
作者&投稿:度敬 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

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may be可能是(在)…… (近义词)can be
maybe可能的,大概,或许;(近义词)perhaps; probably

1.What will you do with the thief.
=how will you deal with the thief.(do with= deal with处理)

2.What do you think of Itatian food?
=how do you find Itatian food.(how do you find不是怎样找到的意思,而是觉得怎样的意思)

3.Please answer the queation,Mary.
=Please reply the queation,Mary.

4.I like pop music best.
=I like pop music most.

5.She works on a farm from morning to night.
=She works on a farm from dawn to dusk.

6.We should prevent them from cutting down the terrs.
=We should stop them from cutting down the terrs.

7.They both denied stealing the vase.
=They both didn't admit stealing the vase.

8.A good detective never jumps to conclusions.
=A good detective never make conclusions immediately.(jumps to =do sth immediately)

9.Mr, LI is now behind bars.
=Mr, LI is now in jail(在监狱里).

10.Do you like working as a detective?
=Do you like being a detective

11.You might be unaware of the danger round you.
=You might not realize the danger around you.

12.People should not make mistakes.It is essentail.
=People should not make mistakes.It is necessary.

13.By midnight,the square is empty,except for the giant house.
=By midnight,the square is empty,except the giant house.

14.The canptain in terrupted the soldier.
=The canptain disturbed the soldier.

15The six Greek soldiers waited for another hour.
=The six Greek soldiers waited for one more hour.

1 What will the thief be done by you?
2 How do you like Itatian food?

4 My favorate music is pop music.
5 She works from morning to night on a farm .
6 We should stop them cutting down the terrs.
7 Each of them denieds stealing the vase.
8 If someone never jumps to conclusions heis a good detective.
9 The man behind bars now is Mr.Li.
10 Do you feel like working as a detective?

12 It is a essentail that people should not make mistakes.
13The square is empty except for the giant house by midnight.

15ANother hour is waited by the six Greek soldiers.

9.Mr.L is behind bars at the moment
10.Do you like being a detective?
11.Maybe you didn't notice the danger round you.
12.Making mistakes is essential so that we shouldn't do it.
13.By midnight,the square is empty,but the gaint house isn't
15。Another hour past ,the soldier of six Greek always waited.

1.how will you deal with the thief
2.how do you like Itatian food?
3.Please give me the answer to the question ,Mary
4.Pop music is my favorite
5.She works on the farm a whole day
6.We shoul stop them from cutting trees
7.Both of them denied stealing the vase.
8.A good detective won't jump to conclusions forever(未完成待续)



同义词 词组转换
事实上他就是少了一个下划线= =pay a visit to=visit be on a visit=visiting 不过这里用了进行时,就填paying a visit to或on a visit to,更推荐后者,毕竟pay a visit表动作,be on a visit本来就是表状态

(3)词义的民族性:不同的语言用什么词表示事物可以不同。 3、词义的构成 (1)理性义:词义中同概念有关的意义部分叫做理性义,或概念义。理性义的作用就在于给词所联系的事物划一个范围 (2)色彩义(附属义) A、感情色彩 a、褒义词 b、贬义词。 c、中性词。 d、有一些词造成短语或句子之后,整个语句可以产生...

11:Increasing(ly),growing 替换more and more( 注意没有growingly这种形式。所以当修饰名词时用increasing\/growing.修饰形容词,副词用increasingly.Eg.sth has gained growing popularity.Sth is increasingly popular with the advancement of sth.12.little if anything, 或little or nothing替换hardly 13....

must的同义词 解:must 表示必须时,同义词组有should(应该),have to (不得不)must 表示肯定推测“一定是”时,它的否定形式是“can't”.(一定不是)

名词,动词,形容词,数,量,代,副,介,连,助,叹,拟声,都什么意思?举例子谢 ...
连词是纯粹的虚词,只能在短语、句子、句群中起连接作用,表示被连接的语言单位之间的关系。(有几个连词在其他场合是副词,是连词和副词的跨类词,如:就才又也还 都在不 却等。这几个副词只能用在主语之后、谓语动词或形容词之前位置比较固定。而这几个连词即可用在主语前边,也可用在主语后边,位置不象副词那么...

