
作者&投稿:彤姚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
跪求 法律英语翻译~

An individual must check his state status (or hire an attorney to do so) to determine if the states requiring that a particular state-mandated statutory advance directive for health care form be used. Some states (e.g. California, Ohio, Texas, and Vermont) require state statutory forms. Michigan requires the agent’s signature on the advance directive. Most states require that the advance directive be signed in the presence of two adult witnesses who are not related or who are directly related to the health care of the person creating the document. Individuals who have multiple residences in different states should complete advance health care directives for each state.


National Defense Right aims to set an unlimited self-defense protection of the rights of citizens, encourage and support citizens to fight with the illegal and criminal acts, and seriously endangered the personal safety of criminals, warning, and deterrence, while avoiding those who are not exercising self-defense should be punished, and dampen the enthusiasm of citizens. But we can not ignore it to some extent it has led to citizens of Defense Right risk of abuse. Some defense might use this provision to implement "infinite degree of defense", out of revenge against the human mind is still set to kill criminals, resulting in "intentional over-defense."
This kind of system of violent rape and self-defense is obviously inconsistent with the legislative intent.

1.A valid contract usually includes the following four elements: (1) the contract both sides agree (2) the price (3) contracts required agreement (4) each party hereto with legal qualifications.
2.The jury system refers to a group of vowed of people gathered to debate the fact that the referee, make justice in the jury to perform the duties of the members which is juror.
3.The United States constitution stipulates the congress is the main lawmakers, but congress of law must obey the President's veto. Administrative agencies responsible for foreign affairs, but the treaty concluded with foreign governments need to pass the senate approval.
4.Tort law aims to compensate the person or property by others illegal act of infringing upon man, damage compensation is usually money compensation.
5.In our country main punishment have the following kinds: (1) control (2) criminal detention (3) fixed-term imprisonment, (4) life imprisonment (5) the death penalty
6.In the United States, the court has the authority to examine congress, the state, and the laws of the region, aimed to determine whether these laws consistent with the constitution.
7.A country's property law reflects his personal and collective right basic attitude, the American constitution recognition and protection of private property.
8.Citizens from birth till death, has civil rights, shall enjoy civil rights and assume civil obligations.

4. 轻微违约、部分违约或非重大违约的情形是指没有违约的一方无权要求履行合同义务,但是可以要求对方给付他遭受到的损失。

.A valid contract usually includes four main factors of the following:(1)The both parties of the contract are pleasing(2) to sign the agreement(4) contract everyone whom contract need to have the legal qualifications to the prices(3).
2 juries systems mean to come together the person whom a group of 宣s lead the 誓 , making an assize of candor towards existing the fact of the controversy, implementing the member of the job in the jury is a juror.
3 American constitutions ruled the national legislature is a main lawgiver, but the law of the national legislature establishment have to obey the president to veto.The administration organization be responsible for outward business, but the treaty demand that together foreign government form is through the approval of the Senate.
4 infringement method aims are compensating those Human bodies or property to is break the law by others person whom behavior violate, to the infringement result in harmful in expiation of is usually the money indemnification.
5 at the main penalty of our country have following several kind:(1)The control(2) imprisonment(3) imprisonment for a specific term(4) life imprisonment(5) death penalty
6 in the United States, there are power reviewing national legislature, each state and regions in court the law that promulgate, the purpose lies in make sure these law whether in accordance with the constitution mutually.
7 a property method of nations reflected him to personal and collective basic attitude of right, American constitution the acknowledgement combines the privately owned system of protect the property.
8 citizens from be born rise to arrive to die, have the civil case right, possess the civil case right to undertake the civil case duty by law.

被权利的比尔保护的 1 The 权利不是绝对。在 Consititution 被明确地叙述的原则有政府的体制和物质。最后,它是美国最高法院, 如 Consititution 的翻译员,那提供意义到, 而且决定边界,被 Consititution 保证的 rhe 权利将会被抑制,每当演讲变成破坏名誉。
疏忽的 2 侵权行为是侵权行为的最宽广的并且是大多数个人的受伤案例的基础。它的四种第一流的元素是依下列各项:被告亏欠适当照料 ( 是, 他得担任在环境下面的一个适度审慎的人) 的责任给原告;(2)被突破那责任的被告;(3) 被告的裂口是对合法的和最近因素的伤害原告;而且 (4) 被告的结果原告遭受了损害行动。
当非突破党为它的义务表现被一个次序不权力到, 但是不料竟会收集真实量的他们损害的时候, 4 A 未成年人裂口,一个部分的裂口或一个非物质的裂口发生。

估计会的人 没有时间上网了 都挣大钱了去

法律英语。。。华政的么= =

求翻译 法律英语方面.
The offense by the plaintiff did not have to be the same offense alleged in the complaint for divorce,however,it did have to be a ground for divorce in that particular state.相互指责 互相指责的普通法原则举行一方都不能获得离婚,两个是有罪的婚姻错的时候。之前无过错离婚的法律,这种...

If after judicial practice, civil fraud charges competing with the existing criminal law, the by想象竞合犯approach, breaking from the Department can be a felony.

