
作者&投稿:星选 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

比如说:Each memner's task:name Jerry :Asking assistants for information
Sara: Making the leaflet according to other member's results of researching.

如果只是得到答案,哪如何提高自己的阅读能力呢? 当然如果你完成了,而我也知道试题的话,我可以给你答案,让你去校对,找出错误,共同与你分析原因!

2、have dinner ,eleven books ,twenty- one boys,thirty -two girls,forty bags,eighty-five people,fifty-one,sixty-six,seventy-two,ninety-nine,fly a kite ,wait ,不得不,就这么干吧,play the piano ,我想去,a healthy body ,have breakfast,上一堂道德教育课,quiet classroom,slow,cry,cold


1. ask, ass
2. eat dinner, eleven library books, twenty-one boys, thirty-two girls, forty bags, eighty-five people, fifty-one, sixty-six, seventy-two, ninty-nine, fly a kite, wait, 必须, 快点做, play the piano, 我很想, healthy body, eat breakfeast, 上品性教育课quiet classroom, slow, cry, cold

3. dirty, healthy, bad, weak, ill, out, slow, cry, woman, wrong, ask, go

4. autumn, thicken, cinema, grape

吃晚饭(eat dinner) 十一本图书(eleven library books) 二十一个男孩(twenty-one boys) 三十二个女孩(thirty-two girls)
四十个书包(forty bags) 八十五个人(eighty-five people) 51 (fifty-one) 66( sixty-six) 72(seventy-two)99(ninty-nine)
放风筝 fly a kite 等待wait have to必须, 快点做 just do it不得不,就这么干吧 play the piano弹钢琴 I'd like to我很想
健康的身体healthy body 吃早饭eat breakfeast have a Moral Education lesson上品性教育课
安静的教室quiet classroom 慢slow 哭cry 凉cold
clean ill good strong healthy in quick laugh
man right answer come
答案:dirty, healthy, bad, weak, ill, out, slow, cry, woman, wrong, ask, go。
(1)u u m n a t (2)i e k c n t h (3)i e c m n a (4)a r g p e
答案:(1)autumn, (2)thicken, (3)cinema, (4)grape.

1. as+h=has
2. 吃晚饭 have dinner
十一本图书 eleven books
二十一个男孩 twenty-one boys
三十二个女孩 thirty-two girls
四十个书包 forty backpacks
八十五个人 eighty-five people
51 fifty-one
66 sixty-six
72 seventy-two
99 ninety-nine
放风筝 fly a kite
等待 wait
have to 必须
just do it 就做吧
弹钢琴 play piano
I'd like to 我愿意...
健康的身体 healthy body
吃早饭 have breakfast
have a Moral Education lesson 上一堂思想品德课
安静的教室 quiet classroon
慢 slow
哭 cry
凉 cool


(2) kitchen
(4) grape

1 ask
2have supper 3eleven books 4twenty-one boys 5thirty-two girls 6forty bags 7eighty-five people 8fifty-one 9sixty-six 10seventy-two 11 ninty-nine 12fly a kite 12wait for 13不得不14就着做15 play the piano 16我想17healty body 18 have breakfast 19上道德教育课/思想品德 20a quiet classroom 21slow 22 cry 23cool

1dirty 2healthy3bad 4 weak 5weak 6 out 7slow 8 cry 9woman 10wrong 11question 12go

1autumn 2technic 3cinema 4grape

一个小学六年级的寒假作业!求帮忙!3Q~~ 如下几题
1 设这个数为x 则有方程 2.5x-60=60 x= 2 今年体重 60*(1+10%)=66 放假后 66*(1-10%)=59.4 所以对比之下是轻了

七年级语文《快乐寒假》寒假作业及答案  我来答 1个回答 #热议# 你知道哪些00后职场硬刚事件?优点教育17 2022-07-13 · TA获得超过826个赞 知道大有可为答主 回答量:124 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:105万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 练习一 一、温故知新 1.给下列加点字注音。


大家好!我现担任班上的语文科代表.这句话有较深的含义.不能用一个不好和好来慨括.你照下面的写就是的了,包你的满分 1.要结合出这句话时的时代背景.2.如果这句话是给自己厂家来打广告,就表明是我厂的手表准确.24小时慢24小时刚好,等于没有慢.3.如果不是给自己打广告,就是贬义,证明无法走...

