电影 暮光之城 台词

作者&投稿:宦飘 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1 “我清楚地意识到,我们和他们是不同的群体,我们之间不会有交集。
2 “但是我倒很愿意打个赌,赌你内心的痛苦比你流露出来的要多。”
3 “我害怕是因为……因为……原因是,其实很明显,我不能和你在一起。
4 “你正是我喜欢的那种 海 罗 因 。”
5 我母亲总说我是她打开的书”……“那么,你肯定是个很会看书的人
6 “我第一次遇见你的时候你就劫数难逃。”
7 “我只想和我永远的救世主单独待在一起,其他什么都不要。”
8 有三件事我是可以肯定的。第一,爱德华是一个吸血鬼。其次,在他身体内有一部分——我不知道那一部分起到多大作用——非常渴望我的鲜血。第三,我毫无条件地、不可救药地爱上了他。”
9 “你是真的相信你喜欢我要比我喜欢你多一点么?”
10 “我俩之间的关系不会像过去一样继续在刀口上保持着平衡。”
11 “对我来说,你好像一个魔鬼,从我自己的地狱里来,目的就是为了毁掉我。你的肌肤发出的芬香……,我以为我第一天就会克制不住做出越轨行为。在那一个小时里,我想出了上百种办法,想把你引到一个没有其他人的地方,可我还是忍住了。想想我的全家,如果我这么做了,他们会怎么样。我只好跑出去,在我花言巧语把你引诱出去之前赶紧离开那里……。”
12 “我就在这儿,也就是说我宁愿死,也不愿和你分开。”
13 “与一般男人在亲吻女人之前的那种犹豫不同。男人只想探测女人的反应,看自己能不能被接受。男人犹豫,主要是想尽量拖延期待已久的美妙时刻,有时这种等待要比亲吻本身都要珍贵。”
14 我知道任何时候都有可能失控,我的生命就会随之结束。速度之快,可能我都不会在意。我不能让自己害怕,也不能想什么,只知道他在不停地抚摸我。”
15 “我有人的本能,它们可能埋藏在深处,但我敢肯定它们是存在的。”
16 “我爱你,超过了把世界上所有其他的东西全加在一起。这还不够吗?”
17 当你可以永生不死的时候,你又为什么而活?
18 嫁给我,贝拉。
19 在这个世界上我只喜欢三件事,太阳、月亮和你,太阳是为了白天而存在,月亮是为了夜晚,而你对我来说却是永恒的。

  永远支持暮光之城。。。。 (A)
  Bella: How old are you?
  Edward: Seventeen.
  Bella: How long have you been seventeen?
  Edward: A while.
  Edward: It’s you and your scent. Like a drug to me.
  Edward: You’re my own personal brand of heroin.
  Edward: You don’t know how long I’ve waited for you... So, the lion fell in love with the lamb.
  Bella: What a stupid lamb!
  Edward: What a sick, masochistic lion.
  About three things I was absolutely positive.
  The first… Edward was a vampire.
  The second – there was a part of him, and I don’t know how dominant that part might be.. that thirsted of my blood.
  And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.
  Edward: Bella, you are my life now.
  Bella: I dream about being with you forever.
  Edward: Forever?
  Edward: Is it not enough just to have a long and happy life with me?
  ED:I'm the world's most dangerous predator.
  - Everything about me invites you in...
  -My voice,my face...even my smell.
  -And if i would need any of that.
  -As if you could outrun me!
  -As if you could fight me off!
  Edward:I'm designde to kill.
  Bella:I don't care.
  Edward:I've killed people before.
  Bella:It doesn't matter.
  Edward:I wanted to kill you.
  I've never wanted a human's blood so much in my life.
  Bella: I trust you.
  Bella:I'm here,i trust you.

  when you can live forever, what do you live for?

