英语作文;以"Take part in sports"为看法!要求:1当今入们越来越重视运动2运动的积极作用与消极作用3体

作者&投稿:房克 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
以studies and sport 写一篇英语作文从以下三个方面谈谈你的认识 1运动的重要性~

1. 平时喜欢跑步和打篮球
2. 忙于学习
3. 健康很重要
4. 勤于运动,更有助于学习
Studies and Sport
I love to run and play basketball after class. Although I am busy with my study most of the time, I always know that it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle by doing sports. And with a healthy body, I will be able to have good grades in school. So, I think that as a student, we should spend more time doing exercise, because exercise is not a waste of time, but is rather helpful to our study.


people pay more and more attention on sports. proper sports can make us healthy. if you seldom do exercise,you may be unhealthy. to my point of view, we are supposed to do some moderate sports.

Take part in sports
Sports games are more and more popular so more and more people pay attention to sports. Sports has many advantages and disadvantages. The following can illustrate its advantages. First, it keeps a person active and in shape Second, it helps to learn more things(like teamwork and sportsmanship). Third, you can meet new people, and it helps a person see other things they are good at

On the other hand, it has many disadvantages:
The most obvious disadvantage is the fame. Fame can be an advantage or disadvantage depending on how you view it or how famous you are. Being a professional athlete is not always fame and glory and has disappointments. Unlike many other careers, you not only disappoint yourself, but all the fans too. Even as ordinary people, playing too much does harm to our health.
In my opinion, we should do some sports in our spare time in order to keep fit but don't play too much and most people should take sports as a hobby.


I like sports.I go to the gym very week.再写你最喜欢的运动,描述一下。最后写运动带来的好处。

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