
作者&投稿:原苑 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

A pig has a snout for a nose, small eyes, and a small tail, which may be curly, kinked, or straight. It has a thick body and short legs. There are four toes on each foot, with the two large middle toes used for walking.

Pigs are omnivores, which means that they consume both plants and small animals. Pigs will scavenge and have been known to eat any kind of food, including dead insects, worms, tree bark, rotting carcasses, excreta (including their own), garbage, and other pigs. In the wild, they are foraging animals, primarily eating leaves and grasses, roots, fruits and flowers. Occasionally, in captivity, pigs may eat their own young, often if they become severely stressed.

as fat as a pig [蔑]肥得象猪 bleed like a pig 血流如注 blind pig [美俚]非法卖酒的商店 bring one's pigs to a fine market 卖得吃亏; 失败, 失算 bring one's pigs to a pretty market 卖得吃亏; 失败, 失算 bring one's pigs to a the wrong market 卖得吃亏; 失败, 失算 drive one's pigs to a fine market 卖得吃亏; 失败, 失算 drive one's pigs to a pretty market 卖得吃亏; 失败, 失算 drive one's pigs to a the wrong market 卖得吃亏; 失败, 失算 buy a pig in a poke 没有仔细看货就买下来 盲目答应 buy a pig in a bag 没有仔细看货就买下来 盲目答应 carry one's pigs to market [罕]企图出售某物; 力求获得某种结果 cold pig [俚]用冷水把睡着的人泼醒的办法 drive one's pigs to market [废]打鼾 follow sb. like Anthony 追随某人 follow sb. like a Tantony 追随某人 get the wrong pig by the tail [美]捉错了人; 怪错了人; 搞错了对象 give sb. a pig of his own sow 以其人之道还治其人之身 give sb.a pig of oneself 大吃大喝, 吃得太多, 成了贪吃贪喝的人 go to pig's and whistle [俚]完蛋, 毁灭 grease the fat pig [罕]对有钱人行贿 guinea pig

[美俚]豚鼠, 天竺鼠; 供试验用的人[物]; [古]因微劳而受重酬的人 in pig 怀小猪的(指母猪) long pig 人肉(食人部落用语) make a pig of oneself 狼吞虎咽, 大吃大喝 please the pigs [谑]如果情况许可, 要是一切顺利 sell a pig in a poke 用欺骗手段出售货品; 挂羊头卖狗肉 sell a pig in a bag 用欺骗手段出售货品; 挂羊头卖狗肉 stick pigs (骑在马上)以梭镖猎野猪 sweat like a pig [口](因出力或恐惧而)全身冒汗 teach a pig to play on a flute [口]教猪吹笛, 做荒唐[不可能]的事 The pigs ran through it. [方]事情因有人干预而不能进行。 We don't kill a pig every day. [口]我们不是天天设宴行乐。 What can you expect from a pig but a grunt. [口]狗嘴里吐不出象牙来(用来讲粗野无礼的话的人)。 What can you expect from a hog but a grunt. [口]狗嘴里吐不出象牙来(用来讲粗野无礼的话的人)。 when pigs fly 除非猪会飞; 决不; 决不可能 pig between two sheets [美俚]火腿三明治 pig in a poke 未经过目[仔细看]而购进的货 pig in a bag 未经过目[仔细看]而购进的货 pig in the middle [口](在争论的双方之间)处在中间的人 piggy in the middle [口](在争论的双方之间)处在中间的人 pig it (=pig together)[口]象猪样地挤在一起, 在肮脏拥挤的地方居住 [美俚](因吃力或喘不过气来而)停止奔跑, 放慢速度; (因怯懦而)退却 pigs in clover 行为粗鲁的有钱人 心满意足 一种滚弹子入盘穴的游戏 暴发户 pigs might fly (if they had wings) [讽]那猪也会飞了; 除非出现奇迹; 除非公鸡下蛋
pig hog swine 都含“猪”的意思。
pig 是常用词, 指“猪”、“小猪”、“猪肉”, 如:
roast pig
hog 指“阉过供食用的公猪”, 尤指“重量超过一百二十磅的阉过的供食用的公猪”, 如:
raise hogs
swine 是文学用语, 指“猪”, 有时借喻“讨厌的人”, 如:
You swine!

