陈明沉迷于电脑游戏 要写一篇让他从电脑游戏里走出来的英语作文怎么写

作者&投稿:锺韩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

电脑游戏迷英文翻译是:Computer game fan

奥奥,这是政治吧 我们也是,是关于学习的那一课,陈明应树立良好的学习态度,认真履行和对待自己受教育的义务,控制对网络游戏的痴迷,戒掉网瘾,认真学习提高成绩,这个和材料上不是完全一样,不过也可以用,我自己想的。。。根据材料。不能说错。。

How to Stop Your Child's Computer Addiction

While the computer is an incredibly useful tool and can help you get a
lot done, wasting time on it seems to be all too easy. Lots of kids
have problems with spending too much time on the computer, to the dismay
of some parents. Computer addiction, especially to such features like
games or instant messaging, has been described as being just as powerful
as a drug addiction, and while your child may not be to that point,
their excessive computer usage could lead to more serious problems down
the road. Note that the steps involving software (such as keyloggers or
web history checking) can very easily be circumvented.

Unfortunately, Chen Ming is one of these kinds of children.

How to help Chen Ming to get rid of this Computer Addiction?

There are steps you can do:

  1. Talk with Chen ming about his/her excessive computer usage.

  2. Move the computer to an open area if it’s not already in
    one – sometimes taking it out of the child’s bedroom is sufficient to
    reduce their computer usage, and it makes it easier to monitor their

  3. Set a password for the computer so that only you can log on to it.

  4. Find out how bad your child's addiction is, and what
    exactly your child is addicted to – does your child spend most of
    his/her computer time playing games, chatting online, or just browsing
    the Web?

  5. If he/she is addicted to learning information, as long as it is legal, safe and decent, then that should not be an issue.

  6. Some children go through phases where they like chat room
    sites, then decide it is no longer of interest, and move on to more
    educational-related sites, e.g.

  7. Set a time limit on the amount of time your child can spend on the computer each day.

  8. Be aware of what your child is doing on the computer.

  9. Keylogger use is questionable at best, if only due to concerns about privacy for other individuals and guests who use the computer, so really, don't use one (since tech-savvy individuals and guests can and sometimes do uninstall them.

  10. Buy or download a program that restricts computer use.

  11. There are also programs that allow the child to "earn
    their time" on sites that the parent decides,such as popular social
    media sites.

Mom, I have many words in my heart want to say to you, let me write it as a gift to you.
Remember that time, you get sick. I go to school, you asked me to take an umbrella to go to school, but I don't listen to your words, you too verbose, so don't take an umbrella to school.
After school, it began to rain. I'm waiting for the rain to stop and think: I didn't listen to her mother to bring an umbrella to go to school. I would like to think, suddenly, a familiar voice through my ears. It was my mother you take sick to take me home. You said to me: "you brought the umbrella, I told you to bring you must take." I said: "Mom, Ithink you are too wordy, aren't you angry with me?" You said: "people will make mistakes, as long as you don't make mistakes, they will forgive you." Back home, your body wet, and my body was not wet.


融安县19488058982: 给小明写一封信,劝他及时从对网络游戏的迷恋中走出来的信 -
永金瑞杉: 给小明写一封信,劝他及时从对网络游戏的迷恋中走出来

融安县19488058982: 你的同伴陈明总是沉迷于网络游戏导致成绩下降你能劝劝他吗 -
永金瑞杉: 比如沉迷于网络的危害.可以告诉他或她你知道因沉迷上网而使自己受到伤害.我记得曾经有人因连续上网而失明.或者可以让他或她减少上网时间.如果一个人真的很沉迷于一样事物,那么让他失去兴趣并不是很容易的,那就可以慢慢减少他对事物的关注(比如让他干些其他可以转移他注意力的事),使他逐渐淡化对事物的兴趣,久了自然就不那么沉迷了.

融安县19488058982: 小明沉迷于电脑游戏中,身体虚弱,请你劝阻他的一篇英语作文
永金瑞杉: In the information society is not completely out of the network is also unrealistic, so quit addiction to the Internet to promote the green. Leopard change his spots, in fact, addiction is particularly hard to quit, as long as, perseverance, and slowly work ...

融安县19488058982: 小学生沉迷于网络的发言稿250字 -
永金瑞杉: 网络游戏可以把一个平常的人变2113成杀人犯,比如报纸上说,一个高三的学生,为了玩网络游戏把他的家人都给杀了,最后自己也自杀了.比如说一个他家不是那么穷家里有几套房子,由于玩网络游5261戏,把钱都往游戏里扔,不久他把两套房子给卖了,把那两套房子的钱也扔进了游戏里,最后连吃饭的钱都没有了,就去偷4102钱,最后坐了几年牢.还有就是在网吧里打游戏,1653没钱了,就去偷家里的钱,有一次偷钱时被他的家人知道了,他就把他的家人给杀了. 网络不是没好内处的,网络可以造就人才,网络可以简便的发出邮件使你想对很远的亲人能面对面的交谈,在别人要容什么文件时可以在最短的时间内收到,所以网络也很方便.今天,让我们牵起手来告别网络游戏吧.

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永金瑞杉:[答案] (1)把握不良行为及严重不良行为,及违法与犯罪的内在关系,结合案例危害轻重及不同性质来判别行为. (2)使用违法与犯... 行为上:自觉纠正不良的行为,抵制不良诱惑,防范于未然. 故答案为: (1)不良的行为是:旷课逃学、沉迷网络、偷家...

融安县19488058982: 书面表达.请写封信告诉他沉迷电脑游戏的危害,并提出建议. -
永金瑞杉: 亲爱的电脑: 您好! 电脑游戏的危害,就算人有百口,口有百舌也不等说其一处,人有千手,手有千指也不能指其一端,这种危害,犹如黄河之水,连绵不绝,顿失滔滔,即便说上一天 一夜也说不完,似天上星星不能小视,如果小视,让产生...

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永金瑞杉:[答案] In the information society is not completely out of the network is also unrealistic, so quit addiction to the Internet to promote the green. Leopard change his spots, in fact, addiction is particula...

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永金瑞杉: 小光是沉迷于电脑游戏,晚上都会玩到三更半夜,功课也懒得做.很晚才睡觉,导致睡眠不足.小光的这种坏习惯,父母却没有发觉. 在学校,小光就会趴在桌子上打瞌睡.“当!”老师拍了桌子,小光才睁开眼睛.老是用凶巴巴的眼神瞪着...

融安县19488058982: 谁能告诉我怎么写劝说一位小学生沉迷电子游戏作文 -
永金瑞杉: 文卓哥哥: 我知道你是个电脑小行家,也是个网络游戏高手,一日不玩电脑心就痒痒的,就像诗人一日不呤诗就难受 .但我还是要苦口婆心地劝解你:“不要过度地上网”, 虽然丰富的网络世界已经把你的魂给勾走了. 你已经陷入了网络的漩...

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永金瑞杉: 玩游戏可以,但不能过火,不然会沉迷而不能自拔,也会影响学习的

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