
作者&投稿:良胜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ feel: 感觉;认为;试探;摸索;触摸;觉得
1.It depends on how you feel.
2.I feel very tired and sick.
3.I like to look my best and feel good.
4.Feel wink of warmth and stir of spirit.
5.Hear it, feel it.
6.I know that feel.
7.I hope so. Well, suddenly I feel very silly.
8.I see. Yes, I think I understand how you feel.
9.I know my friends from the feel of their faces.
10.On a beautiful day like today, I feel like I want for nothing.
11.But you might experiment to select the email service you feel does the best job.
12.You feel so cold that your body starts to shake, not very much but uncontrollable.
13.I could imagine it coming to feel like living inside a giant test tube after awhile.
14.This is not a train in still in which you may feel forward when another train goes by.
15.Most of us would probably feel very sad and give up our dreams and hopes for the future .
16.And you feel that perhaps this is the time to look for manufacturing facilities elsewhere?
17.Yet when I see "together to create" on the school form, I do not feel creative, I just feel jaded.
18.The effect was to make the town feel like a collection of disparate sites rather than an open world.
19.Before you begin to write, take the time to pause, listen carefully, feel and touch, see and observe.
20.And you even feel that they like you to be outside them so that they will enjoy being inside even more!
21.FINE — This is the word women use to end an argument when they feel they are right and you need to shut up.
22.Depression is a serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act.
23.Each person is an individual with his or her own way of expressing emotion, and there is no right way to feel or react.
24.While some Finns pursue the material trappings of success, most seem to feel that the pleasures of time and solitude are more precious.
25.They feel the past—including their language and traditions—is definitely worth preserving— particularly when it is as colorful as theirs.
26.He acknowledged that human beings had an insatiable desire to feel superior to each other, and that some people would always blindly pursue wealth.
27.Lead is starting to feel a bit like nickel (was) earlier this year so we may need to ask whether it might at some point see a similar (price) slump.
28.It also gave me a new perspective and a kind of new sensation because you feel the sunlight directly on your scalp, the rain and the wind - everything is very direct.
29.Sadly, too often the debenture holder will feel no option but to appoint an administrator if a company breaches covenants and its position appears to be deteriorating.
30.Although some business people are content that the Mexican economy is dominated by a small, powerful clique, many feel that the lack of competition is a serious problem.

feel后面可以接复合宾语,即句子的宾语加上补充说明宾语动作或情况的补足语的结构。这两部分组成了不可分割的一个整体,并具有逻辑上的主谓关系。类似表示感官的动词还有see, hear, watch, find等,既可以接不带to的动词不定式,也可以接现在分词。

我的英语老师说是feel challenged。例如:I quickly lower myself, ducking my head to avoid looking directly into his eyes so he doesn't feel___ (challenge)考查非谓语动词。根据句子结构可知,此处作系动词feel的表语,主语为he,故要用 challenged,表示“受到挑战的”。

可以的,我有一篇具体介绍feel用法的文章,你的问题就在第一节 英语中feel有几种不同的意义和用法,如有时可用及物动词,与宾语连用,有时又用系动词,与形容词连用,在表示某些意见时可用进行时,但在表示别的意思时,就不能这样用。现将其具体用法归纳如下:1、 表示“感觉”、“感到”这时用作...

这里让老师想到一个口诀:一感,二听,三让,四看,半帮助。一感是指 feel,二听是指 listen to 和 hear,三让是指 have,let 和 make,四看见是指 see,watch,notice 和 observe,半帮助是指 help 正常跟省to的不定式做宾补,即sb.do , 但在表示被动意义句中就得变成 + sth done,如:I ...

feel n.(名词)Perception by or as if by touch; sensation:感觉:触摸或仿佛触摸时引起的感觉;感觉:a feel of autumn in the air.在空气中感到了秋意 The sense of touch:触觉,手感:a surface that is rough to the feel.摸上去很粗糙的表面 The nature or quality of something as ...

在这个句子中,"I feel"是主语和谓语动词构成的简单句,宾语从句是整个句子的宾语,宾语从句为"there is no one to save me"。在宾语从句中,"there is" 是主语,"no one"是宾语,"to save me"是不定式短语作定语,修饰"no one",意思是"没有人能够拯救我"。因此,整个句子的意思是"我感觉没...

