
作者&投稿:佘俗 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I came by few days(sometime) ago.sometime这个更加简单,不过不太具体了。
Up to you.或者是Be my guest.(这个lost里面很常用)
Don't challenge my temper.(不要挑战我脾气,这个老外很喜欢用)
It goes without saying.He's the guy.(He did it.)第一句那个是非常好用的口语表达。
You mean and stingy creature(guy).这个是美剧都非常流行的说法,非常地道,这里不用谓语的。

Teachers should have what basic qualities, skills

One, have good moral quality

The virtue of teachers is a teacher the most basic and most important quality, want to be successful in students' quality education, teachers must strengthen their own moral integrity, to become a model student. Because in the whole quality of teachers ' morality in the leading position, is the soul. Teachers' personality on students with influence character by environment effect, therefore, teachers should pay attention to their own moral self-cultivation, upright style, elegant taste, broad-minded, such, students will be respected, beloved by teachers from the bottom of my heart to accept education, then internalizes for own knowledge ability and consciousness, this is the quality education requirement.

Two, have rich cultural knowledge

Solid system of professional knowledge is constituted of teachers" teaching " basic content. English is the primary school English teachers' professional, engaged in primary school English teaching teacher, master professional knowledge in English is adapted to English teaching. Although the primary school English teaching content is some basic knowledge and basic skills, but if the teacher is not solid, systematic professional knowledge in English is very difficult for primary school English teaching. English specialized knowledge in general refers to the English language, the cultural content, including accurate and fluent in English pronunciation and intonation, some close to children's life vocabulary, grammar and style of firm knowledge as well as domestic and English national historical geography, customs, traditions, social system, political structure, values and other fields cultural knowledge. Master the professional knowledge is the primary school English teachers must possess the professional knowledge.

Three, have good teaching ability

Evaluation of teachers teaching ability is the core ability. It refers to how teachers teach skills, specifically refers to the teachers in the teaching design, classroom activities, teaching organization and operation in class and outside class and fully display the English language in communication tool capacity. Teaching English to children in a large extent by the class characteristics, student age and language level restrict, teachers should not only have always understood the class requirements, and according to the teaching content design and corresponding teaching activities, help yourself effectively organize classroom activities in order to achieve better teaching effect. Of course, because English is the Chinese students' foreign language, to make students understand what to do and how to do the first step is the teaching of teachers, teacher's classroom instruction is not clear and let students feel at a loss to make English teaching becomes empty. According to the students the physical, psychological characteristics in teaching should fully embody the Humanistic Language teaching. In addition to know how to teach, the more you know why the aim of teaching. So the psychology and pedagogy, theory of knowledge. Especially the children's knowledge of psychology of primary school English teachers is particularly important. The English teacher should study and master the teaching of the general law and basic teaching principles teaching organization, familiar with the steps and measures, the theory of English teaching and education, psychological theory, to improve the teaching ability of organization and the ability of teaching practice.

Dear teachers, schoolmates, everybody is good, tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day, here, I want to thank those who have helped me each person. First of all, to thank my parents, they gave me life, they taught me how to behave, thank them for my upbringing. Secondly, thanks to my teacher, they give me knowledge, they give me life sailing direction, thank them for the education of grace. Third, to thank everyone who helped, in my most difficult time, they helped me through, thank them for helping me grace. Fourth, thank those who hurt me, is that they let me recognize the reality

Dear teachers and schoolmates, everybody is good, tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day, here, I'd like to thank those who once helped me every one of us.
First of all, to thank my parents, they gave me life, they taught me how to behave, thank them for raising me.
Secondly, thanks to my teacher, they gave me the knowledge, they give I pointed out the direction of the voyage of life, thank them for my education.
Third, thanks to help each and every one of the most difficult time in my, is that they help me to survive, thank them for helping me.
Fourth, thank those who once hurt me, is they let me recognize the reality, let me grow up in setbacks.
Finally, I want to thank each and every one around me, is that they make my life rich and colorful, let me not lonely, thank you.


