关于account 这个单词

作者&投稿:才诸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
关于account 这个单词~

读音:[ə kaunt]
英语词语,n.计算, 帐目, 说明, 估计, 理由;vi.说明, 总计有, 认为, 得分;vt.认为。另有会计术语,意为计账户

1.账, 账户   The sum of money has been transferred into my account.   
记述, 描述, 报道   
The two accounts of the accident do not agree.   
eg. on account of   
Bill cannot come to the meeting on account of illness.   
解释; 说明   
His illness accounts for his absence.   
他因为生病, 所以才缺席。   
We all account him a qualified teacher.   

  according to all accounts (=by all accounts) 根据各方面所说   
according to all accounts (=from all accounts) 根据各方面所说   
accountfor 说明原因, 解释 说出(钱等的)用途, 交待(资产)下落 捕获; 打死, 击落 (在数量上)占 【体】得(分)   
ask an account 请求付帐; 请求回答   
an open account 来往帐目, 未结算帐目   
balance accounts 与...结清帐目, (跟某人)算账, (向某人)报复   
settle accounts 与...结清帐目, (跟某人)算账, (向某人)报复   
square accounts 与...结清帐目, (跟某人)算账, (向某人)报复   
balance accounts with sb. 与...结清帐目, (跟某人)算账, (向某人)报复   
settle accounts with sb. 与...结清帐目, (跟某人)算账, (向某人)报复   
square accounts with sb. 与...结清帐目, (跟某人)算账, (向某人)报复  
 bring to account 责问, 质问, 要求说明   
call to account 责问, 质问, 要求说明   
bring sb. to account 责问, 质问, 要求说明   
call sb. to account 责问, 质问, 要求说明   
by one's own account 据某人自己说   
cast accounts 计算; 算帐   
charge sth. to sb.'s account 把....记入某人帐内   
put down sth. to sb.'s account 把....记入某人帐内   
close an account with 与 ...结清帐目  
 close one's accounts with 与 ...结清帐目   
cook the accounts [口]造假帐  
 doctor the accounts [口]造假帐   
find no account in sth. 认为某事对自己没有好处   
find one's account in sth. 认为某事对自己有好处   
for account of 为...代理   
for the account (证券交易所的交易)待结算日结账   
for the account and risk of (证券交易所的经纪人)代...买卖而盈亏由...自负   
from all accounts 从各种说法来估计  
 give a bad account of oneself [俚贬]干得差劲, 表现不好   

give a good account of oneself [俚贬]干得差劲, 表现不好   
give a good account of oneself 为自己辨护, 证明有理 表现不错, 取得很好的成绩   
give an account of 报告, 叙述, 说明   
render an account of 报告, 叙述, 说明   
go to one's account 死   
be called to one's account 死   
sent to one's account 死   
go to one's long account 死   
be called to one's long account 死   
sent to one's long account 死   
hand in one's account(s) 死   
have an account to settle with sb. 与某人有旧帐要清算; 与某人有争执待解决   
hold ... in great account 极重视   
hold ... of much account 看重,重视   
hold ... of no account 看轻, 藐视   
in account with 与...有生意来往   
keep accounts 记帐 做会计员   
keep an account of 记录, 记载   
keep account with 与 ... 继续交易, 与...有帐务往来  
 lay one's account with 把...估计在内; 期待; 指望   
lay one's account on 把...估计在内; 期待; 指望  
 lay one's account for 把...估计在内; 期待; 指望  
 leave out of account 不予考虑, 不予重视, 置之度外   
leave sb. out of account 不予考虑, 不予重视, 置之度外  
 leave sth. out of account 不予考虑, 不予重视, 置之度外   
make (much)account of 重视, 看重   
make little account of 轻视, 看轻   
make light account of 轻视, 看轻   
make no account of 轻视, 看轻   
no account [美]无价值的; 无关紧要的; 不可取的, 不可靠的; 无社会地位的人   
of (much) account 重要的(man of account 要人)   
of no account 不重要的, 无价值的   
on account 先付, 暂付, 用赊购的办法; 用分期付款的办法   
on account of 因为, 由于; 为了   
on all accounts (=on every account) 无论如何, 总之, 从各方面考虑   
on any account 无论如何   
on no account (=not on any account) 决不可以, 切莫   
on one's own account 为了自己 依靠自己 自担风险   
on sb.'s account 为了某人的缘故   
on this account 由于这个[那个]缘故   
on that account 由于这个[那个]缘故   
open an account with 与...开一往来户头; 开了...的头   
pay ... on account 把...付作定钱   
place to the account of 并入...帐内   
pass to the account of 并入...帐内   
render an account 开送帐单; 报帐   
send in an account 开送帐单; 报帐   
run up an account 赊欠, 挂账; 负债; 登账   
sale on account 赊销   
settle accounts with 与...结算, 清算; 向...报仇   
square accounts with 与...结算, 清算; 向...报仇   
Short accounts make long friends. [谚]若要交情久, 帐目要分明。
take account of (=take into account) 考虑, 斟酌, 计及   
take an account of 把...列表, 把...登帐   
take no account of 对...不予考虑; 对...不予重视   
the great account 【宗】最后审判日   
the last account 【宗】最后审判日   
There is no accounting for tastes. [谚]人各有所好。   
turn toaccount account 利用, 从中获利   
put toaccount account 利用, 从中获利   
turn toaccount good account 利用, 从中获利   
put toaccount good account 利用, 从中获利
  计账户(Accounting Account) [1]   账户是指对会计要素的具体内容所作的科学的分类,其包括两方面的内容:账户的名称、账户的用途与结构。账户的基本结构应正确反映各要素的增减变动,其简略的结构一般由借方和贷方组成,形成一个“T”字型。



