
作者&投稿:竺钢 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Schools across the country ushered in the new school year, and a large number of children upgraded to primary school or returned to school, but what they are waiting for is not necessarily carefree campus life. The parents of most children should be far away from suffering. Parents pass on the hard life and heavy social pressure to their children in the name of "for your own good".

The age of the parents of school-age students is generally between 25 and 50 years old. These working population are the most directly facing social problems and life pressure. They not only have to shoulder the responsibility of supporting the family, but also bear the pressure brought by the unsound social system, such as their own pension, parents' pension, child rearing, buying a house, medical insurance, etc.
They can't bear to wait in line all night to get their children's entrance degree, and see their children "neglect their studies" in school. They can't bear to see their children "mischievous" in school after a day's hard work. They can't bear to lose their dignity in order to survive at work, and they are complained by teachers that their children are "not competitive" in school.
They can't bear to see their children "sad" after suffering all these hardships, and continue to suffer the misfortune that their parents have experienced in the future.
To save children, save parents first.

My house is big ,There are seven rooms. they are a living room,three bedroom , a kitchen a balcony and a bathroom. The living room has a chair , a telephone, a couch,a lamp,a table, a TV and many flowers. The kitchen has a stove, a sink, a table,a refrigertator and many chairs. My mother cooks vegetable on the stove. Here is a bathroom.the bathroom has a bathtub,a shower, a toilet and a basin.we wash our fase in the basin. My mother and father's bedroom room has a bed , a closes, a lamp,a window,a TV,and some flowers.It's very beautiful! My room has a bed ,a chair,a closes, a desk,a window. This is a balcony,the balcony has a computer some flowers,a chair and a window. This is my house !l love my house! 2 My house There are six rooms in my house. There is two bedroom ,two bathroom,livingroom and kitchen. Inmybedroom,Thereisa bed,closet,lamp,dresser,door and computer. Inmyfatherandmotherbedroom,Thereisabed,closet,door,flowers,window,lampandTV. Inbathroom,There is a toilet and sink. Inbathroom,Thereisa bathtub,shower,sink and three toothbrush. Inlivingroom,ThereisaTV,two chair,couch,three flower,lamp and tabie. Inkitchen,There is a two sink,refrijeratur, and stove.

pressure on studyWith the entering to the senior grade ,I found the pressure on sdudy is more and more great.There are many reason as follow .First of all,the gradution exam is coming second ,the parents give much expectation on me ,they hope me to be admited into a good gh school .However,my level is common and I have no cofidence to my bad subject .other students are very hard working,wch also cause much pressure on me . 学习压力随着我进入初三以来,我发现学习的压力越来越大,下面有如下的理由。第一,中考快要来了。第二,父母对我的期望很高,希望我能考入一所好的高中。嗯 顺便说一下 我目前上的ABC夭下口语的老师和我们说过 事实上想征服英语很简单的!坚持要有一个恰当的研习空间以及进修口语对象 老师水平是关键 标准口音非常重要,持续天天口语沟通 一对一家教式教学才可以有最.好.的学习成果!课程结束后同样要重复温习课堂录音档,把所学知识融会贯通 若真的是没有人可以指导,那么就到 VOA或大耳朵拿到课后材料学习 多说多练迅速的语感就培养起来,整体效果是绝对达成目标的!然我的成绩只有一般般,在加之我对我的弱势科目不是很自信。看到其他优异成绩的同学那么的努力,我感到自己的压力很大。

↗↗↗家长给孩子小 学毕 业的一封信 ↗↗↗给幼儿园孩 子的一封信 ↗↗↗父母写给幼儿 园孩子的一封信 ↗↗↗写给十岁孩子成长礼的一封信 小学毕业家长给孩子的一封信篇一 亲爱的儿子: 不知不觉中,你已经走完了小学六年生活,从懵懵懂懂的小男孩到今天渐渐走向成熟的小男子汉。看着你一天天长大,一...


12.结合孩子的表现,每天思考至少一个关于孩子成长的问题。 13.对幼儿进行艺术教育,培养幼儿高雅的审美...以免孩子养成“沽名钓誉”的不良习气。 29.让孩子正确树立心目中的偶像。 成长篇: 1.给孩子一些...3.不要逼孩子学自己不喜欢的东西。 4.不要因为孩子的成绩而责骂孩子。 5.不要因为孩子试卷上的低...


注:回答一题100分,2题150 3题200 (这篇文章对我很重要,回答要好,谢谢大家了!!!)回答不要在...私的。从我们呱呱落地到咿咿学语,再到长大成人,哪一天离开过母亲的呵护和牵挂?常听同学们谈论母 亲...爸爸见了急忙给我擦干眼泪,给我讲道理,并对妈妈说:“打骂孩子不是最好的教育方法,要给他们讲道理...

幼儿园常规教育心得 篇2 常规教育是幼儿教育中的重要内容,常规教育也是孩子学会适应集体生活并具备初步独立的生活能力,形成良好的行为习惯和较好的组织纪律的重要手段,所以常规教育方法很重要。我们为了更好的培养幼儿的常规也尝试进行了以下几种常规教育方法: 一、榜样激励法 榜样激励法是让幼儿通过老师对幼儿的良好行...




她的孩子奇奇上小学四年级第二学期的时候,班级里换了一个数学老师,是一个年轻的男老师。老师第一天在奇奇班上课时,出了很多脑筋急转弯题目,说要“发散同学们的思维”,说要给每个同学一次回答问题的机会。 老师刚把题目抛出,班里的孩子就争先恐后地举起手来,奇奇把手举得老高老高的。老师出了一个又一个题目,...

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