1、There is no pig eating pig in the slot.


2、A cow needs a round foot and a pig needs a thick foot.


3、All kinds of meat are inferior to pork and all kinds of vegetables are inferior to cabbage.


4、Fish eat and jump, pigs bark.


5、Pig front (leg) dog (leg).


6、Green onion, cooked garlic, old fish, tender pig.


7、Raising children is better than raising pigs.


8、Wo Yun three times without pig bran.


9、You can't recognize the stolen goods with a pig's head on your back. Stolen gongs and drums cannot be beaten.


10、There is no pig eating pig in the slot.


I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it

I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it

of the ori-ole beh-ind 2one ove-rrate-s oneself as a ma-nti-s tries to stop a ch-ar-iot 3A little le-ak will s-ink a gre-at ship 4an ant tries to sha-ke a tree 总说我词汇MINGGAN 我把中文省略了 按你的顺序写。 英文你去掉所有的- 就是单词原貌了 ...

英语课要做谚语典故的口头报告大家帮帮忙告诉我一些英语谚语的出处或典故或者是告诉我什么网站可以找相关的内容也可以最好是英文版的谢谢了... 英语课要做谚语典故的口头报告 大家帮帮忙 告诉我一些英语谚语的出处或典故 或者是告诉我什么网站可以找相关的内容也可以 最好是英文版的 谢谢了 展开 ...

let the cat out of the bag 泄露秘密 as quiet as a mouse非常安静;不声不响 raining cats and dogs 大雨倾盆 wolf in sheep s clothing: 伪装友善的敌人;披着羊皮的豺狼 The ugly duckling has grown into a swan: 女大十八变 是duckling,不是 duching ...

关于动物的英语谚语 谚语是人类智慧的结晶,是充满了色彩的语言形式,如诗歌一般是语言文化的精华。谚语一般具有生动形象、喻义明显、富于哲理的语言特征,真实地反映了社会生活的各个方面。英语中也有很多谚语,当然啦,英语谚语反映了英语民族的文化特点。其发展也如中文谚语一样源远流长,既有广为流传的...

用dog表达的谚语:1. Barking dogs seldom bite.吠犬不咬人(意指:对于高声发出恐吓,或惯于大声吼叫的人,勿须当真)。2. Every dog has his day.凡人皆有得意日(意指:大家都有走运的一天)。3. Dog does not eat dog.同类不相残;同室不操戈。亥猪 十二. 猪——Boar 在英语中boar一词指...

用dog表达的谚语:1. Barking dogs seldom bite.吠犬不咬人(意指:对于高声发出恐吓,或惯于大声吼叫的人,勿须当真)。2. Every dog has his day.凡人皆有得意日(意指:大家都有走运的一天)。3. Dog does not eat dog.同类不相残;同室不操戈。十二. 猪——Boar 在英语中boar一词指未...

When the fox says he is a vegetarian, it's time for the hen to look out. 狐狸说它吃素时,母鸡要注意.有关狼的谚语:Don't trust a goat with the kitchen-garden, or a wolf with sheepfold. 不能请羊管菜园,不能请狼管羊圈.有关羊的谚语:If one sheep leaps over the ditch, all...

(2) A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 双鸟在林不如一鸟在手。 (3) Birds of a feather flock together. 物以类聚,人以群分。 (4) It’s an ill bird that fouls own nest. 家丑不可外扬。 (5) Fine feathers make fine birds. 人要衣装,马要鞍。 (6) A bir...

英语谚语大全 The secret of success is constancy of purpose. 成功的秘诀是目标坚定。 The shortest answer is doing the thing. 最简短的回答就是干。 The shortest way to do many things is to do only one thing at a time. 要想多做事情,最简单的办法是一次只做一件事。 The sky is not less ...

有关保护动物的英语谚语你知道哪些呢?以下是我为大家整理的保护动物的英语谚语名句,希望能帮到您,欢迎阅读。 保护动物的谚语英文翻译 1、关爱生灵,保护鸟类。 Care for life and protect birds. 2、没有动物,生命没有了动力。 Without animals, life is powerless. 3、善待动物,和谐生存! Be kind to animals...

