
作者&投稿:闻饼 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)





Two days later, within the magically shielded dungeons of Dalaran, Kael'thas and his blood elf brethren languish in their cells, awaiting their inevitable executions.

Prince Kael'thas: How could I have let this happen to my brethren? Locked in these cells, our thirst for magic will devour us.

Guard Marcus: It'll all be over soon, traitor. Lord Garithos plans to execute the lot of you at dawn.

Guard Trogdar: Sunrise can't get here fast enough. These elves give me the creeps.

Guard Marcus: Don't worry. This prison was built by the Kirin Tor to keep their pets from getting loose. The elves' magic is useless inside those enchanted cells.

Unknown to the Human guards mocking Kael'has, Lady Vashj and some naga are just arriving behind them. Their carelessness became their deaths.

Lady Vashj: Greetings, Kael. I assume we're not too late.

Prince Kael'thas: On the contrary, Vashj. Your timing is impeccable. Once again I am in your debt. But even if we free my brethren, there is nowhere to run. Garithos' forces outnumber us ten to one.

Lady Vashj: You stand at a dangerous crossroads. You can either stay here and be slaughtered by human hands ... or choose a darker path ... to freedom.

Prince Kael'thas: What is this darker path?

Lady Vashj: In the city above us stands a portal -- a gateway that leads to other worlds.

Prince Kael'thas: Yes, I know it. The Lich, Kel'Thuzad, opened it to bring Archimonde here.

Lady Vashj: Yes. My master, Illidan, awaits us on the other side of that portal! Lead your people to him, and he will forge you a new destiny. He will sate your people's burning hunger.

Prince Kael'thas: Side with a rogue demon ... or lead my people to their certain deaths. There is no choice here, Vashj. We'll have to free my lieutenants first. They'll be able to rally the others while we assault the exit.

Lady Vashj: As you will.

Blood Elf Lieutenants
- Free the Blood Elf Lieutenants (0 of 4)
- Kael and Vashj must survive

Garithos has imprisoned your Blood Elf Lieutenants within special magical cages. Break them free so that they can release your brethren and prepare for the upcoming battle with Garithos.

Navigating through the dungeons of Dalaran, underground, Kael'thas and Lady Vashj search every cell hoping to find the other four Blood Elf Lieutenant Warriors.

Blood Elf Lieutenant: Prince Kael! We knew you'd come!

Blood Elf Lieutenant - Powerful melee unit with the Defend ability. Lieutenants are also immune to magic, and Flamestrike can be cast upon them without harming them.

Prince Kael'thas: That guard means to sound the alarm! Stom him! The alarm's been sounded! Prepare yourselves!

An assault of Human guards attack Kael'thas and Lady Vashj. The Lieutenants help greatly in defending their leaders while they range spells at the guards.

Prince Kael'thas: I sense powerful spirits stirring nearby. Arthas murdered a number of Archmagi when the Scourge ravaged this land. Now the wizards' invisible spirits can find no rest. Perhaps we should track them down and give them peace. I sense something ... elusive. Outstanding!

Ghosts of Dalaran
- Slay the Ghostly Archmagi (0 of 4 Slain)

The ghosts of the Archmagi slaughtered by Arthas during the destruction of Dalaran still haunt the decrepit ruins of the prison. Find their trapped spirits and slay them to release their tormented souls and give them peace.

HINT - Standing a unti on each rune in a set of matching runes can reveal secrets and open locked doors.

NEW ITEM RECEIVED - Ring of the Archmagi
This artifact increases in power as you collect each Gem Fragment.
A powerful artifact with a sliver of a fragmented gem inset. Increases the Strength, Agility and intelligence of the Hero by 1.

Searching the other remaining Lieutenants, Kael'thas, Lady Vashj and some of their Lieutenants get ambushed by Undead Scourge within the corridors of the Dungeon.

Prince Kael'thas: The undead fled into these tunnels when we retook the city!

After killing the undead, further in the dungeon Kael'thas sees Human guards blocking their way.

Prince Kael'thas: Hmm. That switch on the other side of the wall will release the creatures upon the guards.

One of the guards manage to run away.

Prince Kael'thas: If he trips the alarm, they will send in elite troops to stop us. Be wary! We've been discovered!

Guard Seth: The blasted elves are free! We can't take'em alone!

Guard Troy: We don't have to. We can loose these creatures on'em!

Guard Troy pulled the handle, opening the gates and setting loose 3 powerful War golems upon Kael'thas and Lady Vashj. They barely stood a chance in destroying them. Beyond the hall, they find another of the Lieutenants.

Blood Elf Lieutenant: It's good to see you alive, my prince. What are your orders?

The Lieutenant joined their team and kept searching their way out. Along their journey they find a Vault protected by any Human Guards and a War Golem. Inside they find relics of power and other items.

Essence of Aszune
Legends speak of an intelligent Orc who found the Heart of Aszune. This is the essence of her heart, precious to the NIght Elves. It has the power to heal the Hero that wields it. This item is permanent.

Frost Wyrm Skull Shield
This Ancient Frost Wyrm skull has been equipped with handles, turning it into a powerful shield. Increases armor by 2 when worn and reduces Magic damage dealt to the Hero by 33%

On their way out, they found the fourth Lieutenant, and set to leave the damned dungeons.

