
作者&投稿:隐童 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

A: May I have your attention, please? Hello, my dear friends. Welcome to my dinner party. The party is about to begin. Let’s start eating now.

B: Hi. The food is so delicious in your party.

A: Thanks for your praise. Which food do you like best?

B:I like the meatballs best.

A: Can you tell me why?

B: They're made of meat, but not like hamburgers or some have meat but bad for peoples’ body.

A: Oh, yes. Meatballs are delicious, but not like ice cream or chocolate have too much sugar and fat.

Well, actually, everyone wants to achieve success as we all have our own dreams. However, success in life can be achieved in different ways. Many magazines and television programmes show us that success can be measured in terms of money, or having a successful job. In my opinion, whatever you do, there are some factors we should consider of it if you want to be successful. For instance, we should grasp the opportunity, and we should be self confident, then, we need to work efficiently. But failure is what usually happens around us. So I think we need to analyse in detail how to achieve success, because success is one part of our life plan, for example, we need to find an ideal and suitable job. Or maybe, it will be one of the valuable experiences that we can find our deficiency so that we can improve ourselves. When we get the goal in the end, we will be satisfied with the final result。
Some people say the key to success is good luck, while others claim it is hard work that really counts. It is no doubt that successful people do take the advantage of opportunities. But if they don’t work hard, they can only wait to see opportunities passing by. So in my opinion, opportunity, devotion and perseverance are three fundamental factors in success.
Opportunity is the first key to success, as the opportunities are rare and only the luckiest persons can obtain them. However, we have to say that various kinds of opportunities are around us all the time. But, we must try our best to find them and make full use of them。
Diligence, it means to work without any waste of time. If we waste time, our future life will be a failure. If we are diligent now, we might not be able to get successful in the future.
Perseverance is also indispensable for success, without which we can hardly overcome the difficulties and will have nothing accomplished .
In conclusion, success is not something easy to achieve, and it will be based on opportunity, devotion and perseverance. Just as the old saying goes, ‘where there is a will, there is a way.’


To some people, friendship means “nobody is in charge.” Friendship is strictly egalitarian. Neither partner exercises authority over the other.
If this is what you mean by “friendship,” then the question seems to be about the effects of permissive (or even neglectful) parenting.
Research suggests that kids do better when their parents show affection and enforce age-appropriate limits on their children’s behavior
Consider the parent who enforces limits and avoids worrying her kids with detailed accounts of her adult personal problems.
She is first and foremost a mother to her kids.
But she might also see herself as a friend because she and her kids share a sense of mutual loyalty, trust, and respect.
In addition...
• She treats her children as individuals with minds of their own.
• She talks with her kids about their thoughts, hopes, ideas, and feelings.
• She shares bits of her own “mental life” with them--not the bits likely to distress kids, but bits that help kids see their parents as human beings (Example: “I’m disappointed. I wish we could go to Disneyland, too, but we can’t afford it.”)
This notion of friendship seems consistent with the literature on secure attachments, “mind-minded parenting,” inductive discipline (explaining why it’s important to follow rules), and authoritative parenting (parenting that is warm and responsive, but also associated with high standards).
Is this really friendship?
It’s not a strictly egalitarian friendship. It’s more like the sort of friendship that some adults manage to have with authority figures--like senior colleagues, supervisors, commanding officers, community leaders, or religious advisors.
Both parties respect each other. They care about and trust each other. They can have interesting conversations and enjoy each other’s company in informal settings. But there are constraints. The dominant party has to keep some information to himself. And there are times when the dominant party must exercise his authority.
Is it worth it? I suppose it depends on your personal characteristics and cultural beliefs. And maybe some kids don’t adapt well to the parent-as-authoritative-friend model.



Holiday is the time for people to relax and enjoy. Recently, my family and I had a trip to Perth. All the fun we had is still lingering in my soul, how I wish we could stay longer there.

Perth is located in Western Australia, it gave us an ideal idyllic holiday which no other country could offer.This city quaint has its own unique charm which captivated the hearts of my whole family. on the first day that we landed in Perth, we were warmly welcomed by the service staff in Maxsis Hotel. Their service was impeccable. It was more than a comfortable abode to ease our jet-lagged bodies on the first day. Knowing that we were visiting Perth for the first time, the reception immediately arranged for my family to be taken to one of their finest room that overlooked the mesmerising sights of the city.