confirmation charges 保兑费用,指一家信誉较高的银行为一家信誉较低的银行做担保要收取的费用。

to one's account 指由谁出钱支付。



1. 帐,帐目,帐单[C]
The accounts show we have spent more than we received.
2. 帐户;客户[C]
The company is our best account.
3. 记述,描述;报导[C][(+of)]
The policeman gave an account of the traffic accident.
4. 解释,说明[C][(+of)]
John gave us a detailed account of his plan.
5. 根据,理由[U]
He got angry on this account.
6. 估价;价值,重要性[U]
7. 利益,好处[U]
1. 把...视为[O9][O8]
He accounted himself lucky.
He was accounted a first-rate actor.
1. 报帐
2. 解释,说明;对...负责[(+for)]
He could not account for his absence from school.
3. 导致,产生[(+for)]
Too much rain accounted for the poor crop.
4. (在数量等上)占[(+for)]
5. (在比赛中)击败[(+for)]

今天我回到香港站在你面前 ,也给了自己一个交代。


虹口区15280072654: Account是啥意思?
勾露雅博: n. 报告, 解释, 估价, 理由, 利润, 算账, 帐目 vi. 报帐, 解释, 导致, 报偿, 占, 杀死 vt. 认为 【计】 帐户, 帐号 【化】 帐单

虹口区15280072654: 实验中所说的"account"是什么意思? -
勾露雅博: “account”这个单词有好些解释,在做名词的时候,他有理由原因的意思,相当于reason 关于事件,人物等的报道,叙述,描写,计算,帐目.做不及物动词时,有说明理由原因的意思 你的这句话里的“account”应当是做名词的第一个解释,相当于“reason”表示理由原因.

虹口区15280072654: (帐号)这个词怎么用英语翻译
勾露雅博: Account number

虹口区15280072654: 知道一个英文单词大概的发音,不知道意思怎么能查出来大概的音标是 /mesi`liniən/ 它的意思是account的一个分类 就是公司里买的电话可以进这个category -
勾露雅博:[答案] 是 miscellaneous /ˌmisəˈlānēəs/ miscellaneous accounts 杂项帐

虹口区15280072654: 英语的复数问题 -
勾露雅博: 1.不是的,这是一个警示语,carelessness 是主语,是三单的范畴,所以它后面的动词也要变化为相应的三单形式. 2.“in accordance with”是“与....一致”的意思,其实说白了就是商务信函的话语,商务信函里面出现这个当然是说和对方提出的意见一致的意思了,那么合同内会只是一项instruction吗?当然不会,所以用的是复数.

虹口区15280072654: 英语,account有一个短语,是什么?病造句+翻译,谢谢合作! -
勾露雅博: on account of 由于 例: The president declined to deliver the speech himself, on account of a sore throat. 那位总统由于嗓子疼拒绝亲自发表演讲.

虹口区15280072654: 开户行,帐号/卡号用英语怎么说? -
勾露雅博: 开户行 Account with Bank简写式:A/C with Bank或Bank帐户名 Beneficiary's Name简写式:Beneficiary帐号 Account Number 简写式:A/C No.有时候,还需写上"税号" Tax ID Number.例:开户行:中行澄江分理处帐户名:张三帐号...

虹口区15280072654: 会计这个英文单词的缩写是什么 -
勾露雅博: 会计这个单词的英文accounting本身没有缩写,但是有些会计学会组织有缩写,比如FASB,国际会计准则联合会,期中的A是accounting的缩写.

虹口区15280072654: on no account具体用法(不要光举例句,答好必采纳) -
勾露雅博: 绝不;无论如何也不,无论什么原因也不常用在句首,做前置状语,因为是否定,需要倒装语序例如On no account should we cut down the outturn.我们绝不可以降低产量.On no account (do you) forget to lock the door.千万别忘了锁门.

虹口区15280072654: 帐户和密码这两个词语的英语单词是什么? -
勾露雅博: 账户:Account 密码:password

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