
作者&投稿:衡蚁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


熬夜:to stay up
对...有益:is beneficial to
对...有害:is harmful to
吃药:to take madicine
感到困倦:to feel weary
感到可怕:to feel terrified
做早操:to do morning exercises
饭前洗手:to wash hands before you eat
刷牙:to brush teeth
在阳光下:in the sun
看报纸:to read newspapers
戒烟:to quit smoking
把...出示给...:to show......to.....
把垃圾放入垃圾箱:to put litter in the rubbish bin
乱扔垃圾:to litter
对...是必须的:it is essential for
没吃早饭去上学:to go to school without breakfast
健康有问题:to have health issues
空腹:empty stomach
进入人体:to enter the human body
通过皮肤:to penetrate the skin
多吃蔬菜水果少吃肉:to eat more fruit and Vegetables than meats
健康的饮食习惯:healthy eating habits
别践踏草地:Keep off the grass

2. 1 chemical reagent storing condition creation science depositing condition is guaranteed the experiment
uses the chemical reagent security,Reduced reagent loss, deterioration important link,Also is the chemistry
reagent maintenance important content. As the chemical reagent superintendent,Knew very well each kind tries
to examine and to stores the condition with the chemical reagent characteristic the request,And can try the medicinal preparation
according to chemistry the characteristic,Choice being suitable storing location and storehouse,Establishes the essential maintenance equipment and
the fire equipment. Even if otherwise has purchased the qualified chemical reagent,Also cannot guarantee its An
Quan,Reduced loss and deterioration.
2. 2 chemical reagent warehouses suppose the system chemical reagent warehouse the establishment to have to consider its position
sets at, the transportation, picks the luminosity, ventilates, moisture-proof and so on the factors. My unit's chemical reagent warehouse in
basement,Although satisfied coolly, has evaded the light the condition,But ventilates not well. We have taken
a series of measures in view of this situation,Increased the draft equipment through the transformation,Causes the air
to circulate,Has met the dry well ventilated requirements. Simultaneously in the chemical reagent warehouse has installed
the humiture idea,Records in the chemical reagent warehouse as necessary the humiture,Thus the good local constable
has proven the storing condition.
2. 3 实验用化学试剂的养护 这一工作从化学试剂入库到出
封口是否严密。有些化学试剂必须避光保存,如AgNO3 、三乙醇
胺应选择棕色玻璃瓶并外加黑色避光纸[1 ] 。有些实验用化学试
3 做好仪器试剂的计划和采购工作

你好请你帮我把这些全部翻译成中文 ABS AS PS HDPE LDPE PP PC POM...
ABS树脂(Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene)AS树脂的学名是丙烯腈-苯乙烯共聚物(acrylonitrile-styrene copolymer)PS(聚苯乙烯,一种无色透明的热塑性塑料)HDPE高密度聚乙烯 LDPE低密度聚乙烯 PP(PolyproPylene),简称PP ,是一种半结晶的热塑性塑料 PC(Poly Carbonate:聚碳酸酯)多聚甲醛(IUPAC命名...

5月第二个星期日)Memorial Day(Last Monday in May)烈士纪念日(5月最后一个星期一)Flag Day (June 14)国旗日( 6月14日)Father's Day (Third Sunday in June)父亲节(6月第三个星期日)上面两个学过英语没?翻译的什么啊,从软件翻译上直接拉过来的吧 对于完美口感,送你2个字 可悲 ...

试着翻译了一段,看看行不行 亲爱的,<你怎么不在我身边>.心里觉得空空的.. dear, why r u not by my side? I feel so empty 亲爱的,你怎么不在我身边?dear, why r u not by my side?亲爱的,我们就这样分开了?永远分开了? Dear, do we just break up like that? Break up forever?

我们国家的绝大部分盐都是来自海上。 人们挖掘很多大型的水池让海水进来。当太阳晒干水分,人们就能从地上获得盐。盐雪白,干净而且漂亮。

风信子,hyacinth 悲伤 sadness 萱草, day lily 遗忘的爱 oblivious love 桔梗,balloonflower 不变的爱 changeless love 蓝色妖姬,The Blue Dream 相守是一种承诺,相遇是一种宿命,你是我最深的爱恋 guardianship is an acceptance, meet is a destiny, you are my most deep beloved.我们的爱,糖...

