
作者&投稿:谷施 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1、( ),the wolf left the cabin.
A.Long before B.Before long C.Long ago D.After long

B 做这种题目要根据前后意思去判断. 题意:______,狼离开了小屋.
A.Long before 很早以前
B.Before long不久以后
C.Long ago从前
D.After long

2、2.You'd better _____ your paper before you hand it in.
A look up B look for C look at D look through
look up v.向上看, 尊敬, 仰望, 查寻, 拜访, 好转
look for v.寻找, 期待
look at 看, 考虑, 着眼于
look through (1)看穿, 审核, 浏览, 温习, 从...中显露

3、Many young men came to the city to___their fortune.
A.find B.find out C.seek D.seek out
A。find寻找,find out发现, seek 寻找,seek out搜寻出


The police had the photograph of the missing girl(enlarged )so that they could recognize her easily.
2. The building has twice been (enlarged )and now has many more offices than before.
3. The country has supplied and(enlarged )her army for defense purposes.
4. She was (offended) at Paul's advice that she should get rid of her new hat, as she was making it part of her new look.
5. I became frustrated and(offended )when nobody turned up at my party.
6. Please tell me if you don't agree with me; I won't be ( offended ) at all if you disagree.
(Suggested first letter(s): of )
7. He's always (cautious ) about giving his address to strangers, especially in places where gun control policies have not been implemented.
8. The local people have been so ( cautious )about any changes that the progress of reform has been very slow. (Suggested first letter(s): ca )
9. Nowadays we are more ( cautious ) and questioning in our approach; we think more before taking any action. (Suggested first letter(s): ca )
10. Mary always leaves home at eight o'clock but today is an( exception ) ; she's leaving later. (Suggested first letter(s): ex )
11. What we need is good organization with specific and(detailed )plans for the future.
12. After years of research, scientists have ( identified ) the virus that is responsible for the disease. (Suggested first letter(s): id )
13. The airline says it will be difficult to ( identify ) all the bodies taken from the crash.
(Suggested first letter(s): id )
14. One more word-have( mercy ) on the player and give him plenty of rest.
(Suggested first letter(s): m )
15. The killer was not hit but lay asking for .( mercy )
(Suggested first letter(s): m )
16. Those who ( advocate ) doctor-assisted suicide say the deathly ill should not have to suffer. (Suggested first letter(s): ad )
17. The great majority of national daily and weekly newspapers have strongly and consistently (advocated ) the reform.
18. He has admitted committing several ( crimes ), including two murders. (Suggested first letter(s): cr
19. The defendant is accused of a range of( crimes ) , from theft to murder. (Suggested first letter(s): cr )
20. The(previous ) owner of the house had built an extension on the back.
(Suggested first letter(s): pre )
21. Training is provided, so no ( previous ) experience is required for the job.
(Suggested first letter(s): pre )
22. The recent outbreak of racial ( violence ) in the area is very troubling.
23. But now there is a new kind of ( violence ) in schools-girls attacking girls.
(Suggested first letter(s): vio )
24. The pipeline was constructed to ( transport )oil across Alaska to ports on the coast.
(Suggested first letter(s): tran )
25. Such heavy items are expensive to(transport ) by plane.
(Suggested first letter(s): tran )

1. satisfactory /satisfying
2. satisfactory
3. satisfactory
4. responsible
5. responsible
6. responsible
7. miracle
8. miracle
9. miracle
10. contrast
11. affects
12. affect
13. affect
14. effect
15. effect
16. effect
17. alone
18. mystery
19. invention
20. signals
21. composed
22. composing
23. flipped
24. compare
25. contrasts

17 填alone,指在山上只有孤孤单单的一座房子。
19 填invention,“发明”的意思。
25 填contrasts,其实compare和contrast是近义词,都是“比较,对比”,但侧重点不同,前者更侧重于“相同或相似处”,后者侧重“相异之处”,所以compare and contrast经常用在一块。

