
作者&投稿:中叔寿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Lily is a c_


I'm wangNan,a student of No.1 Middle School. I have a gooa friend,Jim.He' an USA girl.We are both in Class Two,Grade Eight.She is 15 years old,one year older than me. We both study hard.I'm good at physices,but she's good at math.We often help each other with lessons.Both of us like helping others. We both like sports very much.Jim enjoy playing basketball.but Ilike palying soccer. She likes green but Ilike red. Tough we are different in my ways,we are good friends

1990年版 《淘气包艾米尔》(瑞典)阿"林格伦著,高锋红译 中国少儿出版社1984年版 《童年》 (俄)高尔基著, 上海译文出版社 《做一个快乐的少年人》 邓碧霞译 三联书店2002年版 六年级学生必读书目 《科学的发现》 郭正谊等 中国少年儿童出版社2000年版 《高士其科普童话》 高士其 人民文学出版社2000年版 《...

《吹牛大王奇游记》 (德)埃"拉斯伯刘浩译 少年儿童出版社1990年版《淘气包艾米尔》(瑞典)阿"林格伦著,高锋红译 中国少儿出版社1984年版 《童年》 (俄)高尔基著, 上海译文出版社《做一个快乐的少年人》 邓碧霞译 三联书店2002年版六年级学生必读书目《科学的发现》 郭正谊等 中国少年儿童出版社2000年版《高士...

《淘气包艾米尔》(瑞典)阿"林格伦著,高锋红译 中国少儿出版社1984年版 《童年》 (俄)高尔基著, 上海译文出版社 《做一个快乐的少年人》 邓碧霞译 三联书店2002年版 六年级学生必读书目 《科学的发现》 郭正谊等 中国少年儿童出版社2000年版 《高士其科普童话》 高士其 人民文学出版社2000年版 《元素的故事...

五年级下册英语译林版第四单元culture time怎么读

1.7。(1\/4+2\/9)×3.6 =1\/4×3.6+2\/9×3.6 =0.9+0.4×2 =1.7

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2. 2) riding a bike 3) singing songs 4) playing the violin 5) making kites 6) diving 2 2. collecting stamps making kites likes diving likes playing the violin likes singing 3 1. 1) riding a bike playing the violin 2) likes reading books swi...

课课练小学英语六年级下册答案 mid-term test
译林版 Mid-term test(A)听力 A.2 4 5 3 6 1 B.1 A a 2 C b 3 D c 4 B d 5 E e C.B D A B A C D.English happy tells more exercise ball games stronger 笔试 E.as tall as how far take a walk be good at singing a long walk 别客气 聊天 大十天 居住在中国...

《安徒生童话选集》(丹麦)安徒生著,叶君健译 译林出版社2001年版 二年级学生必读书目: 《克雷洛夫寓言全集...《做一个快乐的少年人》 邓碧霞 译 三联书店2002年版 六年级学生必读书目: 《科学的发现》 郭正谊等...可以去看一下《平凡的世界》,我看了三遍,故事很感人,挺激励人的 边城谈美书简茶馆 本回答被提问...

清浦区17180961226: 六年级下册英语课课练答案 -
其庭酒石: Ⅰ.1. upset 2. personal 3. famous 4. surprised 5. Experience6. original 7.nervous 8. chance 9. decision 10. impossible Ⅱ.11. are 12. them13.happily 14.beautiful 15. slowly 16. exciting 17. millions 18. water 19. to work20. playing Ⅲ. 21.liked 22. ...

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清浦区17180961226: 课课练小学英语六年级下册(配译林版) Mid - term test(B)答案 -
其庭酒石: wants tell farther heavy chat History exercise interesting 6.c a b c b b 3 对 对 错 对 对 对 4,好好听讲,错 对 错 错 错 错 错 错 2,一定没问题1.post office there'.on dancing living turned swims to get long likes 剩下的自己写吧;s How can take along street turn left 5,多多看书

清浦区17180961226: 课课练小学英语六年级下册答案 mid - term test -
其庭酒石: 译林版 Mid-term test(A) 听力 A.1. 22. 43. 54. 35. 66. 1 B.1. 1 A a2. 2 C b3. 3 D c4. 4 B d5. 5 E e C.1. B2. D3. A4. B5. A6. C D.1. English2. happy3. tells4. more5. exercise6. ball7. games8. stronger 笔试 E.1. as tall as2. how far3. take a walk4. be ...

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其庭酒石:[答案] The fox is feel hungry . The tree has a crow. A piece of meat crow mouth. It want to eat the meat. It have a good idea .It walk by , ask her to sing.A singing, crow mouth meat fell.我累了半天,给个采纳吧.

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其庭酒石: 77

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清浦区17180961226: 六年级下册英语课课练答案 第一页到第四页 -
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清浦区17180961226: 05网六年级下册英语课课练14页作文 -
其庭酒石: Last sunday. I and my father, mother, grandparents, brother went to hutiaoxiaby bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the ...

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