
作者&投稿:蓝叛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


藤王阁Tengwang pavilion 绳金塔Rope Macintosh 八大山人书画陈列馆Eight ShanRen painting and calligraphy exhibition 洪崖丹井(梅岭)HongYa DanJing 安义古村群AnYi ancient village 南昌八一起义纪念馆Nanchang uprising of bayi memorial 佑民寺U-right temple" 西山万寿宫Xishan WanShou palace


welcomeeveryone,iamgladthatyoucancometopingyaocounty,wherethereistheoldestconfuciustemple。itwasopenedtothepublicmondayafteraone-yearrenovationproject。ihopeyoucanappreciatethespotindeed。first,iwillshowthemainbuildingofthetemple,itsthemostinterestingspothere。second,wecanwalkaroundtoseetheotherareaofthespot。finally,iwilltellthehistoryofthetemple。themainbuildingofthetemplewasbuiltin1163,intheyuandynasty,andhasahistoryofmorethan840峨眉 旅游景点。

用英语介绍南昌(40词 )?

Nanchang is the People's Republic of China Jiangxi Province's provincial capital, Chinese one of 35 super cities, has the essence or quintessence of things tianbao, the human outstanding earth deities since the ancient times fine ***.It has more than 2200 years history and the deep cultural inside story, is the People's Republic of China State Council names the historical city.Not only Nanchang is the ecological environment exquisite the Chiangnan region of rivers and lakes, Communist Party of China it the colors raise place.Has the honor to receive many times the People's Republic of China"the nation cultured and civilized city", "the national health cityadvanced city", "the Chinese outstanding traveling city", "thenational two supports model city" the title.Nanchang is situated at middle and lower reaches Yangtze River, westPoyang Lake the Nanan, is only 11 the provincial capital city whichwith southeast the Yangtze River delta, the Zhujiang Delta and Fujianthe economic zone adjoin west, receives opens, north-south north andsouth. Beijing nine, Zhejiang and Jiangxi provinces, the Anhui Jianxithree bar iron routes connect to this, is Beijing nine on-line theonly provincial capital city; 105th, 320, 316 federal highways gothrough vertically Nanchang; The Changbei international airport mayreach national each big city; The water transportation enters YangtzeRiver after Ganjiang River to leave East China Sea. Looked from theeconomic significance that, Nanchang has become international andeastern part the coastal developed area industry gradient shift idealareaNanchang, the beautiful natural landscape of the mountain ring around water, scenery-lai. West pull Western Hills, North Wang Meiling, Ganjiang wear over the city, "in Lake City, Lake in the town." Profound cultural content, and numerous national, provincial key units to be protected.

南昌市内江河纵横,湖泊星罗棋布,市区错落着东湖、西湖、南湖、北湖四个人工湖,象四面明镜镶嵌在市中心,构成了美丽的城市风光。 南昌有着悠久的历史文化。现已发掘旧石器时代以来的古文化遗址近60处之多,最早有关南昌的文字记载见之于《禹贡》。 公元前202年,汉高祖刘邦派颖侯灌婴率兵进驻南昌,并修筑南昌城,俗称...

此外,鄱阳湖畔的渔村风情,贵溪河上渔翁与鹭鸶捕鱼、竹排载客以及古越族悬棺葬俗,宜春地区偏僻山乡的传统庙会以及物资交流集会,清江县樟树镇的“药墟”,南昌市西山万寿宫庙会,进贤县文港笔市和皮毛市,萍乡市的烟花节,赣南兴国县的山歌赛会,等等。 招郎是井冈山土籍人传统婚俗。招郎即是男嫁女方...


对南昌的描写 建城2200年来,一直都是府、州、省、道治所,历代冠盖云集、车马如流、楼台相望,素有“物华天宝、人杰地灵”之美誉。1927年8月1日,震惊中外的“八一”南昌起义,写下了中国现代史上最为辉煌的一页,南昌成为“军旗升起的地方”,“英雄城”彪炳史册而驰名天下。古老的名胜交融于奇妙...


在南昌如何选择能过英语关的高中? 儿子今年初三毕业,想本科去读新加坡南...

