
作者&投稿:漕怕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

ABD did't until



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note ,to learn ,feel like doing sth,too to

1note ,to learn
2.feel like doing
3.too ,to

亲爱的Mr Smith,非常感谢你的帮助。您给我的书和钱,能使我重返校园。……

1、Take a 【note】 of what the teather says.
It isn't easy 【to learn】(learn)English well.

2、Feel like 是doing sth 还是to do sth 还是do sth
I felt like laughing at the joke.听了这个笑话,我想笑。
I feel like taking a walk 我想去散散步
I felt like an idiot when I answered wrong.当我答错时,我自觉像是个白痴。

3、The boy is very short. He can't reach te apple on the tree.(合并为简单句)
The boy is 【too】 short 【to】reach the apple on the tree.

4、There's too much rain in summer.(改为同义句)
It 【seems】 that he 【won't】【win】that match.

假如你是贫困生得到Mr Smith 的帮助,写一封感谢信
3、你盼望见到Mr Smith ,但因没有机会去北京,希望Mr Smith给你寄张照片
Dear Mr. Smith,
I am writing this letter to thank you for your providing me with the books and money. I'm grateful that you give me an opportunity to get bach to school. With your help, I've achieved great progress in my studies. You are so kind to me that I really hope to meet you in person, but I could hardly get a chance to go to Beijing. So may I ask for a picture of you? I'll very appreciate it if you send one to me, and We'll learn more about each other. I sincerely hope your reply.
With all my kindest wishes.

八年级英语下册Module 8测试题及答案(2)
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薄石清热:[答案] 1.change 2.away 3.A 4.B 5.well known

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