1-3 令人满意的
4-6 负责任的
7-9 奇迹(名词)
10 对比(名词)
11-13 影响(动词,且结果往往是负面的)
14-16 影响(名词)
17 单独(副词)
18 神秘(名词)
19 发明(名词)
20 信号(名词,复数)
21-22 作曲(动词)
23 扔、抛(flip,动词,过去式双写p)
24 比较(动词)
25 对比(动词)


1. satisfactory /satisfying令人满意的,这两个都可以
2. safe 安全的
3. satisfactory /satisfying 令人满意的
4. responsible对……有责任
5. responsible对……负责
6. responsible同上
7. miracle奇迹
8. miracle同上
9. microphone麦克风 这空很tricky,注意是二十世纪,要是奇迹,哪个世纪不都是不平常的吗? 10. contrast
11. affects
12. affect
13. affect
14. effect
15. effect
16. effect
17. alone
18. mystery
19. invention
20. signals
21. composed
22. composing
23. flipped
24. compare
25. contrasts


1 satisfactory 2 safe 3 same 4ready 5reason 6reason 8miracle 10contrary 11affects
14 effect 15 effect 16effect 18mystery 19influence

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临武县14774722429: 紧急的英语问题请代我向你的父母亲问候.(give one's best wishes to) 请代我向你奶奶问好(remember me to) 请代我向你母亲问好.(give one's regards to) -
产海纯欣:[答案] please give my best wishes to your parents. please remember me to your grandma. please give my regards to your mum.

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产海纯欣:[答案] 1.Is her is 2.Does,have has 3.I have 4.Do,any they don't

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产海纯欣:[答案] 1、在路上是on the way还是by the way?On the way2、A or B时,AB都是宾格吗?如果是接在动词后面则是宾格,作主语的话就是主格3、earth在什么情况下大写?再特指地球的时候大写.The Earth4、icecream中间有没有连字符,...

临武县14774722429: 一个英语问题(紧急) -
产海纯欣: not +adj.+enough to do sth是不够...而不能做某事 too+adj.+to do sth.是太...以致不能做某事 ,其实两者可以互换!例:He is not tall enough to catch the bird. =too short to catch the bird (他不够高去捉小鸟=他太矮以致不能捉小鸟)-------------- PS:如果adj.是willing(乐意)等意思的词语时,too+adj.+to do sth.意为肯定.如:He is too willing to help you.他很乐意去帮助你,而不是“他太乐意以致不能帮助你”

临武县14774722429: 紧急的英语问题 -
产海纯欣: We should take good care of this ill dog. We should learn from each other. He is reviewing contexts instead of wathcing TV.

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产海纯欣:[答案] not +adj.+enough to do sth是不够...而不能做某事 too+adj.+to do sth.是太...以致不能做某事 ,其实两者可以互换! 例:He is not tall enough to catch the bird.=too short to catch the bird (他不够高去捉小鸟=他太矮以致不能捉小鸟) -------------- PS:如...

临武县14774722429: 英语紧急问题
产海纯欣: 选B,这道提的意思是“我长大要当一名外交官”,这到题不存在语法问题,只需要把选项带进去翻译就可以了,when意为“当....的时候”.if是'如果...',before是'在...之前',because是'因为...'

临武县14774722429: 紧急英语问题 -
产海纯欣: 1 fantastic 2 error 3 eeror 4 arrest 5 6 mission 7 investigate 8 investigated 9 mysterious 10ensure 11ensure 12assured 13 assured 14intelligent 15intellecture 16generalized 17 general 18 intelligence 19 integrity 20 adapted

临武县14774722429: 紧急问题英语
产海纯欣: 1. in fact, he does well in swimming 2. how-what 3. are-were

临武县14774722429: 英语小问题,紧急
产海纯欣: 1 make friends with sb 2 be as popular as her 3 try one's best to do sth4 the girl on the right 5 in future 6 a social worker

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