求英语高手帮我把下面的这些中文翻译为英文,变成一篇《我的假期》的作 ...
好长啊 但是我翻译出来了:Years may wrinkle the time old man quietly basked in invisible space between the woods on that day, playing fairies, already out of childhood red house, the green grass, bathed in the snow to rush to attractive maturity, in this clip the awaken of ...

求大神帮我把这些越南语 翻译成中文 谢谢

1.熏衣草 lavender 2.勿忘我 myosotis 3.风信子 hyacinth 4.彼岸花(曼珠沙华)manjusaka 5.矢车菊 cornflower 6.欧石楠 Calluna 7.日本樱花 Japanese cherry 8.扶桑 Hibiscus 9.杜鹃 Rhododendron 10.满天星 Gypsophila 11.月季 Rosa chinensis 12.蔷薇 Rosa multiflora 13.接骨木 erberry 14....


但是发现英文本身就有很多的语法错误 所以准确度,就不好把握了哦,呵呵,以下是我翻译的,参考下吧 我在寻找一个具有内在美的搭档,你知道外在美不会永远驻留,只有具 有内在美才算是美丽。你看过你的照片,从照片里你的面庞和眼睛,我 可以看的出来你具有内在美,并且能够将这种美丽持续发展。我...

丰都县18310501659: 英语翻译哪位强人帮我把这些中文翻译成英文? -
郯邢四妙:[答案] Today is May,12th.

丰都县18310501659: 帮我把这些汉语翻译成英语~ -
郯邢四妙: 1.With the help of my teacher,i'm good at English. i'm good at English with the help of my teacher.2.My pen friend is a 14 year old boy who lives in a small village in Hunan Province.3. With the help of map, wu travelled across the Europe.4. He won the...

丰都县18310501659: 帮我把这些中文翻译成英语句子
郯邢四妙: 11. for project hope, thousands of children have better lives. 12. I have long time no read such a good book. 13. The book is very good, so I have to keep this book for my library. 14. so far we haven't found life on Mars. 15. life on earth has millions of ...

丰都县18310501659: 请帮我把这些中文翻译成英文
郯邢四妙: Do you know? I'm very eager to you at my side.

丰都县18310501659: 谁能帮我把这些中文句子翻译成英文句子.
郯邢四妙: 1.这些飞机是哪里生产的?Where are these planes made? 2.昨晚找什么东西?What did you find last night? 3.这些卡车用来运苹果.The trucks are used for transporting apples. 4.冰箱用来干什么?What is a fridge used for? 5.盐产于中国东南一带...

丰都县18310501659: 谁能帮我把这些中文翻译成英文啊?
郯邢四妙: I am from China, but unfortunately I was lured trafficked to your country, I'm helpless, I want to go back to China please help me!

丰都县18310501659: 急急急!!!请帮我把这些汉语翻译成英语
郯邢四妙: Tourism is a good activity, physical health. Travel offers beautiful scenery, fresh air. You can also make friends. Need to know the weather before traveling with good clothes and commonly used drugs. Tourism in the way pay attention to safety. Wish you a happy travel

丰都县18310501659: 帮我把这些中文翻译成英文
郯邢四妙: 1. help mother with housework 2. read books and learn to play piano, because I like music 3. go to bed on time 4. read books everyday

丰都县18310501659: 英语翻译拜托各位大神帮我把这些汉语翻译成英语 → → 丫头不管现在的处境多困难、你要相信自己……是金子总会发光的.其实有些事不必在意,走自己的路... -
郯邢四妙:[答案] 丫头不管现在的处境多困难、你要相信自己……是金子总会发光的.其实有些事不必在意,走自己的路让别人说吧 以后不管遇到怎样的困难一定要坚强以乐观淡然的心态面对每一件事.我希望明天能看见你的微笑My girl,you shou...

丰都县18310501659: 谁能帮我把这些中文翻译成英文? -
郯邢四妙: Her playing is always so solemn and beautiful, his singing tone, whether strong or weak is the most gentle. b Many people are very surprised that I was a time when the requirements are too strict, Baroque music is characterized by the structure is ...

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