
作者&投稿:禹全 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Combinatorial Mathematics techniques and methods
With the continuous evolution and development of global computer science and technology, the status and role of combinatorial mathematics in everyday life and the various disciplines in the field has become more prominent as the main content IT is counting application algorithms and various discrete data and deal with. Combinatorial Mathematics not only on the basis of mathematics, computational mathematics has a very important position, but also in the field of research to decipher and set up the physical, chemical, genetic biology, passwords, and even in the army command, logistics management, transportation management engineering, financial analysis, the stock market, criminal investigation and other industries also contributed, such as master during World War II, the famous mathematician combination of both mathematics Thomas Tate from two German intelligence password departure, using a combination of mathematical methods and ideas, rebuilding the enemy cipher machine, to determine the internal structure of the German code, and finally get a vital war intelligence, to win the war played a catalytic role. And we study a combination of mathematical techniques and methods, to better improve our level of thinking, rich ideas and our approach to the problem. So we have to do research and investigate their deeper. By using a combination of some of the basic mathematical concepts and methods, some of the practical cases and some mathematical story as its research data mining, so we have a deeper understanding and awareness of combinatorial mathematics discipline and apply it daily life.
Combinatorial Mathematics techniques and methods
With the continuous evolution and development of global computer science and technology, the status and role of combinatorial mathematics in everyday life and the various disciplines in the field has become more prominent as the main content IT is counting application algorithms and various discrete data and deal with. Combinatorial Mathematics not only on the basis of mathematics, computational mathematics has a very important position, but also in the field of research to decipher and set up the physical, chemical, genetic biology, passwords, and even in the army command, logistics management, transportation management engineering, financial analysis, the stock market, criminal investigation and other industries also contributed, such as master during World War II, the famous mathematician combination of both mathematics Thomas Tate from two German intelligence password departure, using a combination of mathematical methods and ideas, rebuilding the enemy cipher machine, to determine the internal structure of the German code, and finally get a vital war intelligence, to win the war played a catalytic role. And we study a combination of mathematical techniques and methods, to better improve our level of thinking, rich ideas and our approach to the problem. So we have to do research and investigate their deeper. By using a combination of some of the basic mathematical concepts and methods, some of the practical cases and some mathematical story as its research data mining, so we have a deeper understanding and awareness of combinatorial mathematics discipline and apply it daily life.


杜绝机译 放心采纳

This paper objective analysis the importance of learning English in the modern society through all kinds of data and cases .China is changing that opening to the outside world, internationalization and modernization is the important characteristics of the age. Cross-cultural communication is often mentioned as a topic because of these changes, English is an integral part of the cross-cultural communication in the fields of international political, military, economic, science and technology, culture, trade, transportation ,etc . English is an important tool for communication. With the popularity of the Internet,the interactions between each other become more and more convenient, more and more frequent. English has become the indispensable important facet of life as the language of international communication in the cultural , science , technology and information exchange between different countries and nationalities. Therefore,it has important realistic meaning and profound historic significance to learn English well for our country to This paper objective analysis the importance of learning English in the modern society through all kinds of data and cases .China is changing that opening to the outside world, internationalization and modernization is the important characteristics of the age. Cross-cultural communication is often mentioned as a topic because of these changes, English is an integral part of the cross-cultural communication in the fields of international political, military, economic, science and technology, culture, trade, transportation ,etc . English is an important tool for communication. With the popularity of the Internet,the interactions between each other become more and more convenient, more and more frequent. English has become the indispensable important facet of life as the language of international communication in the cultural , science , technology and information exchange between different countries and nationalities. Therefore,it has important realistic meaning and profound historic significance to learn English well for our country to continue to open to the outside world ,further expand and develop in its technology and international standing and achieve the goal.

From case studies and statistics, this thesis analyses the importance of learning English in modern society. The opening up of the society, internationalism, modernization, are all prominent characteristics of the tremendous changes undergone by China now. Due to these changes, intercultural communication is a topic often brought up. English is an inseparable component of intercultural communication. In international politics, military, economics, science and technology, cultural exchange, trade, transportation of goods for example, English is the tool of communication. With the increasing accessibility of the World Wide Web, communication between people has became more convenient. English is the global used language, aiding communication amongst countries and races, allowing the exchanges of culture, technology and information. Hence, by excelling in English, it would allow China to further expand and develop in its technology and international standing, which aids in the accomplishment of realistic goals.

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process to treat the wastewater after which the outlet water quality will reach COD≤80 mg\/L,BOD5≤20 mg\/L,SS≤70 mg\/L,pH6~9 and up to the Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Beer industry (GB19821-2005). 手工翻译,语法正确,楼上两位就不多说了,望楼主采纳 ...

game I have developed that emulates a "Breakout"-type puzzle game. The game exhibits impressive graphics, an addictive game style and highly creative and entertaining content, resulting in a game with a high entertainment value that anybody can enjoy.参考资料:我自己给翻译了。加油!

帮我翻译一下内容摘要 英语达达人进!重赏!!

这段话来自圣经-新约-哥林多前书 13章 4 爱是恒久忍耐,又有恩慈。爱是不嫉妒。爱是不自夸。不张狂。5 不作害羞的事。不求自己的益处。不轻易发怒。不计算人的恶。6 不喜欢不义。只喜欢真理。7 凡事包容。凡事相信。凡事盼望。凡事忍耐。8 爱是永不止息。先知讲道之能,终必归于无有。说方言...

Economic globalization advancement's day-by-day quickening, the enterprise faced with the keen competition, constructs day by day and sharpens own core competitive ability to become it to choose inevitably. The so-called core competitiveness is the enterprise forms in the production ...


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