
作者&投稿:舟胁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1、The boy went to the recepttion.
2、The boy is at the recepttion .
3 The boy is far from the recepttion.
4、The cat jumped onto the table.
5、The cat on the table
6、The cat fall off the table.
7、It is above the car.
8、It is below the car.
9、The boy is in front of the car.
10、The boy is behind the car.
11、The policeman is behind two cars.
12、The boy walks into the house.
13、The girl is in the house.
14、 The boy walks out of the house .

The most important qualities:helpful,friendly,kind

Reasons:I think make friends should care about each other,help each other.

Feb 1: to clean up the house and prepare for reunion dinner;
Feb 1 till mid night: to dine till 2359 hours for the new year;
Feb 2: get lucky money
Feb 2: to pay our senior member of the family visit and wish them a very prosperous new year;
Feb 3: To visit our relatives and friend for new year;
走进大门的右侧是问讯处(formation desk)。鹦鹉馆紧挨着问讯处。如果需要饮料或想吃点东西,小吃部(cafeteria)就在鹦鹉馆的后面,所以有些嘈杂。狮虎山与鹦鹉馆相对,狮子在前,老虎在后。斑马在进大门左侧的第一个房子里。大象房正对着大门,而猴山则在挨着大象房的左角侧。袋鼠馆则在鹦鹉馆过去,紧挨着大象房的右角侧。最后,熊山在左侧的狮虎山和猴山之间。

I always take a shower.
I do the homework very often
I often play football
sometimes I watch the TV
I never go shopping
I don't often go to bed early o sometimes I go to bed early

1/The largest mammals in the world.
3/White Rhinoceeros
4/100 feet long
5/8000 pounds
6/White Rhinoceeros
In new year,my family want to travel,but every one have different ideas. so i look for many books,and i want go to beijin,because i think there is our capital city,i like the Great Wall and the imperial palace.and some food tastes delicious every year,a lot of visitors come to there. I think we have a good travel.

  P41 1、helicopter abacus ferry ambulance handcuffs purse cycling trainer astronaut 2、one hundred and fifty eight two thousand and one 45 percent
  zero point two five six piont zero three sixty centigrade six pointi five nine
  one thousand five hundred and seventy one one sixth three fifth
  P48 what's your favorite sports?
  A man steal from a tourist a purse
  They did catch the thief
  Our class consist of 40 students
  l aim the torch at his eye .
  P49 (横着写)
  1、 I attend school everyday. I attended church yesterday.
  I will be attending a concert tomorrow.
  I have to explain why I am late everyday.
  I explained the question to her two days ago.
  I will be explaining the details next week.
  The thief steals everyday.
  He stole the wallet last Sunday.
  They will be stealing the painting tomorrow.
  She likes to invite people to her house everday.
  She invited me to her party yesterday.
  She invited me to her party yesterday.
  She will be inviting me to her party tomorrow.
  2、 75美圆 60美圆






假期--计划落空的期间。在这期间里所作的下学期的计划 也要落空。

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11、The policeman is behind two cars.12、The boy walks into the house.13、The girl is in the house.14、 The boy walks out of the house .The most important qualities:helpful,friendly,kind Reasons:I think make friends should care about each other,help each other.Feb 1...

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骆虹猗清:[答案] 是这个么? P51-53 1、The boy went to the recepttion. 2、The boy is at the recepttion . 3 The boy is far from the recepttion. ... Feb 1 till mid night:to dine till 2359 hours for the new year; Feb 2:get lucky money Feb 2:to pay our senior member of the family ...

鹤壁市13875129115: 求2011年七年级寒假作业英语答案(深圳报业集团出版社) -
骆虹猗清: 是这个么?P51-531、The boy went to the recepttion.2、The boy is at the recepttion .3 The boy is far from the recepttion.4、The cat jumped onto the table. 5、The cat on the table6、The cat fall off the table.7、It is above the car.8、It is below the car....

鹤壁市13875129115: 跪求 2011 年七年级寒假作业答案(只要科学和英语) -
骆虹猗清: P51-531、The boy went to the recepttion.2、The boy is at the recepttion .3 The boy is far from the recepttion.4、The cat jumped onto the table. 5、The cat on the table6、The cat fall off the table.7、It is above the car.8、It is below the car.9、The boy...

鹤壁市13875129115: 2011年七年级上册寒假作业答案 -
骆虹猗清: 数学寒假作业:P1-2 一、1-8:CCCBDCCC 二、9.老王赔了42元 10.-2.5 11.0 12.万,4 13.0 14.P3-4 一、1-8:ACDACDAC 二、9.0 10.5 11.x=2,y=2 12.12或6 13.4 14.4 15.-2.034*10的九次方16.-3.14P5-6 一、1-8:BAABABDA P7-8 一、1-8:...

鹤壁市13875129115: 2011年初一全部寒假作业的答案
骆虹猗清: 1、D 2、D 3、B 4、C 5、D 6、D 7、A 8、D 9、A 10、D 11、A 12、B 13、B 14、D 15、D 16、D 17、A 18、D 19、D 20、B 21、C 2 2、D 23、D 24、C 2 5、B 26、D 2 7、C 2 8、C 2 9、B 30、A 31、D 32、B 33、A 34、D 35、D 36、...

鹤壁市13875129115: 2011年七年级上册寒假作业答案浙江教育出版社 -
骆虹猗清: http://hi.baidu.com/%BB%D8%D2%E4o/blog/item/0b96cc50bbd243581138c26a.html

鹤壁市13875129115: 2011年七年级上册人教版山东出版社寒假作业英语地理历史生物政治答案 -
骆虹猗清: 英语:p21 A:dictionary 1、boring 2、cousin 3、excuse 4、hotel 5、lunch 6、many 7、Sunday 8、uncle 1、sale 2、school 3、science 4、see 5、short 6、spell 7、star 8、swim C:2、things around you 3、colors 4、making new friends 5、...

鹤壁市13875129115: 青岛2011初一寒假作业答案 -
骆虹猗清: 6. 2. 沿着这条街走. Paul 没有能够打开那个罐头. Paul _____ ______ ______ the tin! He is _______ _______ football. 3. Go along this street. Nancy 非常感谢你. 他每天早上一直睡到7点钟. 5. He _______ _______ 7 o'clock every morning. 他...

鹤壁市13875129115: 2011初一寒假作业的答案 -
骆虹猗清:[答案] 祝伟大祖国繁荣昌盛,人民幸福安康 讯 粽 刨 罚 赌 卖 和 环 黑白分明 内正外园 三长两短 闲情逸致 心烦意乱 摩拳擦掌 亲朋好友

鹤壁市13875129115: 求深圳市宝安区2011初一上学期《寒假作业》中的英语部分答案.就是英语全部的答案啊!!快来人啊救命.......好的加分!!是全部..最好写清楚点.... -
骆虹猗清:[答案] 英语P41 helicopter abacus ferry ambulance handcuffs purse cycling trainer astronautone hundred and fifty eighttwo thousand and one 45 percent zero point two five six piont zero threesixt...

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