
作者&投稿:独孤骆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


定于部分表明:孩子需要完成的工作量是巨大的。你的问题是答案很别扭,可以通过将 开始 换成 需要。



建议不要兜圈子,when 引导的状语从句适当翻译为 当....时

这个部分在“as ”和“at”应该是省略了“a savage looks”,可是为什么没把at 也直接省略掉
你说得很对。原来应为:looks at,而 looks at 是vt.(及物动词),句中的looks 被省掉了,若再
把 at 也省略掉,句子的语法成分就改变了,句意也不一样了;请看:
1)as "a savage looks" at something wholly beyond his comprehension;句中的 something 是动词looks at的宾语;整个部分是一完整的方式状语从句;
2)若去掉at, 变为:
as something wholly beyond his comprehension, 此部分就成为介词 as 短语作状语(而不是状语从句),而且此状语是不通顺的、有语法错误的。

在这里,不定式to decide是作主语的,should是这个句子的情态动词,后面的cut down是谓语,宾语是time
长句 whether or not you want to read the article 是decide的内容,决定“什么”

[to decide( whether or not you want to read the article)] should cut down some time.

to decide whether or not = 决定是否要
you want to read the article = 你要读这则报道

should = 应该
cut down some time = 缩短一些时间


英语语法题解答 最近遇到一些语法上面的疑惑 希望是英语专业的高手帮我...
第一题,应该是关于将来的虚拟语气,所以if从句中只能用should do 或者 动词的过去式 或者 were to do 这三种形式 ,所以只能选B。但要是主句,就可以用would \/should\/could do了。第二题,你就还原一下,stay at the hotel,stay是不及物动词,后面必须得有介词 才能接宾语。比如说 which city ...

英语句子分为三种:简单句、并列句和复合句,其中并列句和复合句又是由若干个简单句组成。简单句: The train arrives.The sea had become calm again.Everybody will say the same thing.并列句: This is me and these are my friends.They must stay in water, or they will die.It is ...

There are many electors voting for him. 分析句子结构可以知道,这是一个常见的there be句型。在这个句型当中,谓语动词是there be结构中的be动词(are),所以vote在这个句子中充当的并不是谓语的角色,所以不能用动词原形vote。[voting for him]在句中是一个状语,用来修饰electors....

而 rank 作为可数名词时,可以用来表示(社会阶级)的地位,而社会阶级分很多种,也就是不同行业、不同血统、不同家族等等的社会地位。所以这里使用了 ranks,the highest ranks 用了最高级作修饰词,应该是意味着可以多个跨不同行业、不同血统、不同家族的最高地位。比如一个富二代,又是某一个行业...

。跪求英语语法题目解答.学哥学姐 。,,
3. Would you be ( so kind as \/enough kind ) to do me a favour, please?so kind as to do 或说成 kind enough to do 都可以,所以这里选前面一个。有点像 so … as to do 结构。原句意思是“请你行行好帮我一个忙,好吗?”4. To learn to speak English well, ( much ...

英语语法问题 希望高手解答
答:因为将cross sth. off (\/cross off sth.) 象put sth. on一样作为一个短语动词来对待了,所以一般就不再去讨论副词on\/off 的句法作用了,实际上副词on\/off, 和介词短语on ones body, off the list 一样,起的是宾语补足语的作用:He put the coat on. =He put the coat on his ...

2.这个就是语言习惯了,你可以说would you,没错,但是英文里没双选的吧,我们要选一个更合适的,你电影看多点,就知道了。3.record是记录的意思,你可以说...的最高“记录”是3:2,注意,不要受中式英文的影响,在中文里可能换来换去的说都无所谓,但英文里,换了一个,意思也许就错了。还是...


(1)English is easy to learn.to learn 做状语,因为句中主系表结构已经完整了,即使没有to learn对句子结构也没有影响,所以应该是状语。这个句子的特殊之处在于to learn是一个不定式主动形式表被动含义的说法,因为English实际上是“被学”的。有些形容词(easy, hard, difficult, heavy, ...

1、答案选A。本句话主语是 the sociologist 谓语部分must determine the laws influencing human behavior in social contexts.是determine的具体内容 而___ any aspect of society 则是状语成分,故A when explain和B to explain可以考虑,但to explain含义将来意义,用在此不合适。答案只有A。翻译:...

怀柔区15559968591: 英语语法问题,考研英语真题长难句.From the beginning of our history says Hofstadter our democratic and populist urges have driven us to reject anything ... -
慎傅复方:[答案] anything that smells of elitism. 是动词,smell of 表示有股…的味道,把它看成及物动词就可以了

怀柔区15559968591: 求大神帮忙解析一个英语的长难句!非常感谢!! -
慎傅复方:定语从句-----------------variation(on vertical farming (that has been developed)) 定语从句--------------------------trays (that move on rails)

怀柔区15559968591: 英语长难句,语法问题 -
慎傅复方: 1. Rumor has it that more than 20 books on creationism/evolution are in the publisher's pipelines.主句:Rumor has it 同位语从句:that more than 20 books on creationism/evolution are in the publisher's pipelines. 对 rumor 的具体内容作进一步阐明...

怀柔区15559968591: 请英语高手帮忙分析一个长难句!急This makes it far better suited than the polygragh for a new,high - tech approach to security that is already raising the hackles ... -
慎傅复方:[答案] 这个专业翻译吧! 我认为that引导的定语从句的先行词是polygragh. 意思打大概是, this (什么方法)使 it (估计是仪器或技术什么)比 新的,高技术含量 安全方法——polygraph(测谎仪) 更合适,而这个polygraph呢,它已经激怒了公民自由论者 ...

怀柔区15559968591: 考研阅读理解长难句解析本人英语语法知识真心薄弱,请大家不要吐槽,感谢帮忙分析下以下句子中的问题.1.Societal failures,however,often are:the cost of ... -
慎傅复方:[答案] 1、正如、正像.一样 2、as opposed to 而不是 3、three of the “21st century skills” to digital literacy enthusisasts 数字文学爱好者们必须的三种21世纪技能 so dear 应该是作必须的,如此宝贵的.等意思吧.(这个不太确定~),to就是连词,to digital ...

怀柔区15559968591: 请大家帮忙分析个长难句的语法结构,要详细~!谢谢!还有翻译.重点分析一下,to which和of what 的语法. -
慎傅复方: 1. To understand the width and depth to which science can be appiled to the material and spiritual problems that confront individuals and nations 是一个很长的动词不定式短语作主语.之所以长,是因为包含了2个定语从句,而且是“大从句套小...

怀柔区15559968591: 英语长难句分析 If its message were confined merely to information—结构分析If its message were confined merely to information—and that in itself would be ... -
慎傅复方:[答案] 英语长难句分析 If its message were confined merely to information—结构分析 回答: 你所提供的是一个较长的主从复合句,其中有2个if 引导的条件状语从句,其中还有一个 for 引导的原因状语从句,一个so...that...引导的结果状语从句; 1)If its ...

怀柔区15559968591: 求一个英语长难句,难度中等偏高的那种,顺便带一下翻译和句子结构分析,英语句式稍微多一点,谢谢 -
慎傅复方: And this separation the detective feels between himself and the rest of the world is deepened by the simple mindedness as he sees it of citizens, social workers, doctors law-makers, and judges, who, instead of eliminating crime punish the criminals...

怀柔区15559968591: 英语长难句,翻译知道.但是不会分析语法,求大神详细解析 -
慎傅复方: The paid manager acting for the company was in more direct relation with the men and their demands, but even he had seldom that familiar personal knowledge of the workmen which the employer had often had under the more patriarchal system of ...

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