  I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him. 我毫无条件地、不可救药地爱上了他。 10句话是一部分哦、)






























Twilight scriptI'd never given much thought to how I would die. But dying in the place of someone I love seems like a good way to go. So I can't bring myself to regret the decision to leave home. I would miss Phoenix. I'd miss the heat. I would miss my loving, erratic, harebrained mother. Okay. - Renee, come on. - And her new husband. Guys, come on. I love you both. We got a plane to catch. But they want to go on the road, so I'm gonna spend some time with my dad, and this will be a good thing. I think. # When the thorn bush turns white # # That's when I'll come home # # I am going out to see what I can sow # # And I don't know where I'll go # # And I don't know what I'll see # In the state of Washington, under a near constant cover of clouds and rain, there's a small town named Forks. Population, 3,120 people. This is where I'm moving. My dad's Charlie. He's the chief of police. # Curse the powers that be # # Cause all I want is... # Your hair's longer. I cut it since the last time I saw you. Guess it grew out again. I used to spend two weeks here almost every summer, but it's been years. I've cleared some shelves off in the bathroom. Right. One bathroom. It's a pretty good work lamp. The sales lady picked out the bed stuff. You like purple, right? Purple's cool. Thanks. Okay. One of the best things about Charlie, he doesn't hover. Heard you guys coming all the way down the road. Good to see you. - Bella, you remember Billy Black. - Yeah. - Wow, you're looking good. - Well, I'm still dancing. I'm glad you're finally here. Charlie here hasn't shut up about it since you told him you were coming. All right, keep exaggerating. I'll roll you into the mud. After I ram you in the ankles. - You want to go? - Yeah. Bring it. - Hi, I'm Jacob. - Hey. We used to make mud pies when we were little. Right. No, I remember. Are they always like this? - It's getting worse with old age. - Good. So, what do you think? Of what? - Your homecoming present. - This? - Just bought it off Billy here. - Yep. - I totally rebuilt the engine for you. - Come on. Oh, my Gosh! This is perfect. Are you joking me? Sorry. I told you she'd love it. I'm down with the kids. Oh, yeah, dude. You're the bomb. Okay. Listen, you gotta double-pump the clutch when you shift, but besides that, you should be good. - That's this one? - Yeah. Yeah, right there. All right. Do you want a ride to school or something? I go to school on the Reservation. - Right, right. - Yeah. That's too bad. It would've been nice to know one person. My first day at a new school. It's March, middle of the semester. Great. - Nice ride. - Thanks. Good one. You're Isabella Swan, the new girl. Hi, I'm Eric, the eyes and ears of this place. Anything you need, tour guide, lunch date, shoulder to cry on? I'm really kind of the more suffer-in-silence type. Good headline for your feature. I'm on the paper, and you're news, baby, front page. No, I'm not. You... Please don't have any sort of... Chillax. No feature. - Okay, thanks. - Cool? All right. Okay. Yeah. Get it! Get it! Get it! To you! Whoa! I'm sorry. I told them not to let me play. No way. No, no, no. That's... That's... Don't... You're Isabella, right? Just Bella. Yeah. Hey, I'm Mike Newton. - Nice to meet you. - Yeah, yeah. - She's got a great spike, huh? - Yeah, it's... I'm Jessica, by the way. Hey, you're from Arizona, right? Yeah. Aren't people from Arizona supposed to be, like, really tan? Yeah. Maybe that's why they kicked me out. You're good. That's so funny. - Back in, Jess. - Down here. Like a masterpiece, you know, we'll have, like, this crazy pyramid fall from the sky, - and then you guys can... - It's my pleasure, Madame. - You guys can give each other high fives. - Burrito, my friend? - Hey, Mikey! You met my home girl, Bella? - Hey. Your