s average. According to World Bank’s statistics, the annual increase in the consumption expenditures of households in China was 6.9% from 1990 to 2000; this was 5.9% above the world’s average. From 2000 to 2005, the annual increase in the consumption expenditures of households in China was 6.9%, 4.3% more than the world’s average, 2.4% above the average in developing countries, and 4.6% higher than the average in developed countries.

In light of the rapid growth of the China market, its import demand shall continue to grow. Ever since its accession into the WTO, the average annual growth rate of China’s import reaches 26%, one of fastest in the world. The import turnover in 2007 had reached 955.8 billion Yuan, ranked third in the world. Presently, the decelerated growth of the world economy has lower the consumption growth of major developed countries; comparatively, the consumer market in China is very buoyant, the pace of import is accelerating. The flourishing market of China will offer greater business opportunities to foreign products.


Economic globalization is the most important trend in current world, and other trends can not be free from this trend's influence and restriction. In the motivation of economic globalization, the allocation of resources have been extented from one factory, one region and one country to the whole world. By using modern transportation, information technology and internet technology,International logistics reduce logistics cost and improve the logistics efficiency. It is playing the more and more major role in the international trade and global resource allocation. As a rising industry, international logistics are increasingly attract people's attention. Logistics industry plays an critical role in promoting economic growth and increasing the employment. economic status of rising. Along with the service industry is getting more and more open, advanced logistics management and management methods are
popularizing all over the world and the informationalization in Circulation industry is improved.

Correct understanding on the requirements for modern logistics to customer service level
The generally recognized concept of logistics in the world is the definition from the Council of Logistics Management in 1998,namely: " Logistics is a part of supply chain activity which is a efficient,low-cost circulation and storage process of planning,enforcement and controlling in terms of the commodity,service and relevant information from the original place to the final consumption." This concept accurately expresses the core of logistics management theory, which are systematic management idea,total cost concept and the theme of customer first. The core of logistics is to provide customer service which is the overall management including logistics,information flow and cash flow and combines transportation,storage,packing,load and unload,distribution process and other links to be one inter-connected chain and transports all the materials needed by enterprises to any place during the production and distribution process according to the required time,quantity and quality safely at the lowest cost. The function object of logistic system is to satisfy the customers' requirements. From the customers' point of view,logistics should guarantee the possibility that customers can get the products at the appropriate time and place ,which is the availability of the products at appropriate cost ,service and quality. Availability is a very important index during the assessment of the function of logistic system, which is not only the main object of logistic system optimization but also the concrete showcase of the logistic service level. As far as logistics enterprises concern,the logistic service is their core, customers are the enterprises' first resource, the enterprises' business performance comes from the logistic service they provide and the service comes from the needs of the customers. Whether the customer service level can meet the requirements from the customers is not only the key for logistics enterprises to occupy customers and markets but also the competitive edge for the logistics service suppliers.


Correct understanding of modern logistics for customer service level requirement
International logistics concept is generally recognized by the American association of logistics management in 1998, gives the definition, namely: "logistics is the supply chain activities of a part, is to meet customer need, to the goods, services and related information from origin to consumption and efficiently, low cost flow and storage of planning, implementation and control the process." This concept exact express logistics management theory of the core, namely system management thinking, the total cost concept and customer supreme theme. Logistics is the core to provide services, namely implement collection materials, information and finances as one of the comprehensive management, transportation, warehousing, packing, loading and unloading, circulation processing components, such as a grow-in-the-west son of the chain, and with the lowest cost, the enterprise of required materials, the goods on time, quantity, quality safely carried to production and circulation in any one place. Logistics system function goal is to meet customer needs. From the customer service perspective, logistics should take appropriate cost and appropriate service and appropriate quality, ensure the proper customer at the right time and right place, gain the appropriate product possibility that product availability. Accessibility is to evaluate logistics system function index, it is the main target of logistics system optimization, also be logistics service level with Hugh embodiment. For logistics enterprise that, logistics service is the kernel, customer is the primary resource of enterprises, enterprise's management performance from providing logistics services, and service comes from customer demand. Customer service levels can meet the requirements of customers, is logistics enterprise customers and market of the key, also be logistics service provider competition advantage.

The correct understanding modern physical distribution to customer service level's request <dnt> the </dnt> internationally general acceptance's physical distribution concept is the American Physical distribution Management Association the definition which gave in 1998, namely: “the physical distribution is supplies the chain activity a part, is to meet the customer needs, to the commodity, the service and the related information from the habitat the plan which, the implementation, the control process to the expense highly effective, the low cost flowing and the storage carries on”. This concept expressed the physical distribution management theory core accurately, is exactly manages the principle thought that the total cost concept and customer's supreme subject. The physical distribution core is provides the service for the customer, namely the implementation collection physical distribution, the information flow, the fund class are a body's omni-directional management, the transportation, the warehousing,


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倪珠耐邦:[答案] 1 When I'm in trouble, he always give me a hand.2 You can put the book into the bag.3 The farmers here plant many vegetables.4 The olds often tell the children stories about heros.5 As long as you don...

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倪珠耐邦: That section of speech, foolish thought you are said to me

松江区18056238862: 急求:麻烦哪位好心人士把以下汉语句子给我翻译成英语.1.当我遇到困难时,他总能送我帮助.2.你可以把... -
倪珠耐邦: 1 When I'm in trouble, he always give me a hand.2 You can put the book into the bag.3 The farmers here plant many vegetables.4 The olds often tell the children stories about heros.5 As long as you don't lose confidence, I'll give you a chance.

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倪珠耐邦: The little girl Tao Li wire (also translated the "multi-Luoqian") and the adoption because her aunt talk back, go out alone, the result was a tornado Guadao blooming flowers of Lilliput. In fairies and people's help, she along the Yellow Brick Road to ...

松江区18056238862: 那位好心人帮我把下面句子翻译成英文的,谢了!爱情是一种遇见,在对的时间遇到对的人,便成就了一段爱情.虽然终于遇到了对的人,却偏偏在错误的时... -
倪珠耐邦:[答案] Love is a meet,meet the right person at the right time,then the achievements of a paragraph of love.Although finally meet the person,but just at the wrong time,but regret,as not met.

松江区18056238862: 哪位好心人帮我翻译下面那句英文
倪珠耐邦: Harbor:海港 友谊是永远呵护你的港湾

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倪珠耐邦:[答案] 国际饭店集团不断进军中国市场,中国饭店业面临着越来越大的竞争压力.在这种情况下走集团化发展道路是它的必然选择.本文从我国饭店集团化发展的现状出发,找出中国饭店在集团化发展道路上面临的障碍,并对此提出相应的意见和对策,使中...

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倪珠耐邦: 期待有一天你能戴上我独一无二为你准备的结婚戒指.你的心只属于我!我的心也只属于你一个!

松江区18056238862: 哪位好心人懂英语的可以帮我把下面这段话翻译成英文吗?急需,感谢了
倪珠耐邦: Commercial illustration Hand painted characteristic presentation put to use Nowadays, the computer in business illustrations commonly in the application. No matter how advanced computer technology, stylist hand-drawn can better and faster ...

松江区18056238862: “真诚感谢您的关心,支持与帮助” 哪位好心的朋友能帮我把这段话翻译成英文呢啊,不要在线翻译,要准确 -
倪珠耐邦:[答案] I 我 或者 We 我们 后面是 sincerely appreciate your concern,support,and help.

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