
作者&投稿:余苑 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

From childhood to the present, regardless of their friends how good the performance,
Received from his family and certainly have very little appreciation.
Everyone grew up, everyone is mature, but they know nothing about their own future.
What would my future? I do not know.
But I will make efforts for their own future to be a good foundation.
Must be impressive, will not let their disappointment.
I have been convinced that, and I will be having a really good future.

Members interviewer, my name is Qi Bin, from Hunan Zhuzhou, I am optimistic personality, likes to make friends, I graduated from Hunan University, at school learning the three major frameworks ssh, and can skillfully integrated development, I have vision of Information Technology Co., Ltd. in Hunan worked for one year, three projects done, feeling a find many things to learn, how to deal with their superiors at work with colleagues in the relations between the project team to deeply understand sex. My hobbies like playing basketball, swimming action, participate in group activities, thank you!

Hello, can you do me a favor?
Anything I can do for you?
Where is the department store?
In the city center.
Which bus shall I take now?
You can take either No.2 or No.6 bus there.
Any bus stop here?
Go straight on and turn left when you see a restaurant, then you can see one there.
Can you take me there?
Thank you.
Here we are, Miss.
Aren't we? Thank you so much for bringing me here.
It's my pleasure.
Could you please give me your phone no.? I'll buy you a tea next time.
A. Take care. See you.
See you.

A: Excuse me? Hi, would you do me a favor?
B: Yes, what can I do for you?
A: Well, would you show me the way the shoping mall?
B: It's in the center of the city.
A: Well, which bus should I take?
B: You could take the bus NO.2 ?or NO.6.
A: Where is the bus stop?
B: Go down this road, and turn left when you see a restaurant.
A: Could you show me the way?
B: All right.
A: Thank you!
B: Here we are, Miss
A: Oh aren't we? Thanks so much for showing me all the way here.
B: That's not a big deal, and it's my plesure.
A: Can I have your number? I'm going to treat you a cup of tea next time!
B: 256458
A: Well, thanks again and wish you good luck in the rest of the day! Bye!
B: Bye!

A: Hello, can help me? B: What can I help you? A: Will the department store where? B: In the center of A: That I now can take the bus number to it? B: You can now do 2-way and 6 train to. A: That where there is a bus stop here? B: You go straight to see a restaurant and then left to A: then you can take me? B: Okay. A: Thank you, B: Miss, we have to the bus station the A: is not it? Thank you for bringing me B: nothing, a piece of cake A: leave a phone number next time, I invite you to tea B: 256458A: walking you, bye

A:excuse me? Can you help me?
B:what can i do for you?
A:where is the shopping mall?
B:at the center of the city
A:which bus can i take to get to there?
B:you can take No.2 or No.6 bus
A:where is the bus stop around here?
B:go straight,when you see a resturant,turn right.
A:can you take me to there?
A:thank you
B:we get to the bus stop now.
A:really?thanks for taking me here
B:you are welcome
A:bye bye
B:bye bye

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帮我用英文翻译一下, 谢谢
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畅惠口服: Hi good morning / afternoon / evening, I come from Anhui. Before i came here, i never thought it would be so cold in the North. In my hometown, the lowest temperature is only 3 or 4 degrees below freezing point and i have never seen heating pipes ...

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畅惠口服:[答案] 总有一天我会离开你I will leave you one dayDear, you know, one day I will leave you, dear Please do not blame me, and I'll have, but in doing so I really, I can not unfilial, my parents did not raise s...

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畅惠口服:[答案] fifteen thousand three hundred and thirteen point two

呼图壁县15821589738: 谁帮我用英文翻译下?谢谢拉
畅惠口服:My name is XX, coming from XX. I'm twenty years old. After graduated from YUTANSHIYAN middle school in 2008, i have worked in CHIWEI valve co. ltd.(威驰阀门有限公司) for two years in WENZHOU municipality. During that time, i got a lot of ...

呼图壁县15821589738: 谁能帮我用英文翻译一下!!
畅惠口服: 不要哭, 这样我会伤心, 如果你要哭, 那么我的肩膀借给你 Don't cry that makes me sorrow If you want to, I give you my shoulder.

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