1-:请问英语老师们,这里what motivates you?怎么正确理解??能举例一下类似的这样的句子吗?感谢!!

作者&投稿:庾广 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
what motivates you to succed?这句特殊疑问句为什么没有助动词do~


I have always wanted to be rich. I want to live a life filled with luxuries. I want to be the envy of others. In my opinion, wealth is something that could buy a lot of things. Money can bring you happiness. However, I do not deny that there are many things that money cannot buy. In fact, I believe that there are other more important things in life than money.

I am born into a middle class family. My family is neither poor nor rich. We are able to afford basic necessities and some luxuries. Also, I am blessed with parents who care a lot for me. They work hard to provide for me and my brother. My brother and I are able to lead a carefree life. I am thankful for all that I have. However, I do not deny that I want more. I want to be truly rich. I want to be able to afford everything that I want.

Being rich can make my life more comfortable. I will be able to buy a big house with servants. I will be able to afford luxurious cars with chauffeurs. I will be able to dine in expensive restaurants. I will be able to afford a private jet in which I can visit all the beautiful countries. Pretty girls will flock to me. I will be able to enjoy relaxing spas. People will look up to me. I believe that money will make me a happier person. I may sound superficial. But these are things that truly only the rich can afford and I to be the rich. If you were given a billion dollars right now, I am sure that you will be a happier person.

I believe that money can buy many luxuries. However, I feel that health is still the most important. I would rather be healthy than wealthy. If you are rich but do not have the health to enjoy spending your money, then money is truly useless. This is common sense. Thus, in order to be happy, a person has to be healthy and wealthy.

Although it is important to be rich, I feel that we should not work too hard to be rich. A person can be wealthy if he works long hours every singe day. However, he will not have the time to enjoy spending his money. Furthermore, he will be less happy working so hard. Hence, I feel that we should try to find ways that allow us to be rich without working too hard. People might feel that there is no way a person could get rich without working hard. However, I feel that by utilizing our powerful minds, we will be able to get rich without working too hard. There are many real life examples. I hope to be able to achieve this.

Thus, I do not deny that I am greedy. I want to be rich and so money is the motivation of me to work harder.

motivate: 是及物动词。及物动词后面可以直接加宾语,
意思是:1. 作为…的动机; 激发; 诱发
You have first got to motivate the children and then to teach them.
你首先得激发孩子的学习兴趣, 然后再去教他们。
No one really knows what motivated him to do so.

motivate是及物动词。翻译为:1 激励,激发……的积极性 2 促动;激励,激发
名词形式为: motivation,意思是:积极性。
What kind of work environment do you prefer? What motivates you?这句话的翻译为:



动词嘛,motive 动机、动力的意思,这句话的意思就是你更喜欢什么样的工作环境,什么让你比较有动力?
what 名词主语,motivates 第三人称动词加S ,you 宾语

相应的名词为motivation,所以可以改为:What's your motivation?


一、1、plays 原因:这句话是一般现在时,所以动词“play”应改用一般现在时“plays”;2、people 原因:这里的“people”虽然是复数,但是“people”的单复数写法都一样,所以还是写“people”;二、1、Does,have,any 分析:这里的“has”属于动词的三单(第三人称单数)形式,所以改为移问句后,...

现在,我没有了从前的自信,还有些害怕英语,但是我很爱这门课程,我不愿意放弃,小时侯我的梦想就是学好英语,我很怕现在学不好了,不能实现我的梦想。请问老师们,我该怎么办?我需要请家教吗?或者我需要学习新概念英语的第三册吗?请老师们给我一点意见好吗? 展开  我来答 6个回答 #热议# 为什么现在...

英语其实离我们学生的日常生活一点都不远, 在他们的学习用品上、书包上、文具盒上、故事书上等等,很多地方都能找到英语;外出就餐,很多食物名称其实就是英语直译过来的,如coffee,hamburger等。还有很受孩子们欢迎的牙膏品牌——纳爱斯,其实就是nice的音译,表示美好,整洁;而一些感叹词,如:Yeah! Wow...

英语中,女老师们,男老师们,男同学们,一些苹果树 中的复数如何变化?_百度...
女老师们: women teachers 男老师们:men teachers 一些苹果树:some apple trees 苹果作定语,不需要用复数,不过男老师和女老师比较特殊

这三个词都是“是”的含义,但用法比中文中的“是”要复杂,英语中的am,is 和are都是be 的变化形式,根据不同的主语选用不同的动词,主语I 用am,表示复数的主语和单数“you”则要用are,其它则用is。 I am a teacher.我是教师。 You are a worker.你是一个工人。 You are students.你们是学生。 She is...

我孩子上初一,英语学不好,最基本的音标,音节搞不懂,请问老师怎么 音标就那48个,可以列印一张纸贴在墙上,对照读出来(如果不觉得麻烦,可以学一下每个音的发音要点,再对照磁带或其它视讯或音讯档案发出) 音节的规定比较简单,可以查一下百度百科就知道了,就那几项规定,多看几遍就记住了。 学单词的时候,先根据音标...

