
作者&投稿:邹竿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

"Porcelain" 和 "china" 都是指瓷器,是高质量的陶瓷制品,但 "porcelain" 更具专业性和科学性,是指一种特定材质的瓷器,而 "china" 则是更通俗的表达,指代广义的瓷器。在日常用语中,"china" 更常见,而 "porcelain" 在学术或专业领域更常用。

大家可以先看下面的表格了解一下 porcelain和china 吧:



- porcelain:瓷器,一种用白色或高度白化的陶瓷制成的器具。瓷器通常具有较高的质地和透光性。


1. The delicate porcelain tea set is a treasured family heirloom.(精美的瓷茶具是一件珍贵的家族传家宝。)

2. The museum displayed a collection of ancient Chinese porcelain vases.(博物馆展示了一系列古代中国瓷花瓶。)

- china:瓷器的代称,特指产自中国的瓷器。"china" 也可指中国这个国家。


1. The exquisite china plates were handed down through generations in the royal family.(精美的瓷盘在皇室家族中代代相传。)

2. The antique store sells a wide variety of china from different dynasties.(古董店出售来自不同朝代的各种中国瓷器。)


- porcelain:瓷器通常用于制作餐具、茶具、装饰品等,具有实用性和艺术价值。


1. The porcelain bowl is perfect for serving soup or rice.(这个瓷碗非常适合盛汤或米饭。)

2. The porcelain figurine on the shelf adds a touch of elegance to the room.(架子上的瓷人偶给房间增添了一丝优雅氛围。)

- china:"china" 这个词可以泛指陶瓷制品,不仅限于瓷器,也包括其他陶瓷制品。


1. The store sells a variety of china, including ceramic vases and pottery dishes.(这家商店出售各种陶瓷制品,包括陶瓷花瓶和陶器盘子。)

2. The exhibition showcased a wide range of Chinese china from different periods.(展览展示了不同时期的中国陶瓷制品。)


- porcelain:瓷器采用高质量的瓷土制成,经过高温烧制而成,具有坚硬、细腻、白净的特点。


1. The artisan crafted the delicate porcelain vase using traditional techniques.(工匠用传统工艺制作了这个精美的瓷花瓶。)

2. The porcelain teapot has a smooth and glossy surface due to the fine clay used in its production.(这个瓷茶壶因采用了优质的瓷土,在制作过程中拥有光滑而有光泽的表面。)

- china:"china" 这个词可以泛指不同材质的陶瓷制品,包括陶器、瓷器和瓦器等。


1. The museum exhibits a collection of ancient Chinese china from various regions.(博物馆展示了来自不同地区的古代中国陶瓷制品。)

2. The pottery workshop produces a wide range of china, from simple clay pots to elaborate ceramic sculptures.(陶艺工作室生产各种陶瓷制品,从简单的陶罐到精美的陶瓷雕塑。)


- porcelain:瓷器是中国传统工艺之一,与中国的历史和文化有着深厚的联系。


1. Chinese porcelain has a long history and is considered a symbol of China's artistic and technological achievements.(中国瓷器有着悠久的历史,被视为中国艺术和技术成就的象征。)

2. The ancient Silk Road played a significant role in spreading Chinese porcelain to other parts of the world.(古代丝绸之路在将中国瓷器传播到世界其他地区方面发挥了重要作用。)

- china:"china" 这个词作为代称,特指产自中国的瓷器,也与中国的历史和文化紧密相连。


1. The Ming Dynasty is known for producing some of the finest china in Chinese history.(明朝以制作中国历史上最精美的瓷器而闻名。)

2. Chinese china has been admired and sought after by collectors and connoisseurs worldwide.(中国瓷器一直受到全球收藏家和鉴赏家的喜爱和追捧。)

6228480799 归属地:湖北省 - 荆沙市 银行卡种类:农业银行 - 金穗通宝卡 - 银联卡 - 借记卡

Unwashed and Somewhat Slightly Dazed 歌词
歌曲名:Unwashed and Somewhat Slightly Dazed 歌手:David Bowie 专辑:David Bowie Spy, spy, pretty girl I see you see me through your window Don't turn your nose up Well, you can if you need to, you won't be the first or last It must strain you to look down so far from ...

蒙城县15764006412: porcelain和china都是"瓷器",有何区别 -
景蒲马斯: porcelain指的是陶瓷艺术品,如花瓶.China指的是日用陶瓷,如碟子.pottery指的是陶器,如紫砂茶具.ceramics指的是陶瓷学

蒙城县15764006412: 瓷器的英文是Ceramics还是Chinese -
景蒲马斯: 我是英语专业的,所以我很清楚: ceramics、porcelain和china三个都可以,但不能用chinese.

蒙城县15764006412: porcelain和China同表瓷器,两者有何区别?请教专业人士.如题,请不要抄袭,之前我已经查过很多词典了,还是分辨不出来,只用说明几个词的区别即可. -
景蒲马斯:[答案] porcelain noun [U]1 a hard but delicate shiny white substance made by heating a special type of clay to a high temperature, used to make cups, plates, decorations, etc:a porcelain dishThe tea cups are...

蒙城县15764006412: 瓷器的英文是Ceramics还是Chinese对不起!对不起!是“瓷器的英文是Ceramics还是China"Ceramics是什么意思 -
景蒲马斯:[答案] 我是英语专业的,所以我很清楚: ceramics、porcelain和china三个都可以,但不能用chinese.

蒙城县15764006412: porcelain和China同表瓷器,两者有何区别?请教专业人士. -
景蒲马斯: porcelain noun [U] 1 a hard but delicate shiny white substance made by heating a special type of clay to a high temperature, used to make cups, plates, decorations, etc: a porcelain dish The tea cups are (made of) porcelain.2 cups, plates and ...

蒙城县15764006412: 瓷器的英文单词 -
景蒲马斯: porcelain china chinaware

蒙城县15764006412: Porcelain,ceramic,和china的区别我理解的是?
景蒲马斯: 骨瓷是 bone china.porcelain 是瓷,ceramic是陶

蒙城县15764006412: porcelain瓷器,china瓷器两个单词有什么不同? -
景蒲马斯:1. 瓷;(总称)瓷器[U] antique pottery and porcelain 陶瓷古玩porcelai是瓷器总称. 1. 瓷器;陶瓷器[U] Please put the china away carefully. 请将这些瓷器仔细收好. china具体瓷器.

蒙城县15764006412: 瓷器的英文是什么? -
景蒲马斯: 瓷器 [词典] porcelain; chinaware; China; figuline; stoneware; [例句]拿出你最好的瓷器和水晶玻璃器皿.Get out your best china and crystal.

蒙城县15764006412: 陶瓷的英文是什么? -
景蒲马斯: Ceramic 用于一般粘土烧制的瓷器 Porcelain 用于白粘土高温烧制的瓷器 China 就是顶级Porcelain瓷器皿 ceramic 和 ceramics 只是单复数的区别 ceramic 单数 ceramics 复数

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