Blood Elf Lieutenants

Slay Jailor Kassan
- Slay Jailor Kassan and his guards
- Kael and Vashj must survive

The old Jailor of the sewer prison of Dalaran blocks the final gate barring you from the surface. Kill him and those guarding the gate with him so that the wrongfully imprisoned Blood Elves can push the fight into the city.

Jailor Kassan: You've gone as far as you're going to go, Prince Kael. Make it easy on yourself.

Prince Kael'thas: You served the Kirin Tor well, Kassan, but the old order has passed away. My people and I are leaving his damned prison one way or another.

Jailor Kassan: It's a shame to see a good wizard gone bad. Do what you have to do, lad.

Prince Kael'thas: My brethren are assembled, Vashj. Now all we need to do is reach this portal of yours and --

Lady Vashj: Hold, good prince. We will need to keep the portal open long enough to usher everyone through. But Garithos' forces will likely attack it before we can make our escape.

Prince Kael'thas: Then I will hold him at bay. I'll buy you all the time you'll need.

The Lieutenants find the other Blood Elves and rally them to meet Kael'thas and Lady Vashj above -- preparing to enter the portal to Outland.



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邵阳市15945398210: 魔兽3冰封王座怎么开人族地三章的隐藏任务
氐油知柏: 像上面说的,不过如果找不到用iseedeadpeople开秘籍显示全图,下来隐藏关是造塔来守不让人族攻击传送门,分为能量之塔,巨石之塔两个第一个,下来是火焰,再下来是冰霜,最后是死亡!一共三十波,如果不想顶开whosyourdaddy无敌来等三十波,下来会有熊猫,凯尔,女巫,三个人来救尤迪安.

邵阳市15945398210: 魔兽争霸3冰封王座人族战役第三章里怎么进入那个恶魔之门? -
氐油知柏: 隐藏关卡的门需要踩机关才能进

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氐油知柏: 第三章 达拉然的地牢主线任务 ①解救被囚禁的血精灵军官.一共有4位在地图上都有标记ج只需要打破魔法牢门就可救他们出来.另外还有一些没有标记出来的牢笼打开之后也会 获得新兵力的加盟②杀死监狱官凯撒.当救完军官后就可在地图...

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氐油知柏: 关于强盗...先A开那道门...然后拉20人口女妖一直跑...找到那个强盗头领...用女妖的技能 "占据" 来控制那个强盗头领...然后...整个强盗军团就是你的...如果怕女巫被点死...给所有敌方单位上个 "诅咒" 就行了...食人魔头领同理...

邵阳市15945398210: 魔兽争霸3人族战役第3章秘密关卡怎么激活 -
氐油知柏: 遇到秘密关卡提示的时候,有3个发亮的地砖,按照上下中的顺序踩下(貌似是这个顺序,错的话试试其他顺序).正确的话上面一个门会打开,进入接近一个大问号以后关卡激活

邵阳市15945398210: 魔兽争霸3冰峰王座血精灵战役问题 -
氐油知柏: 是红色神符吧 一个你想必发现了 往下走可以看见人族和不死在打架一群了 最下面有个发亮光的山洞走进去 到达高台 踩开启大门杀死9级的大法师得到最后的碎片 血法烧树 能找到开启恶魔之门 有个终级傀儡十分厉害杀了也没东西 但那的木箱里有3件宝物都不错 山洞对面有扇门 有三只绵羊 踩对方块可开启大门 怎么踩我忘了 多试试就行 有隐藏关卡开启神符 吃了后开启隐藏关卡 一定要玩 里面有不少宝物 通关后得到一只熊猫酒仙 在下一关里出现 但不会在一直给随

邵阳市15945398210: 魔兽3冰封王座人族攻略 -
氐油知柏: 最简单的 我发明的 (虽然可能不是第一个发明的)需要一点点操作 地图EI或TS 对手兽族或暗夜一开始3个人变民兵往前冲 剩下2个一起建伐木场 家里出3个农民采矿 这两个就采木行了(剩下的可以自己看着出一点农民) 3个冲到他基地变回...

邵阳市15945398210: 魔兽争霸人族副本第3关的问题 -
氐油知柏: ……呃……确定下,是WAR3冰封王座人族剧情战役--《血精灵的诅咒》里的第三章“达拉然的地牢”??大法师之戒的任务最后一扇门上面的那个红色魔法印记要进入下面人族和不死族的战场那的一个洞穴,战场位于最底部,周围有些大蘑菇...

邵阳市15945398210: 有谁知到魔兽争霸3冰封王座人类战役的秘密关卡如何进入? -
氐油知柏: 在一扇"钢铁之门"(或是其它的门)后面会看见三只棉羊,每只棉羊的前面会有一个升降台,按照“上”、“下”、“中”的顺序踩上去,上方的铁门就会开了.过了铁门就会看见一群“着火的飞羊”,它们中间就是一个秘密卡关激活.激活后过了这个卡关就可以玩秘密卡关了.

邵阳市15945398210: 魔兽争霸3冰封王座单人模式第三幕 -- 第一章怎么召唤食人魔
氐油知柏: 跑满地图自然可以了,按照任务做.

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