如何发扬中国传统文化 英文

作者&投稿:登高 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Dragon Boat Festival
5th day of the 5th lunar month

Qu Yuan
The Dragon Boat Festival, also called the Duanwu Festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese calendar. For thousands of years, the festival has been marked by eating zong zi (glutinous rice(糯米)wrapped to form a pyramid using bamboo or reed leaves) and racing dragon boats.

The festival is best known for its dragon-boat races, especially in the southern provinces where there are many rivers and lakes. This regatta(赛舟会)commemorates the death of Qu Yuan , an honest minister who is said to have committed suicide by drowning himself in a river.

Qu was a minister of the State of Chu situated in present-day Hunan and Hubei provinces, during the Warring States Period (475-221BC)(战国时期). He was upright, loyal and highly esteemed for his wise counsel that brought peace and prosperity to the state. However, when a dishonest and corrupt prince vilified Qu, he was disgraced and dismissed from office. Realizing that the country was now in the hands of evil and corrupt officials, Qu grabbed a large stone and leapt into the Miluo River on the fifth day of the fifth month. Nearby fishermen rushed over to try and save him but were unable to even recover his body. Thereafter, the state declined and was eventually conquered by the State of Qin.

The people of Chu who mourned the death of Qu threw rice into the river to feed his ghost every year on the fifth day of the fifth month. But one year, the spirit of Qu appeared and told the mourners that a huge reptile(爬行动物)in the river had stolen the rice. The spirit then advised them to wrap the rice in silk and bind it with five different-colored threads before tossing it into the river.

During the Duanwu Festival, a glutinous rice pudding called zong zi is eaten to symbolize the rice offerings to Qu. Ingredients such as beans, lotus seeds(莲子), chestnuts(栗子), pork fat and the golden yolk of a salted duck egg are often added to the glutinous rice. The pudding is then wrapped with bamboo leaves, bound with a kind of raffia and boiled in salt water for hours.

The dragon-boat races symbolize the many attempts to rescue and recover Qu's body. A typical dragon boat ranges from 50-100 feet in length, with a beam of about 5.5 feet, accommodating two paddlers seated side by side.

A wooden dragon head is attached at the bow, and a dragon tail at the stern(船尾). A banner hoisted on a pole is also fastened at the stern and the hull is decorated with red, green and blue scales edged in gold. In the center of the boat is a canopied shrine behind which the drummers, gong(铜锣)beaters and cymbal(铙钹)players are seated to set the pace for the paddlers. There are also men positioned at the bow to set off firecrackers, toss rice into the water and pretend to be looking for Qu. All of the noise and pageantry creates an atmosphere of gaiety and excitement for the participants and spectators alike. The races are held among different clans, villages and organizations, and the winners are awarded medals, banners, jugs of wine and festive meals

The inheritance and development of Chinese culture

传统文化就是人们自己日常生活中不断形成;发展;继承下来的用以让该地区的人们更好的适应当地的生活的习惯和习俗,,如新年,中秋 清明 元宵,中巳节等传统节气,对中国人民的的影响非常之大。每当节气期间大家举行一些关于节气的活动,例如中巳节,也就是龙抬头,家家都去家剪头发,还有3月3祭拜祖先,新郑举行拜祖大典,来自全国各地的海外华侨侨胞们都会来这里纪念自己的祖先等等



How to carry forward Chinese traditional culture?


一、 要加大传统优秀文化的普及。比如,在机关要开展优秀传统文化学习教育活动,编写弘扬中华民族传统美德的学习教材;在学校要开设优秀传统文化教育课程,组织开展中华经典诵读大赛、传统文化知识竞赛等主题活动;在企业要开展“诚信企业”“诚信商户”等评选活动;要通过开展示范社区创建活动、弘扬孝贤文化和...




传统文化是中华民族智慧的结晶, 如何继承与发扬?



因此,我们要积极弘扬中国文化,让中国文化走出去! 一、整合国内文化资源,展示中国文化的新面貌 我们倡导中国文化走出去,首先应当确定的是什么样的中国文化走出去。我们在以往对外文化交流中,往往偏重于传播中国传统文化,中国的四大发明、琴棋书画、武术气功在世界上已众所周知,甚至广为流传。但我国文化创新成果的宣传和...

发扬优秀传统文化是因为它承载着一个民族的精神品格、价值观念和智慧积累,对个体和社会具有重要的意义。以下是一些主要的原因:1. **文化认同**:优秀传统文化是民族和国家的独特标识,通过发扬优秀传统文化可以加强国家和民族的认同感,增强社会凝聚力和归属感。2. **价值观传承**:优秀传统文化中蕴含...

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