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Mom: When will you come home for dinner, honey? Kids and I are waiting…你什么时候回家吃晚饭,亲爱的?孩子们和我在等着呢。Kevin: Mom, Lizzie got my Spiderman.妈,厉子拿了我的蜘蛛侠。Lizzie: He picked the fight. He called my names.他先挑起的。他骂我。Mom: Lizzie, Kevin....

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英语口语翻译 求助
中文翻译:Today, our group prepared an animated dubbing performance, this animated cartoon is very familiar with ice and snow. I hope you like it.词汇释义 今天today; now; present 小组group 准备prepare; get ready; intend; plan; ready; provision; readiness; set up 动画animation; ...

余庆县19662183040: 谢谢用英语怎么写?告诉我 -
巧善海京:[答案] 恩,可以分为以下几种 Thanks.( 最简单的) Thank you.(最常用的) Thanks a lot.(比较郑重的) Thank you very much.(比较动情的) Many thanks.(不胜感激,比较口语的) I don't know how to express my thanks to you.(比较书面的) No ...

余庆县19662183040: 谢谢英语怎么写????? -
巧善海京: 谢谢的英语单词是thank. 但口语中常用的是:Thanks (a lot)或者Thank you (very much). 望采纳

余庆县19662183040: 谢谢的英文 -
巧善海京: Thanks.( 最简单的)Thank you.(最常用的)Thanks a lot.(比较郑重的)Thank you very much.(比较动情的)Many thanks.(不胜感激,比较口语的)I don't know how to express my thanks to you.(比较书面的)No words can express my thanks to you.(比较书面的)

余庆县19662183040: 翻译一句简单的英语?谢谢 -
巧善海京: 你好 我准备了一架飞机模型作为礼物送给jack I get a plane model for Jack as a gift.我有一位英国的朋友在这里当外教.I have an English friend who works here as a foreign language teacher.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!不明白请及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~~

余庆县19662183040: 英语高手进,翻译两句简单的话.翻译:1.这真让人感动. 2.我被你感动了,因为你曾说过的这句话.谢谢谢谢. -
巧善海京:[答案] 1.it's quite touching~ 2.i'm moved by the remark you've ever said~ 不谢不谢~

余庆县19662183040: 我非常感谢您!英语该怎么写 -
巧善海京: Thank you very much ! Thanks a lot ! I appreciate your help! I am grateful to you ! I can't thank you more !以上这几句都可表达此意思.最后一句地道.前几句口语化.

余庆县19662183040: “您发给我的信件已经收到,我会尽快回复,谢谢非常.”最准确地翻译为英语,谢谢.
巧善海京: I have received your letter and will reply as soon as possible.Thank you for your letter. 如果是口语,就可以直接简单的说 Thank you for your letter!I will reply to you as soon as possible.

余庆县19662183040: 帮我把这句话翻译成英文,谢谢~很简单的小句
巧善海京: No matter what you major in, you'd better look for a job which you really enjoy, then your time will be full of joy from 7am to 8pm every day. Furthermore, once you can find someone you like each other, then you must be happy from 8pm to 7am. This is a simple life! 这样翻译比较地道与贴近生活~~

余庆县19662183040: 英语翻译 个人简介 用最简单的词 翻译出来 尽量口语化 谢谢
巧善海京: Hello everyone,i'm glad to stand there.My name is xxx.i'm 20 year's old.And i come from xxx.i'm alive and fervor.my hobbies are wide,such as reading,travelling,surfing.my speech is over.thanks.

余庆县19662183040: 英语翻译请帮忙翻译成英语口语,一定要简洁简单!:“我只有三句话,这是第一句.第二句是我爱我现在的生活.第三句是感谢大家给予我这样的生活!” -
巧善海京:[答案] I just have 3 words I love my tlife. thanks all for your help to give me this life!

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