词义的辨析和词语的使用是语言学研究中的一个重要方面,它关注单词或词组在不同上下文中的意义、用法和语义差异。一、词义的辨析 1.同义词的区别:同义词是指在某些语义范畴内具有相似含义的词语。但是,同义词之间往往存在着细微的差别。例如,"快乐"和"愉快"都表示一种高兴的情绪,但"快乐"更强调...


第二天早晨复习以前没背下来的词。背的时候,要一目十词(注意,是十个而不是更多或更少),不要认...至于您看不懂的那些文章,别着急,等您和老外交流多了,您自然就懂了,那都是一些词组、俚语或文法组成...利用根义代替记忆多义,可以解决“没有生词”却老读不懂的问题。比如要问immediate(ly)是否已 记住,...

柘城县18867596698: 同义词或同一词组的替换训练题,1.What will you do with the thief.2.What do you think of Itatian food?3.Please answer the queation,Mary.4.I like pop music best.... -
孟肩爱维:[答案] 1.What will you do with the thief.=how will you deal with the thief.(do with= deal with处理)2.What do you think of Itatian food?=how do you find Itatian food.(how do you find不是怎样找到的意思,而是觉...

柘城县18867596698: 同义词或同义词组的替换训练!!!帮帮我!!
孟肩爱维: 1.Ken's father read the newspaper quickly after him had his dinner. 2.Mary invited me to join in her wedding. 3.I don't think much of your idea 4.How far from your home to to school 5.the beach boys are much weaker than Serious surfers

柘城县18867596698: 八年级下册英语同义词转换题
孟肩爱维: the ticket___cost__ ___me__ 30 yuan. I___paid__30 yuan __for___ the ticket.

柘城县18867596698: 英语同义词替换 在线等the Ethics Education Framework (EEF) presented by International Accounting Education Standards Boardpresented by 可以换成什么词 -
孟肩爱维:[答案] be... undertake或者就用hosted、吧,简单些

柘城县18867596698: 给下面词语换个同义词.比如 桃李(学生)那么,春秋( )桑梓( )衣布( )令尊( )鸿雁( )的同义词呢? -
孟肩爱维:[答案] 春秋:岁月 桑梓:家乡 衣布:平民 令尊:敬词,敬称对方父亲 也可以用“令严” 鸿雁:书信

柘城县18867596698: 同义句转换英语 -
孟肩爱维: 一、运用同义词(组)进行转换 用同义词或同义词组对原句中的某些词或词组进行替换,注意转换后的词或词组的词形变化要与句子其他成分相适应.如: 1. That day we could see flowers here and there. That day we could see flowers __...

柘城县18867596698: 初一英语同义句转换
孟肩爱维: “同义句转换”是根据基本句,在改写句的若干空格中填写适当的词,使两句意思相同或相近,以此考查答题者灵活运用英语的不同表达形式的能力和逻辑思维能力. 这个题型的特点是每个小题给出两个句子,第一句为原句,第二句是改写句....

柘城县18867596698: 【一千零一问】新3第10课:float的同义词可以用drift吗?p51 词汇替换练习 float的同义词 我写的是drift 但查《详解》里的答案却是stay on the surface of the ... -
孟肩爱维:[答案] 我个人觉得 float 和 drift 这两个词意思比较相同, 不过像楼主指出来的,还是有一些细微的差别、 列如: (①)I was floating. (②)I was drifting. ① 代表你在水上浮着,没有其它的含义、 ② 代表除了你在水上浮着以外,还在漂流、 Floating just ...

柘城县18867596698: 在括号里填入恰当的字组词,构成一对同义或近义词. 保持 - ( ) 丑恶—丑( ) 督促—( )促代替—( )代 耽误—耽( ) 方法—( )法 -
孟肩爱维:[答案] 保持-(维持 ) 丑恶—丑(陋 ) 督促—(催 )促 代替—( 取 )代 耽误—耽( 搁 ) 方法—( 办 )法

柘城县18867596698: 还有一个近义词,悬赏五 -
孟肩爱维: 熟识-----陌生 熟悉 伶俐-----迟钝 机灵 凶猛------温顺 凶恶 允许------反对 允诺

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