
作者&投稿:实颖 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1, the staff through a number of activities to promote the improvement of the team means playing each employee's largest energy.

2, and other works in the after-sales service : service, products, establish a good image display terminal

3 major areas of work : the need for effective development of their respective customers, creating an excellent client base and ensuring market prices

In the evening everybody is good , everybody all knows 8 Heaven's Queen, are just August 8 this year ,imply one kind of pride , one kind of glory to everyone Chinese! In day arousing self's feeling in this, Olympiad that ten thousands of people focuses attention upon will pull open big curtain in our country's capital Beijing.

Every one Olympiad has a slogan, Beijing Olympiad neither exception. "One world one dream". Subject being this time of Olympiad, also the essence having embodied Olympiad unites with outlook on values- - , friendship , the fond dream, are harmonious. Have expressed people under vigorous appealing to of Olympic Games , have run after the ideal fine desire commonly. We own a plain kindhearted heart but at the same time although our race is different , the nation is different , complexion is different, are that Olympic Games is offering self youth and strength as a tribute commonly.

Why are we turn to be used for woollen cloth? That my hometown is Yan Qing , Yan Qing is not better-off downtown area. Maybe, have many people it is very strange face to face, but I have no alternative hometown but excited. Olympic Games has finally been played. Even this small always a little bit quiet downtown area, a thread of boisterous atmosphere has come to the fore right away. For this purpose, we these are born in a hometown , postponing being good at a hometown celebrates people , how ability brings a little a little new meteorological phenomena to new meteorological phenomena it?

First, we ought to give up self bad at one's side trouble. If spitting everywhere, confuse throwing away a wastepaper , speaking bitingly and so on. Not only, self not composing , wants to go to arrest others too. Whenever having the used batteries finishing using not to throw away arbitrarily , should give a station to a reclaim all together handle; When having house refuse to throw away everytime, respond to the inner carrying out rubbish classification , throwing away move forward a garbage can again seriously; And we also ought to learn to protect at one's side animal and plant , one spends one grass , one bird one insect that these look like hour of thing unworthy of mentioning all is a city important component. Do up , make civilized society only when we comply with at one's side now, ability is that the hometown adds luster during the period of Olympiad.

And secondly, we want English studying and more knowledge about Olympic Games making great efforts especially , hold a period in Olympiad, be able to use English and foreign friends to speak , communicate with , be that foreign friends introduces we beautiful Chinas, Beijing age-old history and splendid culture, further know Beijing, Chinese's need to let them pass and everyone exchange , knows China.

Middle school student who is this times finally, ought to use self's discretion a principle, has been at present and in the first place different. What our stays , can not ought to hold head high in that time's destitute age, is stepped off, challenge welcoming the new century! Making great efforts to study , rising in great vigor, is that our middle school student is unique can compose , is also the most effective! Will let us be full of wisdom, welcome future together, march toward light one day!

any has achieved the above three-point, no but Beijing, gigantic change happened in the city up to China. Go and have composed as long as we are attentive, motherland's certain meeting tomorrow is especially fine!

Why say me is the most quiet?
I also eager to become optimistic.
Actually, I am very cheerful.
Quiet, has become the past .


1.Why do you call me a quiet and reserved person?
2. I also long for the change for the cheerful temper.
3.As a matter of fact, I am a cheerful person.
4. The quiet part of my personality has no longer existed.

1. Why am I the quietest one?
2. I'd like to be outgoing too.
3. I'm actually outgoing.
4. Being quiet has become the past.

1.你今天很漂亮. You're so beautiful today.2.你疯了吗? Aren't you crazy?3.我真的好想你. I really miss you.4.我帮你拎东西吧. Let me help yuu to carry it.5.我们结婚吧! Let's be man and wife.6.你愿意嫁给我吗? Are you willing to be my wife?7.你说的是真的吗?

一、说到姚明,我们可能会想到篮球。When we talk about Yao Ming,we will think of basketball.二、你认为谁是最喜剧的演员? 周星驰吗? 潘长江吗?What do you think is the comedy actors?Is Zhou Xingchi?Is Pan Changjiang?三、说到周星驰,我们可能会想到 大话西游 。When we talk about ...

1.东西两边各有一个灯杆(POLE)There is a pole on both east and west.2.第三大陵墓 the third biggest mausoleum 3.她为人宽厚温和 she is generous and gentle.4.他在父亲死后第3天也死了 He died three days after his father"s death.5.在...正北100米的地方 in a place 100 meters...

1 where the pain?2 here?3. Does it hurt?4 May not touch!5 turn 6 are you ok?7. May I come in?8 treatment time, we can begin!9 have feel better.

帮我翻译一句话 中译英
或 钢琴爱好者。用 piano amateur 这个词,体现不了 “爱好者” 这个部分,因为不爱钢琴的人也可以被称为 piano amateur。如果用 钢琴爱好者 的直接翻译 piano lover,那么读起来有点别扭,因为在国外没有这种说法。所以最后还是决定用 avid pianist.句子是自己翻译的,希望对你有帮助—— ♥...

