
作者&投稿:甘哗 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1 wall surfaces改成 the surfaces of the wall
2 is改成 there is


1、 About one fifth of the workers in chemical works 【are】 from……2、 l wonder if the English-chinese dictionary l referred to 【belongs】 to him3、All of the information in the newspaper 【is】 correct4、Neither you,nor l,nor anyone else 【is】 willing to go ……5、Each of the passengers 【has】his own room in the ship6、 Your trousers are dirty ,so you must have【them】 washed at once7、Every boy and every girl 【is】 asked to attend the lecture and make ontes

不懂请追问,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻~~

1.Daring is....,but also with the manufacture of milk products such as butter and cheese.but后面加个also.
2.The bell signaling the end of the first period rang loudly, ...其中loud改为loudly.

1 but 应为but also
2 In the end of the first period ,The signaling bell rang loud, interrupting the professor's closing

1. Daring is not only concerned with the production of milk, but also with the manufacture of milk products such as butter and cheese.

not only······but also········

英语怎么改错误 并且教教我以后怎么改错误
英语中有很多同义词、反义词、易混词,如assure\/ensure, rise\/arise\/raise, effect\/affect等。从历年六级改错题看,对这些词的误用构成六级改错的一个重要的错误类型。(2) 介词误用 介词使句中某些词与其他词发生一定的关系,其在英语中占很重要的地位,故成为又一重要考点。2. 语法知识 改错中的语法...

是一道拉开分数距离的题,许多同学因为这道题丢了许多分下面为大家整理的《高考英语必备:高中英语短文改错方法与技巧》,仅供大家参考。高考英语短文改错技巧1.查时态是否一致 时态错误几乎是每年NMET短文改错中必设的改错题。要有目的地去检查文中的每一个谓语动词的时态与上下文、语境以及该句的时间状语...

1.the boy is good at physics(改为同义句)the boy _does___well__in physics(每空一词)2.Mary is 15 years old. Jane is 15 years old ,too( 合并句子)Mary is the _same age ___as__Jane.3改错:Jane,Alice and Rose are both my pen pals 改:both--all 两者用both ,三者...

37.value- values 因复数表示价值观。且后面用复数谓语。38.specially - special 用形容词作宾补。39.on themselves- by themselves 靠自己。是固定结构。这个题我同意你的观点。40.come up by - come up with 想出,提出 。 这也是固定结构。41.to express - express 动词learn后接了两个动词...

1.Are there [any pictures} on the wall?2.Kate andjim [have two boxes of chocoiate].3[.Does] Tomhave some rice?4[.How many]oranges can you see in the basket?5.How many[ circles] are there?6.[Don't] forget to write to your father.7.What shape [is] thebag?...

1.practice to speak english --practice speaking English 练习说英语 2.would you like tennis with me--would you like to play tennis with me 你愿意和我打网球吗 3.we had a good time to play soccer there ---we had a good time playing soccer there我们在那足球玩得很高兴 4...

这类的错误也经常发生 动词错误的可能性 (大头!!) (1)时态错误 明明文章在说过去的事情,但用了个is,所以要改成was 这个错错每次改错题目都有,所以看到错的句子有动词,先看上下,有没有时态问题 (2)主谓不一致 they was doing …… 这样的错误,找不出么,6级也别考了 (3)...

出题规律及破解关键 高考短文改错一般会在以下八个方面进行设题。1. 动词:主要考查时态、主谓一致和固定搭配。例如:①时态混用 Then the trouble started. We can’t open the door. So we asked the policeman for help.(很显然此段的主时态是一般过去式,因此应把can’t改为couldn...

高中英语改错题如何做!改错是有规律可循的:名词错误的可能 (1)名词单复数 只有这1种可能,而且到现在的改错,场场必考!名词单复数分规则和不规则,一定要记牢!形容词错误的可能 (1)意思颠倒,要改成反义词 这个错错每次改错题目都有,所以看到错的句子有形容词,先上下文看看,有没有意思反了...

