
作者&投稿:圣锦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

You much like the obscurity of roots, cause saplings grow,
And the branches hung fruitful fruit, but does not require any reward.

You gave us a stem live of the ruler, let ourselves everyday for measurement,
You gave us a exemplary behavior mirror, let us everywhere have study example.

You are bridge, for our connection severed mountains, let us to harvest peaks,
You are evergreen cane, tough and slender, guide us to gather to top precipice crest of ganoderma lucidum and ginseng.

I am devout did find vocabulary,
Because the teacher this two word itself is the world's most sublime worship of the word.


A:Why didn't you have class yesterday evening?
B:Because I was on business trip/attended a classmate party/worked overtime/felt tired,that's why I didn't have class.
A:In my mind you are seldom absent!
B:Thanks for your praise.But I'm not an iron man/super man.
A:I see.Mrs Wan asked us to buy New Concept English together,it will be 30 percent discount if we buy together.Are you going to buy it with me?
A; OK.
B: Thanks! Give the money to Mrs Wan by that time.
A: All right. See you on next Monday evening!

I want stand beside you till teh last minite.
You are another view,but in your mind what am i ?
I miss him just as you,we are the same.I once find wings on him while when he is f;ying just for you.Because in his eyes is only you.
Is it lost when you own it?
WIthout encaragrment,i am warry about we can not be friend anymore at last.
Our direction are all to este,whlie are destination same too?
Is someone who would tell him that i am rea;y decide to give my heart to her ,p;ease do not hurt my heart.
I want to love you sincerely,but i cannot say it out only hide it as my secret.


译文:1、I'd like to accompany you stick to till the last moment
2、You are out of the window in addition a scenery, in your eyes I is what relation?
3、I also want to him, we are all the same, in his body, ever find wings, only that he, because you and begin to fly。
4、Has is lost?
5、I have no courage, I worry even friends do nothing。
6、We began walking toward the east, just destination is the same?
7、If I were really, decided to give my heart, can someone tell him, don't make me sad
8、Want to love you, this sentence can only hide secret

1 I want to accompany you stick to till the last moment
2 are you another scenery outside the window, in your eyes I is what relation?
3 I also want to him, we are all the same, in his body, ever find wings, only that he, because you and begin to fly
4 has is lost?
May I have the courage, I worry even friends do nothing
6 we began walking toward the east, just destination is the same?
7 if I were really, decided to give my heart, can someone tell him, don't make me sad
8 want to love you, this sentence can only hide secret

1 I want to accompany you stick to till the last moment

2 are you another scenery outside the window, in your eyes I is what relation?

3 I also want to him, we are all the same, in his body, ever find wings, only that he, because you and begin to fly

4 has is lost?

May I have the courage, I worry even friends do nothing

6 we began walking toward the east, just destination is the same?

7 if I were really, decided to give my heart, can someone tell him, don't make me sad

8 want to love you, this sentence can only hide secret


1.我校师生关系良好,师生如同朋友,同学如同兄弟姐妹。1、We have good relationship between teachers and students,teachers and their students live together just like friends,classmates are just like brothers and sisters.2.不过,部分同学因学习压力大容易焦虑,甚至与同学吵架。2、But,some ...

1, please speak slowly.2, don't kick football on the street.3, let us sing this English song together, good?4, please keep silent.5, must look after the good oneself.6, do not fear.7, please arrive school on time.8, we do not want time waste in playing the ...

1、由于缺乏任何证据,警方只好把约翰放了 because lacks any evidence, the police had to put John ---进士出身 八级 ???1、由于缺乏任何证据,警方只好把约翰放了(in the absence of)1. In the absence of proof, the police had to release John.2、最终,我决定还是不去(in the end ...

1我没有去音乐会的原因是我没买到票 It was because I hadn't got the ticket that I didn't go to the concet.2我不仅看过这本书,而且记得这本书的内容 I not only have read the book, but also remember its content.3随着工业革命的来临,工厂的出现成为可能 With the Industrial ...

1, We are having too many troubles.2, There's is a door ot the garden,3, Ten persons will come to have a dinner.4, Nothing has written on the notebook.5, There're ten people died in this accident.6, Some old people sit behind there.7, There's a red car stopped ...

我觉得是这样翻的:1.Generally speaking,women live a longer life than man.2.He pass his sister off as a doctor.3.The films showed this year are very excellent in terms of quality and quantity.4.I made his acquaintance at a party.仅供参考吧……...

