
作者&投稿:迟审 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
汉译英 请将下面一段中文翻译成英文,要求:不适用翻译软件;语句要基本通顺。谢谢高手指导~~~~~~

The engine is the "heart" of all aviation equipment. For the aircrafts, the engine determines its flight speed, maneuverability, range, payload, reliability, economy and environmental adaptability. The design and manufacture of aircraft engine is a multi-disciplinary, multi-sectoral participation, highly complex systematic engineering, manifestation of today's cutting-edge, difficult high technologies, and power device with the most stringent and harsh requirements on its use and conditions.
The turbine is an important part of the engine, which not only converts the heat and pressure of high-temperature gas into mechanical energy, but also drives the compressor and some accessories. The blades are one of the most important parts of the turbine, a typical hot end component with high temperature, high load, the complex structure, whose design and manufacturing performance and reliability is directly related to the durability and life of the engine performance. In order to increase engine’s thrust to weight ratio, blade design is often realized by using high strength materials, sophisticated cooling structure and process and reducing the working margin and other measures. Therefore, the study of turbine blade failure is very important to improve engine safety at work and correct assessment of leaf damage in the form and degree of the injury.

Su Shi is the final stage of the Song of the most outstanding writers, but also the history of Chinese literature, one of a handful of great writer. Of his life and literary achievement and political frustration is high, their ideological coherence of Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism three of the essence, the last stick to the ideas of Laozi and Zhuangzi passed away. The choice of the road in life, he experienced the contradictions and wandering, but then again, after wandering to relax, and ultimately a spiritual transcendence, and thus the real interpretation of his "natural way" proposition.

1. The above-mentioned offer exclusive the tax. Incl.tax price is 10% more.
2. The offer is based on EXW without carriage.
3. The offer is valid until XXX(具体时间,报价没有写时限的).
4. The lead time: 7-14 days
5. The currency is RMB¥

above quotes do not include taxes, if it needs to include taxes, it should be increased by 10 percents or basis points

Please note that:
1) The price does not include tax, taxed(value-added tax) price is 10% higher.
2) It is Ex-work price, does not include freight.
3) Price valid for three months.
4) Delievery: 7-14 days
5) It is RMB price.

1. Tax not included in the quotation above , additional tax (VAT), need to add another 10%;
2. This price is the quote of the factory,does not include shipping fare;
3. Quotation validity: 3 months;
4. Delivery: 7-14 days of regular products;
5. The quotes above are RMB.



Respect of the judges, students everybody is good, I am a protest. We think that love can overcome everything. I will be through the two aspects to illustrate the correctness of our point of view. First of all, we all know that material decides the foundation, if there is ...

请高手将下面这一段翻译成英语啊,急急急 在线等 我国的社会福利起点晚...
我国的社会福利起点晚,但发展比较迅速 China's social welfare starting point was late, but develop quickly 随着老龄化的日益严重,我国的养老制度也起了很大的功效,日益完善的社会福利制度正在渗透我们生活的各个方面 ,医疗 教育 自然灾害等 With the increasingly serious aging, China's endowment ...


自强 self-renewal(这名字是不是太老土了?我倾向于‘the way of renewal')有一天我站在梦想中的高山上 once i stood atop of the mountains i dreamd of 睁大双眼 with eyes widely open 仔细端详远方是否留下自己的足迹 examing carefully whether my footprints had been left in the distance ...

谁会失败注意事实那激烈的\/戏剧性的变化发生了在方面的。。。升了\/下相当\/急剧\/慢慢地\/渐渐从。。。在。。。在。。。{另一方面,。。。在下降\/攀登朝相反的方向 它可以被见从表那个不同百分比的。。。最高的的整个类别,说明。。原因。%。同时,。。。达到第二名,它拿起。。。%。此外,。。

Like other Asian students who come to America for study, most of Chinese students work very hard, they always take a day even two days of the weekend staying in the laboratory overtime. Thus comparing with American students, they make more achievements.My mentor, who is Asian...


1 Seeing this, I suddenly remembered along with 60 road home welfare facility, the passenger might be a deaf can not hear the sound, I rushed to the male passenger made an explanation, write a sentence with a piece of paper, give to a female passenger's eyes: "I'm sorry!

德庆县17022829517: 请将下面这段中文翻译成英文首先,我理想中的大学应有浓厚的学术氛围、高素质的教师队伍、藏书量大的图书馆和优秀的科研机构.其次,这所大学没有盈... -
苑功银杏:[答案] Firstly,my ideal college should have the academic atmosphere,a highly qualified teaching staff,a large quantity of library collection and outstanding scientific research institutions. Secondly,there should be no profit organization in the college; it should gain...

德庆县17022829517: 把下面这段中文翻译成英语
苑功银杏: If she is a says to you, "I'll come back, lifelong not leave." I think: you may be questioned. I said: "as long as you happiness, is my biggest wish. Li chang also said: that is the only way of losing you. Dear: please good, no matter remember I all right

德庆县17022829517: 汉译英 请帮忙把下面这段话翻译成英语 有急用谢谢说教材:1.说教材的地位和作用.本课是辽师大版教科书,小学快乐英语五年级上册第四单元第十九课第... -
苑功银杏:[答案] Said material:1.说教材的地位和作用.1 that the role and status of teaching material.本课是辽师大版教科书,小学快乐英语五年级上册第四单元第十九课第一课时.本套教材非常注重学生语言应用能力的培搜索养,从...

德庆县17022829517: 把下面的这段中文翻译成英文
苑功银杏: The sun will increase, the scope of some day will extend the period length of seasons, will be more obvious difference, and the sun will return cycle of sports. Take it from the temperature range increased, point-blank, namely is increased, the scope ...

德庆县17022829517: 英语翻译请将下面这段文字翻译成英文“我知道你们之间发生了一些糟糕的事.但请冷静下来,两个人好好地谈一下. -
苑功银杏:[答案] i know that there are some awuful thing happened between you two,but clam down,sit down and have a good coversation 加油! ANSWER?ASK ME!

德庆县17022829517: 请帮我把下面这段中文翻译成英文我爱增城白水寨
苑功银杏: 呵呵,不是一段中文,只是一小句中文. 试译如下: I love Baishuizhai scenic spot in Zengchang City.

德庆县17022829517: 求翻译 中文翻译成英文 [急!]请将下面这些中文翻译成英文: 《我们这一家》(あたしンち)是日本一部以小家庭成员为中心,表现出日常生活中所发生大小... -
苑功银杏:[答案] our family(あたしンち),a cartoon work which regards some members of small family as the center and big and small affairs in daily life as the theme,is originally written by Eiko Kera(けらえいこ)....

德庆县17022829517: 英语翻译请把下面这段话翻译成英文“这是我在中国申请的邮箱.我们以后可以用这个联系.这里的一切我都有点不习惯,中文还说不好.你最近怎么样,一切都... -
苑功银杏:[答案] This is the e-mail i registered in China.we can communicate by it.I could not adapt everything here and I could not speak Chinese well.how are you recently?is everything ok? shall we contact often? yo...

德庆县17022829517: 将下面汉译英,中汉语翻译成英语 -
苑功银杏: He built up an excellent example for us. He built up a good example for us.他为我们大家树立了好的榜样.

德庆县17022829517: 请把这段中文翻译成英语
苑功银杏: 大家好,今天是11月26号,星期3, Hello everyong. Today is November 26th,Wednesday. 多云天气. It is cloudy today. 请问你喜欢巧克力吗? Do you like to eat chocolates? 请问你想要吗? Would you like more? 给你.Here you are. 再见.Goodbye. 谢谢.thank you.

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