寒假作业太多了,求帮忙,拜托了 挺简单的
have dinner everyday 食谱 流星 健康食物 1 breakfast 2these 3food 4cake 5.vegetables dinner star healthy many friends

1)朝秦暮楚 战国时期,秦楚两个诸侯大国相互对立,经常作战。有的诸侯小国为了自身的利益与安全,时而倾向秦,时而倾向楚。比喻人反复无常。2)功成名就 功:功业。就:达到。功绩取得了,名声也有了。3)一筹莫展 筹:筹划、计谋;展:施展。一点计策也施展不出,一点办法也想不出来。


【 #一年级# 导语】关于假期作业,很多人会认为没有意义,但是哪有这么绝对的,任何事物都应该辩证的来看待,假期作业无疑可以让你巩固知识,不至于遗忘得重新复习,节省学习时间,而且假期作业的目的也不是让学生的时间都用在写作业上面。以下是 考 网整理的相关资料,希望让你这个寒假过得有意义。

1.母亲斥责他不务正业,赵军伤心地哭了【大概框架,随意补充】2.同学热心地把借书证给了她。【同上】3.理想是一粒需要你去播种使它成为粮食的种子,是一张需要你去描画和渲染的白纸,是一片需要你去开垦去改造的荒笼的绿洲。4.若隐若现 神乎其神 精益求精 贼喊抓贼 痛定思痛 防不胜防 举一...

放假都是一件非常开心的事情,但是各位同学们千万不要忘记写作业啦!温故而知新,可以为师矣。下面是我给大家整理的一些二年级寒假作业的答案,希望对大家有所帮助。 二年级语文 寒假作业答案 一、给句中带点字选择正确的读音,打“√”。(4分) 1.清(qīn qīng√)晨,小刺猬去森林里采(cǎi√ chǎi)果子...

南皮县15918164701: 急求~~~寒假英语作业5篇详细进 -
木美博静: I love my family,because I have a happy family.My father is an English teacher.His name is Jacky.He is thirty-eight.He likes playing basketball.What's my mother jop?Is she a teacher?Yes,you're right!My mother is very kind and nice,she is thirty-...

南皮县15918164701: 寒假作业英语题 -
木美博静: 1.Beijing is very far away from here(改为同义句)Beijing is not very near from here. 2.The meat is a kilo(How much is the meat?) 3.What did you use your pen for?(Why did you use your pen ?) 4.It's better to do something late than never(Better to do...

南皮县15918164701: 四年级英语寒假作业,帮帮忙!谢谢!!!
木美博静: The restaurant is on the second floor It's between the bank and supermaket I can see another one above the window

南皮县15918164701: 几个英语作文,这是寒假作业,急求答案!!!题目:在学校你最喜欢什么学科,最讨厌什么学科,原因分别是什么?用英文写下你的学校生活.注意,五十... -
木美博静:[答案] I'm 14 years old. I go to school by bike. The teachers are very kind and my classmates are friendly. There are seven classes every day. My favourite subject is history, because it is interesting. I don' t like maths at all, because it is difficult. (45 words) I have ...

南皮县15918164701: 四年级英语寒假作业,请帮帮忙!!!谢谢!!!!!!!!!! -
木美博静: woker工人 farmer 农夫 teacher教师 diver司机 cleaner清洁工 writer作家 singer歌手 killer杀手 dancer 舞蹈家 swimmer 游泳运动员 cooker 厨师 boxer拳师 doctor医生

南皮县15918164701: 小学四年级英语寒假作业 -
木美博静: 梳头do up one's hair 多少个月份how many month?下星期next week 你在哪呢where are you?做作业do one's homework 上床睡觉go to bed 我累了I'm tired 我们回来了we are go back.洗盘子wash dish 逃跑run away 拿出来take out 摆桌子to set the...

南皮县15918164701: 帮忙解决一下初2寒假作业,英语短文20篇,(要带翻译)
木美博静:My name is **,a boy from China.My favorite sports are table tennis and basketball.English and maths are my best subjects in school.I am the ohly child in my family.My mother is a doctor in a hospital near my school,and my father is a policeman.They...

南皮县15918164701: 寒假作业*(英语) 急! 帮我啊 -
木美博静: 前天晚上在学校礼堂里为新生举行一场晚会______ Held a party for the new students in school's hall at night of the day before yesterday.将冰箱里所有的事物都搬出来,然后清洗一下______ Move all food out of the fridge, and then clean them.你...

南皮县15918164701: 寒假作业中的英语作文,很急,希望大家帮帮我 -
木美博静: P:It's not so far frome here.First,go dowm Bridge Street turn left at the supermarket.Then go alone the Fifth Street and the hospital is just on your right.It's beside a hotel. You can't miss it.L:How long dose it take me to get there?P:About 15 minutes. ...

南皮县15918164701: 关于英语寒假作业 -
木美博静: 古代文明七大奇迹(The Seven Wonders of The Ancient World) (1)埃及吉萨金字塔The Great Pyramid of Giza 2500 BC Approximate - Egyptians (2)奥林匹亚宙斯巨像 Statue of Zeus at Olympia 435 BC - Greeks - Destroyed Fire (3)阿尔忒弥斯神...

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