1.would you mind telling me how to use this fuction?-do not mind.2.he clean his badroom everydag.3.those articles written By Lu Xun in1921.4.i have been there for several times.5.his parenets have left Hong Kong for three months.6.how many famous places have you ...

4,武力【force】5,重新审理【a new trail】6,驳回【reject】7,钢琴协奏曲【Piano Concerto】8,他逝世的噩耗使她简直没法工作下去了。【The shocking news of his death rendered her completely unable to continue with her work.】希望你能采纳,谢谢~以后有什么英语方面的问题可以找我哦~谢谢!

I like light blue. Because it is my heart become cheerful.江西有许多名胜古迹,有滕王阁,人民广场等等。Jiangxi has many places of historic interest and scenic beauty, has Pavilion of Prince Teng, the people's Square.我认为英语很重要。因为它是一种官方语言,在未来,我们会时常用到它。

1 首先,我们需要节约水和电。当我们使用完后,需要及时的关上它。一定不能忘记。First of all, we should try to save water and electricity. Remember to turn off the tap in time after use.2 我们需要将垃圾分类,这样有利于环境的保护和废物的回收。We should classify wastes in order to...

集安市17361513238: 急求,给出下列句子的英语翻译,谢谢!1,他擅长英语,但他不喜欢数学.我也是.2,他们吵了一架,但很快就言归于好.3,使我很宽慰的是,我的孩子们安... -
段干独龙骨:[答案] 翻译如下: 1.He is expert in English,but he doesn't like mathematics 2.They quarrelling with each other,but make peace with each other soon. 3 It is comfort to me that my children go home safely. 4.I blissful that I own the welfare childhood.It is everyone ...

集安市17361513238: 请把下列句子翻译成英文,多谢! -
段干独龙骨: 1: left, to go eat, hurry up, I'll wait for you! 2: a person living in the dormitory, but also fit? Feel lonely do? 3: Let's go, a person in a dormitory more bori...

集安市17361513238: 把下列句子翻译成英语....
段干独龙骨: 译文如下: 1. That is my book. 2. She doesn't like this pen. 3. He has a knife. 4. His T-shirt is blue. 5. Mr.You teaches us English.

集安市17361513238: 请把下列句子翻译成英语,谢谢 -
段干独龙骨: I came for you this afternoon. I was gonna invite you to Wang Lei's birthday party tomorrow 3pm with me. That's why I left this. Here is your route, walk from A to T, then M on the upright, cross D and you get Wang Lei's place. I will be waiting for you ...

集安市17361513238: 急求,给出下列句子的英语翻译,谢谢! -
段干独龙骨: 翻译如下:1.He is expert in English, but he doesn't like mathematics2. They quarrelling with each other, but make peace with each other soon.3 It is comfort to me...

集安市17361513238: 求下面句子的英文翻译 急!虽然我输了这场游戏,但我倒是得到了一件纪念品——你.谢谢 -
段干独龙骨:[答案] I lost the game, but I got a souvenir---you.

集安市17361513238: 请把下列句子译成英语,谢谢
段干独龙骨: 您好! 1.What is your name? 2.Does Kangkang like English? Yes,he does. 3.Do you help her? 4.Does he help you? 5.Whoes book is this? Is it yours? No,it isn't. 6.Whoes pen is it? Is it yours? Yes,it is mine. (mine 名词性物主代词,我的) 采纳是您的美德,谢谢您的支持!

集安市17361513238: 帮忙把下列句子译成英文~~~谢谢~~ -
段干独龙骨: 1 you drink coffee please be careful, lest dirty new carpet. 2. About the traffic problem downtown, is the time to take action. 3 I have been used to do this work.4 I live in sichuan for many years, the situation very well.5 smoking, he immediately unless ...

集安市17361513238: 请把下列句子翻译成英文,谢谢
段干独龙骨: My father is a teacher Her name is Lucy We like him This is a pen These are not boys They are girls We help his sister our sister likes English This is his pen This pen is mine 绝对满分!

集安市17361513238: 将下面的句子翻译成英文,谢谢 -
段干独龙骨: 1、I've heard no sound. 2、He's got a good sleep besides a nice stomach. 3、You should give him a hand since you've promise to. 4、The dinner should be shared.

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