home girl? - Yeah. - Yeah? - That's... - My girl. Sorry I had to mess up your game, Mike! Tyler. Yes! Oh, my God. It's like first grade all over again. You're the shiny new toy. Smile. - Okay. - Sorry. I needed a candid for the feature. The feature's dead, Angela. Don't bring it up again. It's okay, I just... I got your back, baby. Guess we'll just run another editorial on teen drinking. You know, you can always go for eating disorders. Speedo padding on the swim team. Actually, that's a good one. - Kirk. Right? That's exactly what I thought. - Yeah. We're talking Olympic-size. There's no way. He's so skinny. It doesn't make sense. - Totally. - Yeah. Who are they? The Cullens. They're Dr. and Mrs. Cullen's foster kids. They moved down here from Alaska, like, a few years ago. They kind of keep to themselves. Yeah, 'cause they're all together. Like, together, together. The blonde girl, that's Rosalie, and the big dark-haired guy, Emmett, they're, like, a thing. I'm not even sure that's legal. Jess, they're not actually related. Yeah, but they live together. It's weird. And, okay, the little dark-haired girl's Alice. She's really weird, and she's with Jasper, the blond one who looks like he's in pain. Dr.Cullen's like this foster dad slash matchmaker. Maybe he'll adopt me. Who's he? That's Edward Cullen. He's totally gorgeous, obviously, but apparently nobody here's good enough for him. Like I care, you know? So, yeah. Seriously, like, don't waste your time. I wasn't planning on it. - Mr. Molina. - Hey, Mike. Oh, yes. Miss Swan. Hi. The pass? Thank you. Welcome to the class. Here. Here's your stuff, okay? And I got a seat for you right here, so come over. The last one. Just follow along till you catch up. All right, guys, today we are gonna be observing the behavior of planaria, aka flatworms. So what we're gonna do... ...regenerate. Zombie worms. No cell phones. Guys, let's get to it. Gentle, gentle, certain areas. Please just don't cut here. We don't cut here. You won't believe this. Let's try to focus while we check those out, huh, guys? There must be something open. - Physics? Biochem? - No, every class is full. Just a minute, dear. I'm afraid you'll have to stay in biology. Fine. Just... I'll just have to endure it. I just can't get over how grown up you are. And so gorgeous. Hey, Bella. You remember me? I played Santa one year. Yeah, Waylon, she hasn't had a Christmas here since she was four. I bet I made an impression, though, didn't I? - You always do. - Butt-crack Santa? Hey, kids love those little bottles, though. All right, let the girl eat her garden burger, Waylon. As soon as you're done, I will bring you your favorite. Berry cobbler, remember? Your dad still has it. Every Thursday. Thank you. That'd be great. Here. Thanks. Hey, baby. So, listen, if spring training goes well... ... we could be moving to Florida. Please insert $1.25 for an additional three minutes. Mom, where's your cell? Okay, don't laugh. I didn't lose my power cord. It ran away. Screaming. I literally repel technology now. - I miss you. - Oh, baby, I miss you, too. But tell me more about your school. Now, what are the kids like? Are there any cute guys? Are they being nice to you? Well... ... they're all very welcoming. Tell me all about it. It doesn't even matter. Yes, it does, honey. I have homework to do. I'll talk to you later. Okay. I love you. Love you, too. I planned to confront him and demand to know what his problem was. But he never showed. Bella! And the next day, another no-show. More days passed. Things were getting a little strange. - You all right? - Yeah, I'm good. Ice doesn't really help the uncoordinated. Yeah. That's why I had some new tires put on the truck. Old ones were getting pretty bald. Well, probably be late for dinner. I gotta head down to Mason County. Security guard at the Grisham Mill got killed by some kind of animal. An animal?