请老师们给翻译成英语,万分感谢。 请勿用软件直译,我会。
Introduction of simulation eyebrows:Very fine products of simulation eyebrows by Qingdao Film & Television Beard Products Co., Ltd. These eyebrows are not in mass production but in pair to individual customer's requirements. According to customers' facial and age, specially made under ...

The power of Luck.Luck, an abstract thing, will make everything good. (一句话中不可无谓语,因此用同位语的形式合并这两句话。)If it hit on you,you would succeed in everything you did. (LUCK不是每时每刻都有的)But luck just like a bird ,you can't happen to meet it ...

所以老师们有意无意地忽略了学生英语听说能力的培养。 不过现在英语考试进行了改革,加重了听说分值的比重。但是,如果想要孩子说英语像母语那样顺溜,那课外阅读和口语练习还是很有必要的。 最好是家人中有人懂英语,以便随时与孩子陪练。估计很多家庭不具备这个条件。如果经济许可,那也可以找人与孩子陪练。如果这条件也...

赣州市17837874140: 1 - :请问英语老师们,这里what motivates you?怎么正确理解?能举例一下类似的这样的句子吗?What kind of work environment do you prefer?What ... -
本狮丽珠:[答案] motivate: 是及物动词.及物动词后面可以直接加宾语, 意思是:1. 作为…的动机; 激发; 诱发 You have first got to motivate the children and then to teach them. 你首先得激发孩子的学习兴趣, 然后再去教他们. No one really knows what motivated ...

赣州市17837874140: 1 - :请问英语老师们,这里what motivates you?怎么正确理解??能举例一下类似的这样的句子吗?感谢!! -
本狮丽珠: motivate: 是及物动词.及物动词后面可以直接加宾语,意思是:1. 作为…的动机; 激发; 诱发 You have first got to motivate the children and then to teach them.你首先得激发孩子的学习兴趣, 然后再去教他们.No one really knows what motivated him to do so.没有人确知他那样做的动机.

赣州市17837874140: 英语what 不在句首时的用法, 例如, -
本狮丽珠: 三句都是What 引导的表语从句 此时what 可翻译成“所...的东西” that's just what i am going to say. 那正是我所要说的(话). we did a survey of our readers and this is what we learned. 这就是我们所学的(东西). this is what we need. 这正是我们所需要的.

赣州市17837874140: what引导的特殊句 -
本狮丽珠: 对于定语从句这一块,大部分同学对于基本的which, who, that引导的从句并不陌生,但是对于what这个词,大部分老师都会说what不能引导定语从句.跨考教育英语教研室彭佳洁老师提醒大家,只能说它不是一般的定从,而是一个先行词和关系...

赣州市17837874140: 英语老师说what在从句中作两个成分,对吗?请举个例子解析.谢谢. -
本狮丽珠: I don't know what you are talking about. 我不知道你在说什么.这个what在从句里充当"宾语".I don't know what is right. 我不知道什么是对的.这个what在从句里充当"主语".

赣州市17837874140: what 在这里做什么? 英语 -
本狮丽珠: what 疑问代词 指代“人们谈论的内容” 整个宾语从句是care的宾语不是么?what的作用只是一个连接词.而且宾从一直到结尾哦.

赣州市17837874140: 关于what和how的问题 -
本狮丽珠: 你应该告诉他你想起他,即使这意味着失去他的友谊. 我对英语不懂,但还是想回答一下,关于how的用法:一、 单独用作疑问词 1. 询问身体状况.如How are you? 你身体好吗Fine, thanks. 很好,谢谢 2. 询问天气状况.如How is the weather ...

赣州市17837874140: 初一英语问题:what - ----beautiful weather!中间填什么? -
本狮丽珠: C weather是不可数名词,不能加a,强调名词的用what.很高兴为你解答!老师祝你学习进步!请及时采纳哦!多谢你的问题!^_^

赣州市17837874140: 请问各位老师一个英语问题:cherish what you have now, and striving for the future. -
本狮丽珠: what you have now 是宾语从句,因为have 是不及物动词,缺少宾语,宾语由what 充当 你第一第二个问题,说明你对珍惜,这个词的词性不懂,这是动词,不是名词,因此,what 后面是修饰动词的,因此是宾语,不可能是定语从句 第二个问题,既然珍惜是动词,那么后面的是宾语,就是说and 后面的还是名词,因此,striving 用名词,不奇怪啊 第三,striving for the future,本身是珍惜的宾语,同时这个短语是介词for the future 的介词短语,定语后置

赣州市17837874140: 七年级上册英语所有知识点.前6个单元. -
本狮丽珠: 1. 这些女老师们在干什么?[误] What are the woman teachers doing?[正] What are the women teachers doing?[析] 在英语中,当一名词作定语修饰另一名词(单或复数形式)时,作定语的名词一般要用其单数形式;但当man, woman作...

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