
作者&投稿:商璐 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
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Wordmatters (ID:testcrackers)
托福口语2023年 10月口语独立预测
(本预测按照话题分类,并没有按照传统的TASK 1,TASK2来,希望同学们能看穿其中玄机)
TOP 1 Priority-Technology
1 Which technology has made the greatest impact on people’s life in your country:airplane, computer or television?
2 Which form of transportation is more enjoyable? Train, automobile or plane.
3 Talk about how cell phone has changed people's lives. Explain you answer in details.
(可参考TPO 25, task 4,cultural lag)
4 Talk about the ways internet has benefited people's lives. Explain your answer in details.
5 As we are facing serious environmental problems, what suggestions would you give on how to save our planet?
6 Describe a tool or object that you rely on often in your daily life. Explain why it is important to you.
7 How has the availability of the worldwide Internet changed people’s life? Please use specific reasons and examples to support your response.
8 Describe the most important development of your country in the past 20 years. Explain why this development is so important.
9 Do you agree or disagree with the statement that people live healthier lives than 100 year ago?
10 Some people prefer reading newspaper or magazine to get news; others prefer watching television or listening to radioto get news. Which way do you prefer and why?
11 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Cell phones have greatly
improved people’s lives.
(这个跟4,7 有什么差别呢?So easy!)
12 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? We are more informed of the world events than our parents when they were young.
13 Describe an event in history that you would like to learn more about. Explain the reasons why you want to learn about it.
14 Do you think that people will read fewer books in the future?
(个人觉得more technological than educational, 你们觉得呢?)
TOP 2 Priority-People&Personality
1 Describe a special friend in your childhood. Explain why this friend is special to you. Include reasons and details to support your response.
2 Do you prefer to learn from people and events in the past or people and events that
currently exist? Explain with specific reasons and details.
3 Describe your favorite teacher. Explain why you like him or her so much.
4 Among the following three professions, which one do you think makes the greatest contribution to society: teachers, farmers or doctors?
5 Describe a person who you would like to spend time with. Explain why you want to spend time with him or her.
6 What do you think is the most important quality of a working environment: good leaders, good colleagues, or flexible time?
7 Describe a performer (such as an actor or a musician) that you think is great. Explain why you think he or she is a great performer
8 Which characteristic do your friends like in you the most: cheerfulness, kindness or intelligence? Explain with reasons and details
9 Describe a person that you look up to as a role model. Explain how this person has influenced your life. Include details and examples to support your response.
10 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should be required to help with household tasks as soon as they are able to do so.
11 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The way people dress themselves reveals theirpersonality.
12 Describe a family member who has similar personality traits to yours. Give specific
details in your answer.
13 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Artists and musicians are
important to the society.
TOP 3 Priority-Activities
1 A high school plans to add an extracurricular activity for students. What kind of activity
would you recommend? Using details and examples, and explain why.
2 Would you like to spend time with family or friends rather than alone and why?
3 If you were to become a volunteer at the school or in the community, what kind of
volunteer work would you do and why? (activity)
4 Describe a special experience that has changed you in a positive way. Explain how it changed you.
5 Describe the steps, through which you once learned a new subject and explain how you learned it. Please include details and examples in your response
6 In your opinion, why is it hard for university studentsto manage their time effectively?
7 Some college students like to spend their free time studying another course or doing schoolwork. Others like to join a club and enjoy social activities. Which way do you think
is better and why?
8 Which kind of class would you choose just for fun: an art class or a science class?
TOP 4 Priority-Places
1 Describe your favorite area in your city. Please offer your explanation and details.
2 When it is a nice day, what kind of outdoor place would you like to go for physical
3 Where would you choose to be your home: a noisy place close to shops, restaurants and transport hub or a quiet place far from everything?
4 Do you like to go to the same place for your vacation, or different places and spend little time at each place for you vacation?
5 Some people prefer to work in the office, while others prefer to work from home. Which do you prefer and why?
6 Some people believe that it is better for children to grow up in big cities. Others believe that it is better for children to grow up in smal towns or rural areas. What is your opinion and why?
7 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students should always study in a quiet place.
8 In your opinion, should people be encouraged to visit science, art and history museums?