Applicable Laws and no less than the measures adopted by it for protecting its most important confidential information and trade secrets .意思:每一缔约方应视为机密的机密信息,并采取和维持预防和安全措施,要求或任何适用的法律,并没有比它通过保护其最重要的机密信息和商业秘密的措施建议 ...

法律英语求翻译:the Stolen Valor Act
这个应该可以翻译成:偷来的勇气法案。具体的来源就是:The Stolen Valor Act of 2005 , signed into law by President George W. Bush on December 20, 2006, was a US law that broadened the provisions of previous US lawaddressing the unauthorized wear, manufacture, or sale of any ...

迷失的法律人 The Lost Lawyer 国际法律人委员会 International mission of Jurists 法律人的基本立场 Legal mind like balance 更多收起网络短语 问题八:颁布,实施法律 英语怎么说 to enact a law, to promulgate a law常颁布法律 to enforce the law 实施法律 问题九:怎么翻译啊!用法律英语……...

1. Power of Attorney 2. Indictment 3. The evidence (the conversation transcripts, witness statements, documentary evidence and material evidence)4. Represented by counsel words 我是通过Google网页翻译进行翻译的,我一般是用这个,起码很快。希望我的回答可以帮到你!

1:The largest , most important family is the so-called civil-law family.民法所指的家庭,有最大最重要之意。2: Civil-law systems are , generally speaking , “codified” systems: the basic law is set out in code.一般而言,民法体系乃是“法典化”体系,即:其基本法律以法典呈现。3...

求法律英语第二版齐筠第四单元《key Aspects of Modern Criminal Pro...

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MR.XXX to note : land entrusted to the charge to help XXXX custody However, X XXXX found on the land has been stolen and sold XXX built housing, we have not covered fingerprints, The original land documents also retain the integrity of the company, So determined is XXX ...

元照英美法之译文:the retrospective effect of contracts avoidance and compensation for damages ABSTRACT:in the contract systems of PRC,contracts avoidance play a great role.it is one of the most important parts in contracts management and contract performance.however,the provisions in the ...

连云港市18814078420: 法律英语翻译 谢谢了 -
成宙凯速: 法律irrtumslehre,即,是指为自己的行为在法律上是不合法的错误,无论什么罪构成犯罪的,依法予以处罚,或什么是错的,是对自己行动的意义或误解的法律性质.法律irrtumslehre通常包括3条件:(...

连云港市18814078420: 帮忙翻译下,法律英语,急用!谢谢!
成宙凯速: 一个犯罪都可以是一个“重罪”或“行为不端”.一般来说,死刑罪名监禁一年或一年以上的死亡是重罪.那些被处以监禁了不到一年或者只能通过罚款是轻罪.一些州,然而,有一个分类的“高轻罪”,即是死刑罪名超过一年,但不超过两年的监禁.一些州有“民事违法行为”,只是罚款,不认为是犯罪行为.这些包括停车和othenr轻度交通罪行.

连云港市18814078420: 法律英语翻译(英译中) -
成宙凯速: 以留置权和相关利益确保为前提,任何担保债权人可(原则上)执行,但也必须确保诚意的买主的权利(以避免强迫出售).在受担保债权人根据他们的级别从收益中进行偿还(或正考虑这么执行)为条件的情况下,破产法有时会为一个出售自由和明确的受托人考虑(为的是帮助他们实现财产高估).

连云港市18814078420: 法律英语翻译!谢谢 机器翻译的就不劳驾了 -
成宙凯速: 本合同受德国实体法的管辖和解释,其他任何法律或规定关于法定的冲突的适用均属无效.

连云港市18814078420: 法律英语 翻译成英文 -
成宙凯速: Negotiorum gestio system is a long-standing legal system, by the thousands of years of development, in the continental law system countries have established a complete system. The research for negotiorum gestio system in China is less, system is...

连云港市18814078420: 有关法律英语的翻译,请教高手 -
成宙凯速: 在任何的售卖,移动或撤回之上, 是否自动的或自然而然的, 藉着法律的操作或其它的任何所有权经销商的兴趣在文章 2.2 withoutour 公司的明确之前的书面赞成方面识别;

连云港市18814078420: 法律英语在线翻译 -
成宙凯速: 违法性认识是一个比较古老的话题.Knowledge of illegality is a relatively old topic.它最早可以追溯到古罗马法格言“不知法律不免责”.It harks back to Roman law maxim "do not know law exemption".但随着社会发展和法律体系的日益完善,...

连云港市18814078420: 法律英语翻译 谢谢了 -
成宙凯速: Legal English is a specialized English withnormative and seriousness.When translating it ,we must pay much attention to the characteristic term,phrase,sentenses.And we must use the technique of translation flexible,grasp the feature of source ...

连云港市18814078420: 求法律英语标准翻译(够标准追加分)
成宙凯速: “合作伙伴”,指所有的个人双方在到期还应包括,从各自的日期后,其中的任何其他个人被加上了他们的名字和地址本协议附表吞并其他个人或个人,除非上下文另有requuires排除任何这样的个体存在一个formor业务的合作伙伴有甚麽原因停止其律师行合夥人一职.

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