英语作文某英文杂志volunteer专栏经常收到读者的来信咨询有关志愿者活动的相关信息 请你以志愿

作者&投稿:麻肿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语作文 英文杂志volunteer正开展以"同参与,共精彩"为主题的征文活动,请你围~

Voiunteer n.&v. (做)志愿者‘
Voluntary work 志愿者工作
Voluntary word is somrthing you can do no matter who you are. It can help us learn valuable life lessons and develop skills.
However, some high school students don't know how to get started. Actually, there are a lot of chances around us. For example, we can help with book returns and arrangements in our school library. In the community ,not only can we help those emple-nest senior citizens,but we can volunteer to pick up rubbish to keep it nice and clean.
In a word , small voluntary word can make a big difference ang bring about changes both in ourselves and those around us. Let's take actions now.

I‘d like to be a volunteer very much and i think it is meaningful for me. We can learn something from it, which can help us to understand what kind of life we want. I've had several experiences about being a volunteer. And the most impressive for me is about helping the olds, which is organized by our school. We help them to cook and make the bed, and some other things that we can do. It makes me feel like they are my grandparents. They have a comfortable life in nursing home, but the environment makes them lonely. what we do really make them happy. I wsh I could get more opportunities to do such things. 志愿者,回忆了一次 去敬老院帮忙。

  I want to volunteer to help the sick kids.I want to cheer them up and if they and their parents are happy ,I'll be happy,too.On the weekends ,I'm free so I'll go to hospital on weekends.And I will buy some gifts or flowers for the sikc children.

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