盐湖区13579766413: 英语翻译有关猪的英语谚语,带翻译,越多越好 -
黎月玉泉:[答案] eats like a pig..吃得像猪一样,又多又难看 很早以前我就懂得,永远不要与猪争斗.因为你会弄得很脏,而猪就喜欢你这样. I learned long ago,never to wrestle with a pig.You get dirty,and besides,the pig likes it 有关猪的英语习语 pigs might fly无稽之谈...

盐湖区13579766413: 有没有观于猪的谚语,限英语. -
黎月玉泉: 1、A pig of something.——谚语 中文翻译:跟猪一样的事情 被用来比喻“烦人的事情”或者“苦差事儿”. 2、Buy a pig in a poke.——谚语 中文翻译:买了装在袋子里的猪 被用来比喻“瞎买东西”或者“盲目接受”.这个短语源于法语,说...

盐湖区13579766413: 关于猪的英语谚语
黎月玉泉: Pigs might fly.绝不可能. Please the pigs如果运气好的话 in a pig's whisper 低声地;顷刻间 teach a pig to play on a flute教猪吹笛,做荒谬事 bring one's pigs to a fine market卖得吃亏,失算 buy a pig in a poke (未见实物而)瞎买东西 drive one's pigs to market 打鼾 live like pigs in clover 生活优裕,养尊处优

盐湖区13579766413: 关于猪的英国谚语 -
黎月玉泉: Pigs might fly: 那太不可能了! 汉语里,若觉得某一建议荒诞、离奇或根本不可能实现,我们常常会反讥对方:“啊,除非太阳从西边出来!”.英语中,类似的意思可用俚语“There's a pig flying by!”(字面意:猪飞了起来)来表达. 很明显...

盐湖区13579766413: 与猪有关的英语习语 越多越好 急急急! -
黎月玉泉: piggy bank:储蓄罐 Pig out 狼吞虎咽地大吃.Pig out = make a pig of oneself.它们都有“狼吞虎咽”的意思 When pigs fly 无稽之谈.如果哪一天猪都能飞起来,那可真是怪了,所以这句话就用来表示某事根本不可能,纯属无稽之谈. drive one's pigs to market 打鼾 in a pig's whisper (俚语) 低声地;顷刻间 teach a pig to play on a flute 教猪吹笛;做荒谬/不可能做到的事.涉及猪的词语还有hog(食用猪)、sow(牝猪),swine(猪:旧用法),boar(未阉割的公猪.公野猪.)

盐湖区13579766413: 含有dog的英语谚语 -
黎月玉泉: love me love my dog clever dog 聪明的人 like a dog with two tails 无比高兴 lucky dog 幸运儿 lazy dog 懒家伙 yellow dog 无赖 dirty dog 坏蛋 it rains cats and dogs 下倾盆大雨 die like a dog 不得好死 Barking dogs seldom bite. 吠犬不咬人(意指:...

盐湖区13579766413: 关于猪的英语文章 作文 -
黎月玉泉:[答案] 关于猪的英语文章有关猪的英语习语pigs might fly无稽之谈,奇迹可能会发生“The management might offer us a decent pay rise.” “Pigs might fly!”buy a pig in a poke (未见实物而)乱买东西(吃了亏)You'll have to show me the car; I don't intend...

盐湖区13579766413: 有关猪的谚语或贺年广告语 -
黎月玉泉: as fat as a pig [蔑]肥得象猪 bleed like a pig 血流如注 blind pig [美俚]非法卖酒的商店 bring one's pigs to a fine market 卖得吃亏; 失败, 失算 bring one's pigs to a pretty market 卖得吃亏; 失败, 失算 bring one's pigs to a the wrong market 卖得...

盐湖区13579766413: 含有动物的英语谚语 意思要 -
黎月玉泉: 英语中有关动物的谚语1.Bird (1) Kill two birds with one stone. 一箭双雕;一举两得. (2) A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 双鸟在林不如一鸟在手. (3) Birds of a feather flock together. 物以类聚,人以群分. (4) It's an ill bird that fouls ...

盐湖区13579766413: 关于DOG的英语谚语 -
黎月玉泉: “A dog will not howl if you beat him with a bone.” * 骨头打狗 狗不叫. “A good dog deserves a good bone.” * 有劳得奖. “A living dog is better than a dead lion.” * 一条活狗胜过一头死狮. “All are not thieves that dogs bark at.” * 犬之所...

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