wilight scriptI'd never given much thought to how I would die. 我过去从来没有考虑过我将来会如何死去。But dying in the place of someone I love seems like a good way to go. 但是死在我爱的人怀里倒是一个不错的选择。So I can't bring myself to regret the decision to leave home. 所以我不会对我离开家的决定感到一丝的歉疚。I would miss Phoenix. 我会想念那里的炎热。I'd miss the heat. I would miss my loving, erratic, harebrained mother. Okay. - Renee, come on. - And her new husband. Guys, come on. I love you both. We got a plane to catch. But they want to go on the road, so I'm gonna spend some time with my dad, and this will be a good thing. I think. # When the thorn bush turns white # # That's when I'll come home # # I am going out to see what I can sow # # And I don't know where I'll go # # And I don't know what I'll see # In the state of Washington, under a near constant cover of clouds and rain, there's a small town named Forks. Population, 3,120 people. This is where I'm moving. My dad's Charlie. He's the chief of police. # Curse the powers that be # # Cause all I want is... # Your hair's longer. I cut it since the last time I saw you. Guess it grew out again. I used to spend two weeks here almost every summer, but it's been years. I've cleared some shelves off in the bathroom. Right. One bathroom. It's a pretty good work lamp. The sales lady picked out the bed stuff. You like purple, right? Purple's cool. Thanks. Okay. One of the best things about Charlie, he doesn't hover. Heard you guys coming all the way down the road. Good to see you. - Bella, you remember Billy Black. - Yeah. - Wow, you're looking good. - Well, I'm still dancing. I'm glad you're finally here. Charlie here hasn't shut up about it since you told him you were coming. All right, keep exaggerating. I'll roll you into the mud. After I ram you in the ankles. - You want to go? - Yeah. Bring it. - Hi, I'm Jacob. - Hey. We used to make mud pies when we were little. Right. No, I remember. Are they always like this? - It's getting worse with old age. - Good. So, what do you think? Of what? - Your homecoming present. - This? - Just bought it off Billy here. - Yep. - I totally rebuilt the engine for you. - Come on. Oh, my Gosh! This is perfect. Are you joking me? Sorry. I told you she'd love it. I'm down with the kids. Oh, yeah, dude. You're the bomb. Okay. Listen, you gotta double-pump the clutch when you shift, but besides that, you should be good. - That's this one? - Yeah. Yeah, right there. All right. Do you want a ride to school or something? I go to school on the Reservation. - Right, right. - Yeah. That's too bad. It would've been nice to know one person. My first day at a new school. It's March, middle of the semester. Great. - Nice ride. - Thanks. Good one. You're Isabella Swan, the new girl. Hi, I'm Eric, the eyes and ears of this place. Anything you need, tour guide, lunch date, shoulder to cry on? I'm really kind of the more suffer-in-silence type. Good headline for your feature. I'm on the paper, and you're news, baby, front page. No, I'm not. You... Please don't have any sort of... Chillax. No feature. - Okay, thanks. - Cool? All right. Okay. Yeah. Get it! Get it! Get it! To you! Whoa! I'm sorry. I told them not to let me play. No way. No, no, no. That's... That's... Don't... You're Isabella, right? Just Bella. Yeah. Hey, I'm Mike Newton. - Nice to meet you. - Yeah, yeah. - She's got a great spike, huh? - Yeah, it's... I'm Jessica, by the way. Hey, you're from Arizona, right? Yeah. Aren't people from Arizona supposed to be, like, really tan? Yeah. Maybe that's why they kicked me out. You're good. That's so funny. - Back in, Jess. - Down here. Like a masterpiece, you know, we'll have, like, this crazy pyramid fall from the sky, - and then you guys can... - It's my pleasure, Madame. - You guys can give each other high fives. - Burrito, my friend? - Hey, Mikey! You met my home girl, Bella? - Hey. Your home girl? - Yeah. - Yeah? - That's... - My girl. Sorry I had to mess up your game, Mike! Tyler. Yes! Oh, my God. It's like first grade all over again. You're the shiny new toy. Smile. - Okay. - Sorry. I needed a candid for the feature. The feature's dead, Angela. Don't bring it up again. It's okay, I just... I got your back, baby. Guess we'll just run another editorial on teen drinking. You know, you can always go for eating disorders. Speedo padding on the swim team. Actually, that's a good one. - Kirk. Right? That's exactly what I thought. - Yeah. We're talking Olympic-size. There's no way. He's so skinny. It doesn't make sense. - Totally. - Yeah. Who are they? The Cullens. They're Dr. and Mrs. Cullen's foster kids. They moved down here from Alaska, like, a few years ago. They kind of keep to themselves. Yeah, 'cause they're all together. Like, together, together. The blonde girl, that's Rosalie, and the big dark-haired guy, Emmett, they're, like, a thing. I'm not even sure that's legal. Jess, they're not actually related. Yeah, but they live together. It's weird. And, okay, the little dark-haired girl's Alice. She's really weird, and she's with Jasper, the blond one who looks like he's in pain. Dr.Cullen's like this foster dad slash matchmaker. Maybe he'll adopt me. Who's he? That's Edward Cullen. He's totally gorgeous, obviously,