奉新县17220902012: 谁有十月份的托福机经
璩胜重感:2015年10月托福写作+口语机经预测文本内容 7、what do you think we should do to decrease the usage of car or other vehicle and solve the traffic problems? 8、Your friend has suddenly received a lot of money. What do you think is the best way ...

奉新县17220902012: 怎么使用托福口语机经 -
璩胜重感: 众所周知,机经的最大价值在口语和作文部分,尤其是托福口语机经部分,由于题库并不大,而且托福口语题目出现有一定规律,所以考试碰到原题的可能性很高.在新托福口语考试之前,如果把这些题目在考前两三天看个两遍并且自己总结答...

奉新县17220902012: 托福口语机经会被查重扣分吗? -
璩胜重感: 托福口语机经一般不会被查重扣分.英语不错新托福口语机经,尤其是口语和写作方面提高很大,具体解决方案如下:解决方案1:针对薄弱环节进行提高,可以选择那种针对性辅导课程如果时间充足,易格在线托福课程个性化量身定制学员需求 解决方案2:谢谢,百度“易格英语”,确实不错.

奉新县17220902012: 托福分数的问题,到100分有希望吗 -
璩胜重感: 我做tpo的情况和你差不多,可能比你还差一点.复习强度大概和你说的也差不多~考了2次,隔了3周,第一次93,第二次108~感觉第1次的题比tpo难一点,第2次简单一些.所以我觉得到100分是绝对有希望的啊,不过的确也得看点人品,万一赶上很难的题或者不熟悉的题也不好说.tpo的难度和真正考试还是很相近的,我就只看了这个和og,别的都没看~

奉新县17220902012: 2012年10月份托福机经 哪家比较准?
璩胜重感: 报考托福都N次了,也准备很多机经小马还有竹子都用过,都没有考通过,托福伤不起无意中发现鑫通考前搭按,就抱着一丝机会跟他们合作,到考试当天我看到题目跟鑫通考前发送过来的一模一样,后面成绩出来考上100+,圆了我留学梦想.

奉新县17220902012: 托福机经哪个比较准呀? -
璩胜重感: 推荐王京竹,小马过河也不错,但是自己的实力是王道

奉新县17220902012: 跪求一个月托福考上105分的复习计划,有经验者请进~ -
璩胜重感: 首先,你能有目标要考105分,说明你是个有信心的人!坚持自己的想法,一定保证每天有10个小时的时间在英语上,是有可能.关于单词,我不太清楚你大概有多少词汇量,不过新东方出的托福单词书一定要背的,一般来讲,想考高点分,我...

奉新县17220902012: 在11年10月参加托福考试 请问机经什么时候看?有什么重复规律? -
璩胜重感: 大概要到九月底或十月初你那天的才能出来 现在可以看看最新的V10.0 今天貌似会出7月9号的机经 其实都差不多 就是在17套北美或大陆的考题里重复 你去小马过河网站找找吧

奉新县17220902012: 关于托福的机经和时间 -
璩胜重感: 一般的考生是不可能知道所谓的吉日或者机经规律的,这些都是一些专业的老师自己归纳出来的,比如王京竹老师,还有康老师,ETS题库的转换规律更加无从谈起了,是不是有这个规律是值得怀疑的,其实所谓的机经预测本来就是估计,猜测...

奉新县17220902012: 一月份考托福好还是十二月好 -
璩胜重感: 1、关于考试时间,如果你十二月初结班的话,最好是留一个月去复习.尤其是托福的口语,光是把机经的内容完整的背下来,都至少要10+天.2、关于机经问题,机经的话是有所谓的”吉日“和”凶日"的,每个月大概有一次是机经种不了了,其余几次是可以中的.相关的"吉凶日“你可以上网搜索.貌似12.22是旧题日,就是说机经会中.如果楼主急着要成绩的话,那么即使报了12.22的场,也一定要在没结班时就开始复习(就是说最迟也得在11月中开始复习)3、如果你是大学生的话,最好要看看自己期末考试的时间,别重叠在一起,很纠结的……

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