“入乡先问俗”这个“俗”最主要的就是生产、生活习俗。我们采用绳金塔、民俗画作为底色图案,表现民间丰收喜庆的景象。这里重点介绍南昌人的衣、食、住、行、交通、运输等习俗。南昌市花 月季和金边瑞香、市树 樟树、音乐 采茶戏 (南昌的传统戏曲方式)、地方语言 赣方言的代表语种“南昌话”。藜蒿炒...

篇一:美丽的秋天[400字] 张议文 秋天带着一身金黄,迈着轻盈的脚步,悄悄地来到了人间。走进公园,一阵花香迎面扑来,迎着花香找去,原来桂花开了,一个个白色的桂花就像天上的小星星,美丽地点缀在树枝上。走进果园,苹果就像一个个红彤彤的灯笼;香蕉黄澄澄的一片;石榴笑得咧开了嘴;橘子在枝头...



二道江区13148923824: 写南昌的英语作文,不少于八句话. -
韩鲍斯美: i will do my homework tomorrow,because i need to have a rest right now.before i will go to gream,i remeber what my mom told me to finish the hosework.i feel very unhappy.then i crying for my bad furtune.i give up to do these.then i going to sleep .and after my mom come back,i get nothing but an order to finish all.

二道江区13148923824: 急!!!求英语作文.我的家乡南昌 -
韩鲍斯美: 随着改革开放,我的家乡——海虞,变得繁荣昌盛了.昔日尘土飞扬的公路已没有踪迹,取而代之的是宽阔的水泥马路.走在马路上,你一定会被眼前的景象惊呆了.五年前,这儿还是自行车的天地,现在已经成为汽车的海洋了.各种各式各...

二道江区13148923824: 英语作文我的城市我的城市是南昌,要200词左右,不要难的单词,要显示出是初一写的,分100, -
韩鲍斯美:[答案] 1.Nanchang City , capital of Jiangxi province, southeastern China. An old walled city on the right bank of the Gan River, it was founded in 201 BC. In AD 959 it became the capital of the Southern Tang...

二道江区13148923824: 英语作文home town,江西南昌,字数不限 -
韩鲍斯美: My hometown is NanC. It's not very large, but it's very beautiful. There is less air pollution in Haimen than in other areas of Nantong. There is a beautiful park; its name is Dongzhou Park. You can exercise and go walking there. There are about ...

二道江区13148923824: 有朋友来到南昌向别人寻求帮助英语作文 -
韩鲍斯美: My best friendxxx:Hello.In a foreign land I live very well,that you had a good?I am here in Shenzhen want to you,you are in my hometown school best friend,have what thing,you always towards I,on my side,I need something,you will lend to me.I don't ...

二道江区13148923824: 英语作文南昌一日游怎么写? -
韩鲍斯美:[答案] Tour Route:Nanchang Prince Teng Pavilion,August First Square and August First Uprising Museum,The Star of Nanchang,Shengjin Tower Tour itinerary: ① Pick up at 8:00AM ② Prince Teng Pavilion(with overhanging eaves,tilted corners,carved beams...

二道江区13148923824: 假如你是李华,美国笔友来南昌游玩,向它介绍南昌的地理,历史,文化,写篇英语作文 -
韩鲍斯美: 李华 :Do you speak Chinese 笔友:Yes, I can 李华:好的.那我们用中文交流吧.然后中文你就自己写吧

二道江区13148923824: 关于介绍南昌的英语作文 原创270字左右 -
韩鲍斯美: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nanchang 这网站应该会帮到你~

二道江区13148923824: 国庆南昌游记英语作文 -
韩鲍斯美: I am so excited about this National Day's vacation. I went for a trip with my parents as I planned.We visited a famous mountain witch is the highest mountain in my town.Like a climber,we decided to get to its peak.So,we started with enough food and ...

二道江区13148923824: 英语作文南昌一日游怎么写?求解急急急
韩鲍斯美: Tour Route: Nanchang Prince Teng Pavilion, August First Square and August First Uprising Museum, The Star of Nanchang, Shengjin TowerTour itinerary:① Pick up at 8:00...

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