永吉县13471911300: 《暮光之城》5句经典台词,中文英文都要、谢谢. -
赖复通经: 1 Surely it was a good way to die, in the place of someone else, someone I loved. Noble, even. That ought to count for something. (Bella) 这无疑是个不错的死法,死 在别人—— 我所钟爱的人的家 里,甚至可以说,轰轰烈烈.这应该算是死得其所...

永吉县13471911300: 暮光之城 经典台词 -
赖复通经: 精彩对白 Isabella Swan:"You've got to give me some answers." 伊莎贝拉:“你必须给我些解释.” Edward Cullen:"I'd rather hear your theories. " 爱德华:“我宁可听你的推测.” Isabella Swan:"I have considered radioactive ...

永吉县13471911300: 关于暮光之城的经典台词 -
赖复通经: 《暮光之城·新月》精彩台词(中英文)-Bella: It's one year older than you.-贝拉:已经比你大一岁了.-Edward: No,it isn't.I'm 109.-爱德华:才没有.我109岁了.-Bella: Wow,maybe I should not be dating such an old man.It's gross.I should feel ...

永吉县13471911300: 有没有暮光之城的经典台词? -
赖复通经: 1. I've never given much thought to how I would die, but dying in the place of someone I love seems like a good way to go. 我从没想过会怎样死去,但是为了爱的人而死,无疑是幸福的. 2.I only said it'd be better if we weren't friends, not that I ...

永吉县13471911300: 求《暮光之城》中的经典台词 -
赖复通经: Isabella Swan:"You've got to give me some answers. " Edward Cullen:"I'd rather hear your theories. " Isabella Swan:"I have considered radioactive spiders and kryptonite. " Edward Cullen:"That's all superhero stuff, right? What if I'm not the ...

永吉县13471911300: 《暮光之城》有哪些经典台词
赖复通经: When you can live forever,what are you living for? Isn't it good to live with me for one life? I really want to try one thing Bella, you are my life now. ——爱德华 我从来没想过我会怎么死 但在一个只有我爱的人与我同在的地方死掉 似乎是个不错的死法 ...

永吉县13471911300: 暮光之城经典台词(中英) -
赖复通经: 1 Surely it was a good way to die, in place of someone else, someone I loved. Noble, even. That ought to count for something. (Bella)这无疑是个不错的死法,死在别人——我所钟爱的人的家里,甚至可以说,轰轰烈烈.这应该算是死得其所.2 ...

永吉县13471911300: 暮光之城经典台词 -
赖复通经: 英文台词: I'd never given much thought to how I would die. 我从来没有想过自己会怎么死. But dying in the place of someone I love,seems like a good way to go. 但是死在自己爱的人的怀里看起来是一个不错的选择. 那个是追羚羊的. So I can't ...

永吉县13471911300: 暮光之城电影台词 -
赖复通经: 我愿死在所爱的人手里 好让地狱化作天堂 I am willing to die, in loves in the person hand good lets the hell make the heaven

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