1.有了白色农业,植物可以种在水里。(with)With the white agriculture, plants could grow in water.2.我想住在有山有水的地方.(place with)I would like to live in a place with hill and water.3.现代技术的引进使这家小工厂受益非浅.(bring benefit to)The introduction of modern ...

3.有些人把见过的能说上几句话的人也叫朋友,有些人把朋友又分为好几类。Some people consider a chatty friend friend, others divide his friends into categories.4.有的人的朋友多的不得了,有的人的朋友却只有那么几个。Some people have many friends, some people has a few.5.我觉得...

2.希望你们能度过一个美好的时光!즐거운 시간을 보내실길 바랍니다.3.我韩语不好,请多多包涵!저는 한국어 잘 못하1...

Industry level(industry environment)就行业范围来讲(业界环境)A company's competitive position in one country is interdependent with that in other country.公司在某个国家的竞争地位是和它在其他国家的竞争力息息相关的。Cross-border trade within the industry\/total worldwide production.业内跨国...

1. English has been very important in my job, it bring me better space for development and higher salary.2. Learning English well can enlarge one's range of social which can help to learn more things.3. English learning improve your diathesis.4. Learning English can make your ...

株洲县19357884222: 请帮我翻译成英语几句话.(中译英)1\直到现在还没有你的回信.你很忙吗?2\晚上的聚会不要喝太多酒.那样对身体不好.3\请注意身体. -
老威杜拉:[答案] 1\I haven't received your letter until now ,are you busy ?2\Don't drink so much in the party nightly , it is unhealthful.3\please take care of yourself.

株洲县19357884222: 请帮我翻译几句话.中 - ...
老威杜拉: 1)This is a letter of Santa Claus. 2)My only wish is to together forever. Buchibuqi. 3)Can you help me? 希望可以帮到你

株洲县19357884222: 英语翻译请帮我翻译下面几句话,要自己翻译出来,不要那些翻译器翻译出来的1.我谨向那些帮助过我的老帅致谢.2.大部分矿工被解救了出来.3.这座小城的许... -
老威杜拉:[答案] 1.我谨向那些帮助过我的老帅致谢.Here i sincerely appreciate those coaches who helped me a lot.1.我谨向那些帮助过我的老师致谢.Here i would like to give my sincere thanks to those teachers who used to he...

株洲县19357884222: 请帮我翻译几句话吧,中翻英.谢谢 -
老威杜拉: Happy New Year. We appreciate our happy cooperation this year. And we wish you a prosperous business and we hope we can continue our happy cooperation next year.其他祝贺词:Wish you more success in the coming year!Wish you greater luck in your career next year!

株洲县19357884222: 请帮我翻译这几句英语?1.我非常真诚的期待能够得到您的帮助2.请将我美好的祝愿带给您以及您的城市3.那次短暂的旅行在我的记忆中划上了深深的印记4.... -
老威杜拉:[答案] 1.我非常真诚的期待能够得到您的帮助 1.Looking forward to your help with great sincerity. 2.请将我美好的祝愿带给您以及您的城市 2.Please extend my best wishes to you and your city. 3.那次短暂的旅行在我的记忆中划上了深深的印记 3.That short ...

株洲县19357884222: 英语翻译请帮我翻译几句话1对不起我太紧张了.没有听清楚.可以再重复一遍吗2抱歉我还是没有听明白3对不起我想这个问题我可能无法回答你.4我不知道应该... -
老威杜拉:[答案] Sorry!I am too nervous to catch you,can you repeat it? 2.I am afraid i am still not clear. 3.I am afraid i cannot give an answer to this problem. 4.I dont know how to express it.

株洲县19357884222: 请帮我翻译几句话吧,中翻英.谢谢新年快乐 谢谢我们今年愉快的合作,希望贵司明年生意兴隆,合作愉快多帮我加几句职场的英文祝贺词 我也不胜感激~ -
老威杜拉:[答案] Happy New Year. We appreciate our happy cooperation this year. And we wish you a prosperous business and we hope we can continue our happy cooperation next year.其他祝贺词:Wish you more success in th...

株洲县19357884222: 请帮我翻译一下这几句话好么?翻译成英文1.我相信你,没有任何理由2.总要相信,生活是可以美好的3.人总是要活的阳光一点4.希望我爱的人和爱我的人都幸... -
老威杜拉:[答案] 1,I trust you,with no reason2,One should always believe that life coulb be very good.3,People should always live positive.4,I hope that people who love me and who I love could be happy5,In god's name

株洲县19357884222: 帮我翻译几句英语成中文 -
老威杜拉: Today, I am really happy, very excited mood, it can not find any words to describe the happiness. Me like a happy bird, in the happy times going in the home

株洲县19357884222: 请帮我把下面几句中文翻译成英语. -
老威杜拉: You already helped me to be many, thanks! has your encouragement, I will refuel!

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