十、时态语态和语气的使用错误 1. 时态错误。 主要是指在一个句子中,出现不同的时态,从而造成时态不一致,如: He can’t remember what he once knows.2. 语态错误。 在 cet6 综合改错题中最常见的语态错误是被动语态被误用为主动语态。不及物动词不能带宾语,因而也就没有被动语态。如: ...

和平区15116187685: 几个英语改错题.1.We need hurry.There are only 5 minutes go.2.You just need to answer more 2 questions to win the big price.3.Angela was such calm and ... -
张戚肤痒:[答案]are---is more ----another such---so is---was rise---raise 去掉but are---is surprising----surprised 这道题,题干似乎不全

和平区15116187685: 几个英语改错题1 about one fifthe of the workers in chemical works is form……2 l wonder if the english - chinese dictionary l referred to belong to him3 all of the ... -
张戚肤痒:[答案] 很高兴为你解答. 保证正确率~! 正确答案是: 1、 About one fifth of the workers in chemical works 【are】 from…… 2、 l wonder if the English-chinese dictionary l referred to 【belongs】 to him 3、All of the information in the newspaper 【is】 correct...

和平区15116187685: 几个英语改错题改错题,每小题有1 - 2处错误.1.He works in the shop where we visited yesterday.2.We'll visit the city which I was born.3.Mary is the only ... -
张戚肤痒:[答案] 为你解答.1. He works in the shop where we visited yesterday.where-which,定语从句需要的是visit(及物动词)的宾语,不是状语.2. We'll visit the city which I was born.which-where,这里需要作地点状语.3. Mar...

和平区15116187685: 几个英语改错题,1.The boy always tried hard to finish reading the books and return it to the owner on time.So the rich man was ready to lend him some of the ... -
张戚肤痒:[答案] 1,return it ->return them some of the books ->any of the books 2,populations->people there are not enough food->there is not enough food die of->die from

和平区15116187685: 几个小英语问题,改错题1.After finished my homework,I went to bed.适当动词形式2 The couple - _____ - (seat) in front of me kept on…… 3.In such dry weather... -
张戚肤痒:[答案] 1.finished→finishing.介词后用名词或动名词 2.seated.句中kept on是谓语,说明此处不需要谓语,分析可知这里需要the couple的后置定语.seat的现在分词形式永远不作后置定语,这样的词还有dress,drink等,只用过去分词作后置定语.3.B.句意:在这...

和平区15116187685: 几个英语改错(着急哦)1 the reason why he didn't come is because he never got the notice2 please tell us what do you want3 all what i know is this4 i know the... -
张戚肤痒:[答案] 1 the reason why he didn't come is that he never got the notice2 please tell us what do you want3 all that i know is this4 i know the names of the students who study in my class5 we visited the factory that had a history of 50 years6 that's all that i want to say...

和平区15116187685: 急求答几个英语改错题1.He told us he had joined the party in 2000.2.i would have gone to Shanghai yesterday,but i had missed the flight. -
张戚肤痒:[答案] 1.He told us he joined the party in 2000. 2.I should have gone to Shanghai yesterday,but i missed the flight.

和平区15116187685: 请教大家几道英语练习题,答对的我会追加!一、改错:1.He can't wait opening the box.__________________2.Tomorrow will be October 23th.__________... -
张戚肤痒:[答案] wait for opening 23rd 去掉in likes an take--bring want to help have--be at the same you'll be tired bank price the 1990s none--no ...

和平区15116187685: 问几个英语的问题.改错.1 My am his classmate 2 They all like I3 This is not she pen4 Our are the twins5These are they desks6 Listen!Her is singing a pop song... -
张戚肤痒:[答案] 1 I am his classmate 2 They all like me3 This is not her pen4 we are the twins5These are their desks6 Listen!She is singing a pop song7 Who pen is this?it is mine1__She_(她) is a student __her__(她)si...

和平区15116187685: 问几个简单的英语问题;改错1.who goes shopping with you?Tom goes.2.what do they feel that day?They feel happy.3.she wants to know her friends good.4.the ... -
张戚肤痒:[答案] 1.who goes shopping with you?Tom does.goes改为does2.how do they feel that day?They feel happy.what改为how3.she wants to know her friends well.good改为well4.the sign says“Don't play football here." wr...

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