
作者&投稿:丙俘 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

beach是海滩, school是学校 chair是椅子,这三个词的意思不同,读音也不一样。


school chair china beach

[skuːl] [tʃeə] [ˈtʃaɪnə] [biːtʃ]

[skul] [tʃɛr] [ˈtʃaɪnə] [bitʃ]

chair 英[tʃeə(r)] 美[tʃer]
n. 椅子; 大学教授职位; 主持会议的主席(的席位或职位); 讲座;
vt. 主持; 使…入座; 使就任要职;
[例句]He rose from his chair and walked to the window.
beach 英[bi:tʃ] 美[bitʃ]
n. 海滩,海滨; 岸上的沙子和卵石;
vt. 将…拖上岸; 将滑艇拖到小屋前面的岸边;
[例句]We beached the canoe, running it right up the bank

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Niagara University (Niagara University) North Country Community College (Saranac Lake) Northeastern Seminary at Roberts Wesleyan College (Rochester) Northern Westchester School of Hairdressing (Peekskill) Nyack College (Nyack) 本回答被提问者采纳 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 其他类...

His name is xxx, from Hexian Anhui. He is shorter than me, with relatively plump. He wears a pair of black-framed glasses, with his hair slightly curly.He is specialized in the autocar. He studies very hard and makes up his mind to be an expert in this field.We share ...

He is of medium build and of medium height. He has short straight black hair. And he has two big eyes. He likes playing basketball, swimming and drawing. He also likes listening to music. His favorite food is fish and chips. His favorite star is Michael Jordan. And he wants to be a...

急急急急 Aaron Carter的有关信息
Qualities that Aaron looks for in a girl are brunettes or black hair, and he doesn't like a girl who slobbers when she kisses.Aaron says that if his whole family was on "Survivor", twin sister Angel would be voted off the island first.Aaron likes to take girls to the beach for a ...

10. cut one’s hair 理发11. rules and customs 规矩和习俗12. on the pavement 在人行道13. in certain countries 在某些国家14. cover one’s head 盖住头15. drop litter 扔垃圾16. on the plate 在盘子里17. take off 脱下(衣服)\/(飞机)起飞18. clean up bedroom 打扫卧室19. wash up 洗餐具...

2)be at home\/work 在家\/上班3)be good at 善于,擅长于4)be careful of 当心,注意,仔细5)be covered with 被……复盖6)be ready for 为……作好准备7)be surprised (at) 对……感到惊讶8)be interested in 对……感到举9)be born 出生10)be on 在进行,在上演, (灯)亮着11)be able to do ...

In our college life,we can take part in all kinds of activities held by various unions that can help widely broaden your sights to make you more informed.Besides rich and corlorful outdoor activities,you can also attend many acdemic speeches or the course you may be fond ...

Let my hair grow, cause I was looking for a change Shorty call me the Scare Crow, I'm looking for some brain In "The Wiz", there it go, here it is, where the show Cause through yo dress, I can see yo drawls So shorty just shake it, make a round of applause If ...

38. be late for the interview39. did he realize40. shouldn’t have left home(一)41-45 BDCAA 46-50 CCDBD 51-55 BACBD 56-60 CACDA(二) 41-45 CABDC 46-50 ABCDB 51-55 ACACD 56-60 BACBD(三) 41-45 BDACA 46-50 CBBAC 51-55 DBDBC 56-60 BCADC 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个...

通道侗族自治县15174498910: school chair china beach 这几个单词那个发音不同 -
超章快力: 英文原文:school chair china beach 英式音标:[sku l] [t e ] [ t a n ] [bi t ] 美式音标:[skul] [t r] [ t a n ] [bit ]

通道侗族自治县15174498910: chip和cheese读音一样吗 -
超章快力: 不一样,但它们都有舌端齿龈破擦音/tʃ/的发音. 辅音字母组合ch在单字里发舌端齿龈破擦音/tʃ/的音,发音时,声带不振动,舌端靠近上齿龈后部,形成阻碍,准备好发爆破音/t/,舌身抬高,与/ʃ/音的舌位高低接近,双唇分开,略往外翘,成喇叭状,气流冲破舌端和上齿龈后部的阻碍,爆破和摩擦几乎同时发生,有一定的长度.这个音出现在字首、字中和字尾位置.如: beach 海滨 lunch 午饭 cheese 奶酪 bench 长凳 church 教堂 chicken 鸡,鸡肉 chair 椅子 cherry 樱桃 希望我能帮助你解疑释惑.

通道侗族自治县15174498910: 关于英语单词发音的口形及舌位的问题???? -
超章快力: 是的每个音标的发音都不一样,怎么会苦难呢,和我们的汉语拼音一样啊.good的音标是[ɡʊd] g ʊ d 就类似于汉语拼音的 g e +d 哥 额 的,连起来就“各得”你多举几个例子,不会发的单词我给你解答

通道侗族自治县15174498910: 英语字母里面像ph,th这些在一起的字母的固定发音还有什么? -
超章快力: 有一些字母组合是有固定的发音的.ch beach 海滨 lunch 午餐 cheese 芝士 bench 长凳 church 教堂 chicken 鸡 chair 椅子 cherry 樱桃 sh sheep 羊 shirt 衬衫 ship 船 fish 鱼 dish 盘子 push 推 shoes 鞋子 shovel 铲子 wh whale 鲸鱼 white 白的 wheel ...

通道侗族自治县15174498910: 求英语46个音标的发音... -
超章快力: 学英语一开始要学发音. 美国英语的发音和汉语的发音有很大不同.汉语是方块字,人们为了把字写得整齐美观,就在所写的材料画上方格,在方格内写字.宋代活字印刷术出现后,人们就规则方块模字中造字,特别是近代出现的书写速度较慢...

通道侗族自治县15174498910: 法语和英语中发音相同的月份是几月 -
超章快力: 五月 Mai 九月 Septembre 十月 Octobre 十一月 Novembre 十二月 décembre 发起音来都很像

通道侗族自治县15174498910: 写出所有字母的一般发音规则 -
超章快力: ai、ay:/ei/ 比如:wait,plain,stain;play,clay,gay,、aw/⊃:/ 比如:caugh,caught,taught;draw,⊃:/、/a:/ 比如:talk,walk;palm, 比如:park,bark,mark,harm.ea/i:/ 比如:seat,tea,beach, 比如:jeep,deep,indeed,...

通道侗族自治县15174498910: 法语和中国的英语ch发音相同吗 -
超章快力: ch这个字母组合在英语中一般只有一种发音,也就是发舌端齿龈破擦音/tʃ/的音,发音时,声带不振动,舌端靠近上齿龈后部,形成阻塞,准备好发爆破音/t/,舌身抬高,与/ʃ/音的舌位高低接近,双唇分开,略往外翘,呈喇叭状,气流冲破舌端和上齿龈后部的阻塞,爆破和摩擦几乎同时发生,有一定的长度,这个音出现在字首、字中和字尾位旦川测沸爻度诧砂超棘置.如:beach 海滨 lunch 午餐 cheese 芝士 bench 长凳 church 教堂 chicken 鸡 chair 椅子 cherry 樱桃 希望我能帮助你解疑释惑.

通道侗族自治县15174498910: ...相同的打√,不同的打*() B.bread C.tea ( )2.A.pig B.big ( )3.A.teacher B.chair C.shool ( )4.A.peak C.beach ( )5.A.bus C.cute -
超章快力:[答案] * * * *

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