
作者&投稿:游霄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

school snow scene
when it snow, many studnets go outside and build snowman

It snowed heavily in northern China. Big snows fell on Beijing, Hebei, Shanxi, Ningxia and Xinjiang. For many cities, it was the biggest snowfall in 50 years. The snow made traveling hard. Many schools had to close for days.Jia Aizhen, 14, lives in Taiyuan, Shanxi. She should have a mid-term (期中的) test on Wednesday. Because of the snow, they had the test on Sunday instead."It was good because we had more time to review (复习) our lessons," said Jia. She enjoyed the snow. It was as deep as 15cm and came to halfway up her leg. "I felt peaceful (平和的) and relaxed (放松的) to see the white snowy world."Kang Xinyi, 13, and Wang Danyang, 13, are classmates at Shijiazhuang No 43 Middle School in Hebei. Their school stopped on Wednesday. Kang said the snow in the yard was as deep as 40cm."It was so good we didn’t have to go to school!" said Kang. Kang, Wang and another friend had a snowball fight (打雪仗) and made snowmen. They also helped clear snow off the roads."I never saw such a big snow," said Wang. "Last year we only made a small snow panda, but this year our snowman is as tall as 1 meter!""If the snow didn't make trouble for traffic (交通), we would hope it would never stop!" said the girls.

雪是一种能够令人产生多种情绪的东西…… 当窗外那像柳絮、像芦花般的雪花,正在纷纷扬扬地从天而降的时候,当大地被雪花装饰得像铺上白色的地毯一样的时候,站在窗户边上,望望它们,会有许许多多的感觉:它们使我心情愉快,即使是遇上了不痛快的事情,我也会感觉到心情很通畅。

snow is cuit



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