有两种情况:1. feel做系动词,表示感觉,这时应该是表语从句,比如He feels that his heart is broken. (他感觉心要碎了)2.feel表示认为,不是系动词,比如I felt that I had to apologiz. (我认为我该道歉)

He can touch. 他能摸到 He can feel. 他能感到 区别:这两个词都可以用来形容感觉,此时它们有所差别 touch 有触动,感动的意思,使用时的结构一般是指某事或某种情感触动了某人,或某人被什么事件\/情感所触动。如:an appeal that touched us deeply.feel 指感觉,其感情色彩较touch弱,使用时...


I feel adj when ...造6个句子?
我感到害怕当我看恐怖电影的时候:I feel scared when I watch horror movies 我感到高兴当我和朋友玩耍的时候:I feel happy when I play with my friends 我感到紧张当我上台演讲的时候:I feel nervous when I'm on stage 我感到伤心当我的宠物去世的时候:I feel sad when my pet died 我...

景宁畲族自治县15146767052: 关于feel的句子 -
旗韵头痛:[答案] feel: 感觉;认为;试探;摸索;触摸;觉得 1.It depends on how you feel. 它取决于你是怎么感觉的. 2.I feel very tired and sick. 我感觉很累,并且生病了. 3.I like to look my best and feel good. 我喜欢自己最好的表现,有最好的感受. 4.Feel wink of ...

景宁畲族自治县15146767052: 用feel这一个英文句子 -
旗韵头痛:[答案] 1.I am feeling very depressed.我感到很沮丧.2.I could feel that a man was watching me very intensely.我能感觉到一个男人正紧盯着我看.3.I feel certain that it will all turn out well.我觉得最后肯定一切都...

景宁畲族自治县15146767052: 用feel造一个句子并转化为被动语态 -
旗韵头痛: 这种感官动词不用于被动语态,本身具有被动的含义,翻译为被摸起来感觉怎么样 It feels soft 它被摸起来很柔软,它不能自己做,是动作的承受者,已经具有被动的含义了

景宁畲族自治县15146767052: 用feel这一个英文句子 -
旗韵头痛: 1. I am feeling very depressed. 我感到很沮丧.2. I could feel that a man was watching me very intensely. 我能感觉到一个男人正紧盯着我看.3. I feel certain that it will all turn out well. 我觉得最后肯定一切都会很好.4. Neither of them felt like going back to sleep. 他们俩都不想回去睡觉.

景宁畲族自治县15146767052: 用feel造句 -
旗韵头痛: I feel tired.

景宁畲族自治县15146767052: 不超过10个字母的有FEEL的英文句子 -
旗韵头痛: I feel happy我感到快乐.I feel good.我感觉不错.He feels sad.他感到悲伤.

景宁畲族自治县15146767052: 谁能用感官动词造句5个英语句子 -
旗韵头痛: 感官动词:feel/smell/taste/look/sound feel: I feel very good. 我感觉很棒. smell:It smells nice. 闻起来好极了. taste:It tastes delicious. 尝起来好吃极了. look: It looks different. 看起来不一样了. sound:It sounds wonderful. 听起来棒极了.

景宁畲族自治县15146767052: feel可以组什么10个单词的句子?
旗韵头痛: I did not feel so good on last Friday morning.

景宁畲族自治县15146767052: get和feel用法例句 -
旗韵头痛: 估计楼主是要分析二者在后面跟修饰词时的不同吧?get强调状态copy的转变,比如:知 I'm getting better. 我正在好转.feel强调当时的感受,例如: I'm feeling better. 我感觉好多了.在句子成分上相差不大,主要是含义不同 另外,get在作为转变(状态)的意思时是有辨析的,比如turn,become,being(?最后一个可能不对,忘了)可以自己查查,也欢迎继续讨论道仅供参考

景宁畲族自治县15146767052: 关于自己感觉的英语句子 -
旗韵头痛: How do you feel ? I feel very worried about my exams. Yesterday I took part in the final exams. Most of the exercises were hard to me even if they all appeared in the text book. I am weak in studies,so I didn't finish homework often. For me I didn't catch...

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