初一上册英语探究与训练答案 我不是要抄,是老师要。我的被撕了。跪求啊

作者&投稿:墨甄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
谁有七年级下册英语学法大视野的答案。 求 不是为了抄答案 是做完了对一下 老师没要我们撕 但是~



Junior One I
Starter Unit 1 ~ Review of Units 1~7
给某人写信: write (a letter) to sb.
收到某人的信:get a letter from sb.
hear from sb.
27. That sounds good. 听上去不错。
sound/look + 形容词 听/看起来怎样
sound/look like + 名词 听/看起来像什么
His idea sounds fantastic. → How does his idea sound?
The cat looks like a cap. → What does the book look like?
28. What’s he waiting for? 他在等什么?
wait for 等待什么
wait to do sth. 等着做什么
can’t wait to do sth. 迫不及待的做某事
wait at/in ... 在哪里等
Look! Jennifer is waiting ____ the bus stop.
A. for B. to C. at D. on
正确答案: C
29. In the first photo, I’m playing basketball at school.
(印)在书/报纸/相片……上:in the book/ newspaper/ photo ...
(放)在书/报纸/相片……上:on the book/ newspaper/ photo ...
30. 英语中日期的表达:
1) 英文对日期的表达顺序:月,日,年。
2)对星期几提问:What day is it today?
对日期提问: What’s the date today?
1) 售货员招呼顾客:
① May I help you?
② Can I help you?
③ What can I do for you?
④ What would you like?
2) 顾客常用语:
① No, thanks. I’m just looking around.
② I’m looking for ... .
③ I’d like to have/buy ... .
④ Can you show me ... ?
⑤ Could I have a look at ... ?
3) 询问顾客想买东西的特征:
① What kind would you like?
② What color would you like?
③ What size would you like?
4) 顾客询问价格:
① How much is it(are they)?
② How much does it cost(do they cost)?
③ What’s the price of ...?
5) 顾客决定要买:
I’ll take/have it(them).
6) 付钱:
Here’s the money.
Ⅳ. 语法精讲
1. 基本的基数词和序数词的构成:
基数词 序数词
one 1 the first 1st
two 2 the second 2nd
three 3 the third 3rd
four 4 the fourth 4th
five 5 the fifth 5th
six 6 the sixth 6th
seven 7 the seventh 7th
eight 8 the eighth 8th
nine 9 the ninth 9th
ten 10 the tenth 10th
eleven 11 the eleventh 11th
twelve 12 the twelfth 12th
thirteen 13 the thirteenth 13th
fourteen 14 the fourteenth 14th
fifteen 15 the fifteenth 15th
sixteen 16 the sixteenth 16th
seventeen 17 the seventeenth 17th
eighteen 18 the eighteenth 18th
nineteen 19 the nineteenth 19th
twenty 20 the twentieth 20th
twenty-one 21 the twenty-first 21st
thirty 30 the thirtieth 30th
forty 40 the fortieth 40th
fifty 50 the fiftieth 50th
sixty 60 the sixtieth 60th
seventy 70 the seventieth 70th
eighty 80 the eightieth 80th
ninety 90 the ninetieth 90th
a(one) hundred 100 the hundredth 100th
a(one) thousand 1000 the thousandth 1000th
a(one) million 1 000 000 the millionth 1 000 000th
a(one) billion 1 000 000 000 the billionth 1 000 000 000th
1) 基数词的表达法:
① 1~12的基数词是独立的单词。
② 13~19的基数词均以-teen结尾,注意thirteen, fifteen, eighteen的拼写。
③ 20~90的整十位数均以-ty结尾,注意twenty, thirty, forty, fifty的拼写。
④ 几十几的基数词是由十位数词和个位数词合成,中间加连字符“-”。例如:
21: twenty-one; 32: thirty-two
⑤ 三位数的构成:几+百+and+末位数。例如:
102: one hundred and two 654: six hundred and fifty-four
⑥ 千以上的数字的读法:从后往前,每三位数一个单位。例如:
3762: three thousand seven hundred and sixty-two
98733: ninety-eight thousand seven hundred thirty-three
① 基数词可以和名词构成合成形容词,但名词要用单数。例如:
a 7-year-old girl 一个七岁大的小女孩
② “几十”的数词的复数形式可以表示人的岁数或年代。例如:
in his forties 在他四十多岁时
in the 1940s 在二十世纪四十年代
③ 数词hundred, thousand, million, billion等前无修饰词时,须用复数且后常接介词of,如有many,some,several,a few等修饰词时,可用复数或单数形式,但复数时常有介词of,例如:
three hundred kids
hundreds of kids
many thousand kids = many thousands of kids
2) 序数词的表达法:
序数词=基数词+th(第1,第2,第3为first, second, third),但要注意:
① fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth的拼写。
② 以ty结尾的基数词变词尾为tie再加th。
③ 几十几以上的基数词变序数词时只有个位数变为序数词。
2 数词的应用:
1) 表示时钟,例如:seven o’clock, eight fifty
2) 表示编号,例如:
Unit One = the first unit
Bus 107 = the number 107 bus
3) 表示年月,例如:
July 27, 2005
4) 分数的表达法:
1/3: one third 4/5: four fifths
1/2: one second = a/one half
1/4: one fourth = a/one quarter
3/4: three fourths = three quarters
5) 倍数的表达法:
① ...times + as...as... 例如:
This bag of bananas is twice as heavy as that one.
