Lessons 129-130新概念英语第一册课后答案详解

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~ 【 #新概念英语# 导语】新概念英语作为家喻户晓的经典之作,它有着全新的教学理念,有趣的课文内容及其全面的技能训练,为广大的英语学习者提供帮助!如果你也想学好英语,又怎能错过新概念英语?下面 为您提供了相关内容,希望对您有所帮助!

  新概念英语第一册129-130课重点单词详解 Word study

  charge v.


  He was charged by the policeman for speeding.



  The hotel charged them £ 900 for one night.



  They charged him with murder.


  wave v.


  He waved us quiet.


  She waved me goodbye.



  The flag is waving in the wind.


  She was attracted by the waving sea.


  dream v.


  He dreamt about his grandmother last night.


  Do you often dream at night?



  She dreamed that one day she would be as free as a bird


  I once dreamed of becoming a famous doctor.



  Don't dream away your life!


  Sorry, I didn't see the sign. I must have been dream ing.


  新概念英语第一册130课课后练习答案 Key to written exercises


  1 He didn't come to work yesterday. He must have been ill.

  2 He didn't come to the office this morning. He had to stay at home.

  3 I don't think she was Austrian. She must have been German.

  4 I lost my pen so I had to buy a new one.

  5 He forgot his case so he had to return home.

  6 She didn't hear the phone. She must have been sleeping.


  1 I don't think they were. They can't have been Canadian.

  They must have been Australian.

  2 I don't think she was. She can't have been Finnish.

  She must have been Russian.

  3 I don't think they were. They can't have been Japanese.

  They must have been Chinese.

  4 I don't think they were. They can't have been butchers.

  They must have been bakers.

  5 I don't think she was. She can't have been a dentist.

  She must have been a doctor.

  6 I don't think he was. He can't have been a sales rep.

  He must have been the boss.

  7 I don't think she was. She can't have been seventeen.

  She must have been twenty-one.

  8 I don't think they were. They can't have been five.

  They must have been seven.

  9 I don't think he was. He can't have been seventy-six.

  He must have been over eighty.

  10 I don't think she was. She can't have been fifty-five.

  She must have been under fifty.

  11 I don't think it was. It can't have been the 17th yesterday.

  It must have been the 16th yesterday.

  12 I don't think it was. It can't have been Tuesday yesterday.

  It must have been Wednesday yesterday.

  13 I don't think it was. It can't have been the 19th yesterday.

  It must have been the 20th yesterday.

  14 I don't think it was. It can't have been cheap.

  It must have been expensive.

  15 I don't think it was. It can't have been easy.

  It must have been difficult.

  16 I don't think she was. She can't have been old.

  She must have been young.

  17 I don't think he was. He can't have been ill.

  He must have been tired.

  18 I don't think they were. They can't have been listening to the radio.

  They must have been watching television.

  19 I don't think she was. She can't have been retiring.

  She must have been looking for a new job.

  20 I don't think they were. They can't have been sitting.

  They must have been standing.

大港区15812264927: 我是大一的学生,高中英语还过得去,现在想学新概念英语,从第几册开始学比较合适? -
春德银黄: 第三册开始,这个比较符合你的情况2册太简单了,知识点很多高中应该学完了.3册有一些东西 似乎高中也有学到.学起来应该简单才对.如果你能力很好的话,学第4册.

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春德银黄: 不需要 我高中就背过不到二十篇的新概念2 高考也上了130 有这功夫不如多做做阅读或者多听听听力 祝你取得好成绩!

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大港区15812264927: 新东方英语教师培训考核
春德银黄: 从小到大老师在我们的心目中都是带着光环,无比神圣的,成为一名老师也是许多人梦寐以求的.再加上我们这一代人许多都是做着新东方的《新概念英语》练习题长大,...

大港区15812264927: 新概练英语适合高二的学生么 我打算从1开始学 请英语相关人士回答 谢谢 -
春德银黄: 适合,不过最好从新概念英语2开始学吧,因为新概念英语1是小学到初一使用的.

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