
作者&投稿:城佳 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I'm glad my good friends are in class, in the new starting point 152, I will continue to work hard, let oneself enfant

BE an actor that works hard very much, for the sake of this drama, he paid a lot of diligent.his effort we all felt.

Though we are separated very far, I will support him forever, encouraging to inflate for him!

At my in the mind, you are second to none!!!I believe you!


The sooner the better!!!!


As there are only 2,160 pieces of 1104-1140005A in Hong Kong, arrangements will be made with Huarui of Shenzhen tomorrow to deliver the JE motors. Therefore customs clearance will be required. Please be advised that 2,160 pieces of 1104-1130008B will be dispatched from Hong Kong tomorrow as substitutes, with "Quality Problems" marked on the packaging.Thank you for your understanding. Please inform me when you have received the goods so that I will arrange the transportation. Thank you.
其中华瑞HUARUI 德昌是JE

Because there are only 2160 pcs 1104-1140005A in Hongkong, JE motors will be sent tomorrow by HUARUI. Therefore the goods need to be cleared by the customs. 2160 pcs 1104-1130008B will be sent tomorrow from Hongkong for substitute, "Quality problems" will be marked in outer packing.Thank you for your understanding. Please inform us when you receive the goods, We will arrange the transportation.


We'll arrange Shenzhen HuaRui to send JE Engine(electric machinery) tomorrow due to product "1104-1140005A" is out of stock in HongKong, only 2160 pcs left. Therefore, these 2160 pcs needs to be checked by custom, and will be sent instead from HongKong, with outer packing marked "Quality problem". Plese inform me when these good have been received, so that I will arrange the transportation, thank you !

Please be informed that tomorrow Shenzhen HUARUI will send 2160pcs JE motors of Id 1104-1140005A because of short stock of the item in Hongkong. Meantimes, because we have to balance the custom clearance, please send back 2160pcs motors of Id 1104-1130008B for replacement. Note on the package with label of "Quality Problem".

It would be highly appreciated if you inform me of your delivery timely, in order for me to arrange transportation and balance of custom clearance.

Thank you very much in advance for your supports.

Sincerely yours,

For 1104-1140005A 2160 Hong Kong stocks are inadequate arrangements for future delivery, Shenzhen Hua Rui Johnson Electric, which needs to be charged off, issue of Hong Kong is the 2160 1104-1130008B instead, packing and indicate the "quality issues", please know , get the goods back arrangements, please notify me, thank you!
Johnson is one of Huarui HUARUI JE Thank you.

a hundred 或是one hundred

99:ninty-nine 100:one hundred 就是这样,一点都没有错。要不要读的呢 ?应该不需要发音的吧~


100积分翻译一句英语 知道的速度举手
呵呵..4 U 2就是for you to I have no time for you to be playing with my heart like this !我没时间陪你玩弄了.玩弄感情.


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1到100:1~10:1one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9nine10 ten 11~20:11 eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen17seventeen 18 eighteen 19 nineteen 20 twenty 21~30:21twenty-one22twenty-two 23twenty-three 24twenty-four 25...

帮忙翻译一段 100分 不要软件翻译
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Everyone want to be healthy,because it is by health to longevity.Source of life in motion.The simplest is running,riding a bike.Whether rich or poor,can do two kinds of movement,can easily do the two movement,but not excessive exercise,it will damage the body.Keep a good ...

沅江市15251486960: 汉语翻英文请帮我翻译几句话,要把中文的意思和感觉(尤其是感觉)给翻译出来.不要机器翻译(这个我自己会做).先给100分,如果满意在加100分.总有一... -
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沅江市15251486960: 请帮人工翻译(不用机器翻)下列文字,用于毕业论文.包括题目、内容提要、关键字一起翻.谢谢! -
章池巴氯: The main reason for juvenile delinquency and Countermeasures Summary: With the economic development and so...

沅江市15251486960: 请帮忙翻译以下这几句话(谢绝机翻) -
章池巴氯: 1、因为我是漫画家,对人的一点动作、再细小的动作都抱有好奇心.因此,当我在外国失败的时候,马上,就能比别人更敏锐的感觉到那个国家的人们就给我脸色看. 2、认识的人当中,有每年暑假的时候到葡萄牙海边的宾馆一个人旅行的女性.因为单身平时就努力学习. 3、与身份不相符的奢侈也是因为她那要与自己身份般配的美学观点在起作用.

沅江市15251486960: 求英语翻译几句句子,不要机翻,谢谢
章池巴氯: 你好,很高兴为你解答. 保证正确率~! 正确答案是: 1、我去蛋糕店拿一个在三天前就订购好的蛋糕 I went to the cake shop for the cake I had ordered three days ago. 2、我把蛋糕放在一个包装精美的盒子中,并在蛋糕的周围洒上花瓣 I put the cake into / in an exquisitly packed box and scattered some petals around it. 注意哦: exquisite 的第一个读音是元音,冠词用 an. 不懂请追问,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻~~ 望采纳,祝开心~!!!

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沅江市15251486960: 帮忙翻译一段英语,不要机器翻译,翻译得好有加分~ -
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沅江市15251486960: 中译英,帮我翻译下哦,谢谢~不要机器翻译呀~ -
章池巴氯: Dear Sir / Madam,I am terribly sorry that our products you ordered are out of stock at the present as demand exceeds supply. The next batch of commodities...

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