② ...times + 比较级 + than... 例如:
My ruler is three times longer than yours.
③ ...times the size(height, length, weight) of ... 例如:
This tree is twice the height of that one.

1. _______________? Today is March 8th, the Teachers’ Day.
A. What day is it today?
B. Is it Teachers’ Day today?
C. What’s the date today?
D. When is Teachers’ Day?
2. _______ year were you born?
A. When B. What C. Where D. What time
3. What kind of movie do you like?
I like _________________.
A. action movie and comedy B. action movies and comedies
C. action movies and comedy D. action movie and comedies
4. I’m very _______ because there’s an _______ football match on TV tonight.
A. excited, exciting B. exciting, exciting
C. exciting, excited D. excited, excited
5. How many _____ are there in one year?
A. years B. days C. months D. weeks
6. We’ll have a party _____ his birthday.
A. in B. as C. on D. at
7. _____ the same reason, I like Jackie best.
A. Because B. For C. In D. On
8. Mr. Brown lets Tom _____ Chinese Kung Fu for us.
A. does B. do C. to do D. doing
9. Gina sings many ______ songs, she sings them _____.
A. good, well B. well, good C. good, good D. well, well
10. A singer ______ for our rock band!
A. wants B. want C. wanted D. to want
11. Are you good _____ young children?
A. for B. at C. with D. on
12. There _____ some information about the TV show for you.
A. be B. is C. are D. to be
13. Sam ____________ 10:00 pm.
A. gets up on B. goes to bed in
C. have breakfast at D. gets home at
14. It’s 6:30. It’s time _____ supper.
A. for B. to C. for have D. to having
15. Who is the last _____ take a shower at your home?
A. man for B. one to C. one D. first to
16. Mr. Smith teaches _______.
A. my English B. me English C. I English D. English me
17. Where _____ your pen pal _____?
A. does, form B. is, come from C. does, comes from D. is, from
18. _____ is your favorite singer?
A. What B. Who C. What one D. When
19. Where is your grandfather?
A. He’s nice.
B. He usually has tea in his bedroom.
C. He’s reading newspaper.
D. He’s on the dresser.
20. Look! Lily is _______.
A. writeing a letter.
B. cleanning the blackboard.
C. drawing.
D. shoping.
II. 句型转换:
1. I think documentaries are interesting. (变为否定句)
I ______ ______ documentaries ______ interesting.
2. Jenny can play the piano and the violin. (变为否定句)
Jenny ___ ____ the piano ___ the violin.
3. Lily usually buys her clothes at this shop.(一般疑问句)
____ Lily usually ____ her clothes at this shop?
4. He wants to sell his bike to me.(一般疑问句)
____ he _____ _____ _____ his bike to me?
5. Jim eats chicken at home. (对划线部分提问)
_____ _____ Jim _____ at home?
6. She can play the piano. (对划线部分提问)
_____ _____ she ____?
7. He likes romance.( 对划线部分提问)
______ ______ ______ _______ _______ he like?
8. She usually has a shower at 9:30 pm. (对划线部分提问)
_____ _____ ______ she usually _____ a shower?
9. Jim’s favorite subject is science. (同义句)
Jim ______ science ______.
