
作者&投稿:典饺 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

一般人第一想到填的是唱,那么除了唱还可以填听(着歌)、哼(着歌)、想(着歌)、和(hè )(着歌),下(着歌),多一种答案,多一种情况,都是可以的。答案不唯一,请参考!


Once a boy came to ask a fisherman how to become(become)cleverer because his mother always called him "foolish boy"."that is easy,"answered the fisherman. "I know one way to make you be (be)a clever boy" "Really?" "Of course. A fish head is good for brains.If you eat one a day,you will become (become)much cleverer to pay (pay)only three pounds for one fish head " The boy paid him three pounds and the fisherman cut(cut)off a fish head and gave it to him .A raw fish head is no good --not even for a hungry boy to eat(eat)---but the boy ate it up in two gulps."Do you feel anything?"asked the fisherman after the boy ate the fish head."Not in my head,"said the boy.
The boy sat on the ground and thought(think),"One whole fish costs(cost)only two pounds but I have paid(pay)him three pounds for the fish already .Why couldn't I have the whole fish for soup, a head for brain and one pound left over?"He jumped up and shouted at the fisherman,"The fish head is working(work)now ,you see?"

句子意思:我们这里没有很多雪 There are a (few,little) eggs in the box.答案解析:鸡蛋为可数名词,只可以用 a few 修饰:There are a few egg in the box 句子意思:这个盒子里有几个鸡蛋 He speaks English (slow,fast).答案解析:fast 既可以为形容词,也可以为副词,修饰谓语动词 He ...


说的(真实)、说的(确切)、说的(准确)、说的(恰当)、说的(含糊)一、真实[ zhēn shí ]释义:跟客观事实相符合;不假。引证:杨朔 《海市》:“这真实的海市并非别处,就是长山列岛 。”二、确切[ què qiè ]释义:1、准确;恰当。2、确实。引证:郭沫若 《洪波曲》第六章一:“...


急得什么填词语:急得直跳 、急得抓耳挠腮、急得直哭、急得尿裤子、急得直跺脚、急得说不出话来、急得直冒汗、急得摔东西、急得干瞪眼、急得团团转、急得束手无策、急得七上八下、急得面红耳赤、急得搓手顿脚等等。急的造句:1、看见国足队员的差劲表现,教练急得搓手顿脚。2、知道公司...

1)Please listen carefully and take 【down】what I said.take down 英 [teik daun] 美 [tek daʊn]拆卸;记录,记下;笔录;取下 1. to take sth down in shorthand 用速记记录某事 2. Let's sit down and take a rest for a while.我们坐下来,少憩片刻吧。3. I'll take ...


词语填空示例:透明的膜翅;薄薄的膜翅。膜翅: 翅膜质,薄而透明,翅脉明显可见。如蜂类、蝉和蜻蜓的前后翅,蝇类的前翅,甲虫、蝗虫和蝽的后翅等。

1、一泻千里的瀑布 2、汹涌的瀑布 3、水帘悬挂的瀑布 4、飞流直下的瀑布 5、气势磅礴的瀑布 6、气势恢弘的瀑布、7、气势非凡的瀑布 8、气吞山河的瀑布 9、雄伟壮观的瀑布 10、从天而降的瀑布 11、雄伟的瀑布 12、险峻的瀑布 13、壮观的瀑布 ...

1、徐徐的微风 xú xú de wēi fēng 指风速很慢的小风。2、凉凉的微风 liáng liáng de wēi fēng 指让人感觉凉爽、清凉的小风。3、柔柔的微风 róu róu de wēi fēng 指轻柔的小风。4、习习的微风 xí xí de wēi fēng 指轻轻地吹着的风。“习习”是专门形容风的词,指风轻轻地吹...

将乐县19831771919: 动词填空 - 搜狗百科
恽骂克林:[答案] 这是初一英语动词填空习题,希望可以帮到你! 1.Please ______ (tell) me about your favorite subject. 2.Where _____ Michael Owen _______(come) from. 3.Sometimes the boy _______(be) late for school. 4.Yesterday he ______(be) late for the ...

将乐县19831771919: 50道初二英语动词填空和词汇填空动词填空和词汇填空各50道, -
恽骂克林:[答案] 初二英语专题训练:动词填空1. ______ (not frighten) the boy. He's much younger than you. You should ______ (be) friendly to him. 2. If you want ______ (be) healthy, you need ______ (do) some exercise ...

将乐县19831771919: 语文动词填空 -
恽骂克林: 高兴地(说) 顺利的(工作) 赞许地(看) 沉着地(走) 亲切地(笑) 兴奋地(跳)

将乐县19831771919: 动词填空.阅读下面短 动词填空.阅读下面短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空(必要时可加情态动词或助动词).      "Everything happens for the ... -
恽骂克林:[答案] 1.will change 2.went 3.work 4.to manage 5.can't get 6.was waiting 7.was put 8.are watching 9.happens 10.have had

将乐县19831771919: 动词正确形式填空 -
恽骂克林: 1. do, do, will do2. go3. Does, live4. can't, ride, go cycling5. like running, are running6. to buy7. singing, sing8. staying9. Did, play10. must11. take, walk12. washes

将乐县19831771919: 填空 动词 -
恽骂克林: 1. I 【 got 】 lost yesterday. (get)2. She 【 didn't come 】to my birthday party last night. (not come) yesterday 昨天, last night昨夜 都是一般过去时的时间状语,其结构: 主语+ 过去式, 否定结构: 主语+ didn't + 动词原形 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*) 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!

将乐县19831771919: 动词填空 -
恽骂克林: beat; think; build ; work out; run out 1 He sat at the desk ,___thinking___about sth imp...

将乐县19831771919: 初一英语动词填空带答案
恽骂克林: 初一英语动词填空1. Please ______ (tell) me about your favorite subject.2. Where _____ Michael Owen _______(come) from. 3. Sometimes the boy _______(be) ...

将乐县19831771919: 语文动词填空
恽骂克林: 顺利地(通过 ) 赞许地(点头) 沉着地(应对 ) 亲切地(问候 ) 兴奋地(呼喊 )

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