By the second day, we were well rested to Perth. My father took out a rented car and we commenced on our self-drive trip. The scenery of rolling hills and lush greenery exuded tranquility. We drank in the enrapturing sights and sounds of Perth. Our first destination was City Beach, my family and I had a perfect tan while lazing on the bustling beach. The myrial of bikini babes and surfer dudes was quite a fascinating sight for my parents. City Beach is well-known for its postcard-worthy sunset sights. The fiery sun retiring beyond the horizons on the Indian Ocean was truly a sight to behold.

Mandurah Beach was my unlimate favourite, which I am sure you will concur with me. Windsurfing, kite surfing, bodyboarding and boating on the waterways; you name it they have it. It is a paradise for us watersports lovers. Mandurah Beach provided all of activities which whetted my appetite for adrenaline rush thrills. I managed to pack windsurfing and body boarding into my itinerary for that day, while my parents went kite surfing and boating on the inviting waterways. This pristine crystalline beach is truly a gem in Perth. A must-go! We ended our third day by driving to Floreat Beach to have a look at its renowned clear waters. It was indeed crystal clear. A wonderful beach for snrkelling. After a long day of outdoor activities, we finally cheacked into Medina Hotel Apartments, it was beautiful accommodation that was just a stone throwaway from the beach. Luxurious and comfortable, we had a restful night to recharge ourselves.

On our fourth day, it was time for shopping and some Australia cultural immersion. My mother and I conquered the major shopping malls in Perth's city for some of the best bargains, while my father idled the day away in several alfresco resturants. My father had field day enjoying exquisite Australian cuisine and wines. The shopaholics in me and my mother were satiated while the gastronomic delights and fabulous Australian wines ignited the glutton in my father. Finally we ended the day with an exotic cultural performance by the Aboriginal Tribe at the Perth Theatre.

On our fifth day we went for some shopping and a gourmet trail in the day. Georage's Meze Resturant in Subiaco serves excellent Greek cuisine. We had our dinner at Blue Duck Cafe which overlooked the striking Cotteslos Beach; alfresco dining and a brilliant sunset is best served at this delightful Australian cafe. The minute elegant cresent takes the night sky, Perth city comes alive. All the pubs and clubs were busting with locals and tourist alike. My parents signed me up for a club-hopping night tour, while they retired to the hotel fir some rest. I was ecstatic! I was all on my own and the people in the tour group were all youngsters like myself. The effervescent nightlife in Perth was beyond my dreams. The dance music and the DJs were all international standards. I really relished that night as the tour brought us from on pub to another club along Northbridge and Sabiaco! Every single one of them rocked!

Finally home sweet home after a perfect getaway in Perth, Australia. I highly recommend this itinerary to you. Personally I have no qualms about being an ambassador to recommend this charming Western Australia city to anyone who is looking for a short escapade from China.


1. A: Hello, How are you? what are you doing?
B: Oh, I am thinking something about my future. I want to be an English teacher, but I am too shy,and I don't dare to speak in public.
A: Haha, why do you want to be a teacher? It's so tired. You should stand all the time.
B: But I don't think so. I think it is a a respectable profession. It is meaningful. And I like staying with children, It can make me feel young.
A: Yes, I agree with you. Just be brave! You can get it.
B: Thank you! I will do my best.


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始烟蒙脱:[答案] A:Hi,happy to see you here. B:Me too. Which major are you? A:I'm English major. what about you ? B:i'm Chinese major. How about have lunch together? A:Ok.let's go.

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始烟蒙脱:[答案] Situation 7 A: Hey, what do you think of this dress? B: I don't know..I think it's showing too much of your neck. A: Well, it is a ... This dress is the prettiest dress I've ever seen. B: You cannot buy this dress. People might get wrong ideas if you wear a dress ...

浦北县19637154200: 英语口语考试,双人对话,求个话题 字数要求是双人对话1 - 2分钟左右 内容要简单易懂 常用对话 不要搞非主流topic:A.a computer major.needs help in landing ... -
始烟蒙脱:[答案] A:I'll graduate this year and I'm looking for a job. But because of the economic recession, the IT industry is shrinking and employment for a computer major is not good. B:Yes. You really have to ...

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始烟蒙脱: A:Hey, mate, it's fun to work in the gym, right ?Imagine that you can see many famous athletics here, you can say hello and take photos with them, isn't it cool?嘿,伙计,在体育馆工作是种乐趣不是吗?想象一下在这你可以见到很多著名的运动员,...

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始烟蒙脱:[答案] 对话范文就没有了 有篇自创的原文,你参考一下 Well, actually, everyone wants to achieve success as we all have our own dreams. However, success in life can be achieved in different ways. Many magazines and television programmes show us that ...

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