10. It’s time for me to have breakfast. (同义句)
It’s time ______ my _______.
III. 用所给单词的适当形式填空:
1. December is the ______ month of the year. (twelve)
2. Do you think the school trip is ________? (interest)
3. I don’t like _______ because it’s scary. (thriller)
4. He’s a good _______, he can ______ well. (swim)
5. He is my favorite ________. (music)
6. She often practices ________ after school. (dance)
7. Peter’s family are from Canada, so they are __________. (Canada)
8. Tony with his parents _____ in Mexico City. (live)
9. Is his father _____ on the jacket now? (put)
10. She wants to _____ a basketball player. (be)
Ⅳ. 改错
1. Monday is the first day of a week.
2. We can learn a lot of about Chinese history.
3. I like him to play piano for me.
4. Please tell to Mr. Wang for more information.
5. In the morning of December 25th, we usually visit our friends.
6. He usually goes to work by the taxi.
7. Can you think what is his job?
8. How a great time to play soccer outside.
9. These are some of my friend.
10. On the next photo he’s listening the music.
Ⅴ. 翻译填空
1. 李老师的生日是9月30日.
Mr. Li’s _______ is September _______.
2. Jackie Chan 是一个成功的演员。
Jackie Chan is _____ ____________ _______.
3. 你能拉好小提琴吗?
Can you _______ _______ ________ _______?
4. Michael Jordan以篮球明星出名。
Michael Jordan is __________ __________ a basketball ________.
5. 今天你能读完这些书吗?
Can you _________ _________ these _______ today?
6. 她和她父亲常在周末去看京剧。
She _____ her father often goes to ________ _______ on weekends.
7. 他忙着为他的摇滚乐队找歌手。
He’s _______ in _________ for a singer _______ his rock band.
8. 我妈妈正在做饭,我爸爸正在写信。
My mom is ________, my dad is ________ a letter.
9. 玲玲来自中国,她能说中文。
Lingling ________ ________ China, she can _______ ________.
10. 他不喜欢数学,因为数学对他来说太难了。
He ______ ______ math, because it’s too ________ for _______.
Ⅵ. 口语运用
A: __________________?
B: I’m John Green.
A: ___________________?
B: I want to join chess club.
A: ___________________?
B: Sorry I can’t, but I really like it.
A: I’m sorry but you can’t join the club. _______________?
B: I can swim, and I swim very well.
A: _______________________?
B: That sounds good. I like swimming club, too.
A: Please fill it out.
B: OK, thank you.
Ⅶ. 用所给句子补全对话
A: Hello, Jack! _________________?
B: I’m writing a letter to my parents.
A: Where are they?
B: ________________________.
A: ________________________?
B: There are four, my parents, my brother and I.
A: ________________________?
B: He’s at school now.
A: ________________________?
B: OK, it’s a good idea!
A: See you later.
B: See you later.
1. How are you?
2. Can we play soccer later?
3. Where is your brother?
4. Do you have brother or sister?
5. They are in the UK on vacation now.
6. How many people are there in your family?
7. What are you doing?
Junior One II
Unit 1 ~ 4
I. 词组归纳
1. 在邮局和电子游戏中心之间 ________________
2. 在公用电话对面 _________________
3. 带我的狗去散步 _________________
4. 打的去…… _________________
5. 玩得高兴 _________________
6. 在附近 _________________
7. 直走 _________________
8. 向左转 _________________
9. 在图书馆的右边 _________________
10. 欢迎来到花园小区!_________________
11. 一幢有一个美丽花园的房子 _________________
12. ……的开始 __________________
13. 一个消遣的好地方 _________________
14. 去我家的路 __________________
15. 有点儿,稍微 ___________________
16. 在晚上 ___________________
17. 吃草和树叶 __________________
18. 想要,愿意 __________________
19. 青椒 ___________________
20. 冰茶 ___________________
21. 也,还,而且 ___________________
22. 比萨快递 ___________________
23. 点一份比萨 ___________________
24. 看菜单 ____________________
25. 售货员 _________________

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