
作者&投稿:督士 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1. fewer people 更少的人(fewer修饰名词复数,表示否定)
2. less free time 更少的空闲时间(less修饰不可数名词,表示否定)
3. in ten years 10年后(in的时间短语用于将来时,提问用How soon)
4. fall in love with… 爱上…
例:When I met Mr. Xu for the first time, I fell in love with him at once.当我第一次见到许老师,我立刻爱上他。
5. live alone 单独居住
6. feel lonely 感到孤独(比较:live alone/go along等)
The girl walked alone along the street, but she didn’t feel lonely。 那女孩独自沿着街道走,但她并不感到孤独。
7. keep/feed a pet pig 养一头宠物猪
8. fly to the moon 飞上月球
9. hundreds of +复数 数百/几百(概数,类似还有thousands of; millions of)
10. the same as 和……相同
11. A be different from B A与B不同(=There is a difference/Thgere are differences between A and B)
12. wake up 醒来(wake sb. up表示 “唤醒某人”
13. get bored 变得厌倦(get/become是连系动词,后跟形容词如tired/angry/excited等)
14. go skating 去滑冰(类似还有go hiking/fishing /skating/bike riding等)
15. lots of/a lot of 许多(修饰可数名词、不可数名词都可以)
16. at the weekends 在周末
17. study at home on computers 在家通过电脑学习
18. agree with sb. 同意某人(的意见)
19. I don’t agree. = I disagree. 我不同意
20. on a piece of paper paper/information/news/work/homework/housework等常考到的不可数名词
21. on vacation 度假
22. help sb with sth/help sb do sth 帮助某人做某事
23. many different kinds of goldfish 许多不同种金鱼
24. live in an apartment 住在公寓里 /live on the twelfth floor 住在12楼
25. live at NO.332,Shanghai Street 住在上海路332号
26. as a reporter 作为一名记者
27. look smart 显得精神/看起来聪明
28. Are you kidding? 你在骗我吗

到这里可以下载 http://wenku.baidu.com/view/57e9f052ad02de80d4d840a0.html

★希望做某事hope to do sth. ★决定做某事decide to do sth.
★同意做某事agree to do sth. ★需要某人做某事need to do sth.
★使用某物做某事use sth to do sth ★迫不及待做某事can’t wait to do
★准备做某事get/be ready to do ★尽力/努力做某事try to do sth
★计划做某事plan to do sth. ★不得不have to do
★轮流做某事take one’s turns to do sth. ★拒绝做某事refuse to do sth.
★告诉某人做某事tell sb. to do sth. ★请某人做某事ask sb. to do sth.
★希望某人做某事wish sb. to do sth. ★教某人做某事teach sb. to do sth
★想要某人做某事want /would like sb.to do sth.
★同意某人做某事agree sb. to do sth. .
★喜欢/想要某人做某事 like sb. to do sth.
★帮助某人做某事help sb. to do sth/help sb.do
★encourage sb to do 鼓励某人做
★It’s one’s turn to do sth. 轮到某人做某事
例句:It your turn to clean the blackboard.
★It’s time(for sb.) to do sth.是某人做某事时候了
例句:It’s time for me to go home.
★It’s +adj. for/of sb. to do sth. 对于某人来说做某事是……(当adj.是表示性格、品德的形容词时用of)
例句: It is easy for me to learn it well. It is very kind/foolish/nice of you to do so.
★ It takes sb. sometime to do sth. 某人做某事花了某时间
例句: 1.It takes me an hour to get to school by bike.
2.It took me an hour to watch TV last night.
3.It will take her two weeks to finish the work.
★too+adj./adv. to do sth. 太…..而不能
例: He was too angry to say a word.
★find/think/feel it +adj. to do sth.发现/认为/感到做某事是…
例: I find/think/feel it hard to learn English well.
★序数词+to do 第…..个做某事
例句:Who is the first to get there?
★我不知/忘记了怎么办。I didn't know/forgot what to do.
★ 离开房间时不要忘记/记住关灯
例句:Don’t forget/Remember to turn off the lights when you left the room
★ be+adj+to do sth
例句: 1.I am very sorry to hear that.
2.I am ready to help others.
3.I am happy/pleased/glad to meet you.
顺口溜:本领最多不定式,主表定补宾和状;样样成分都能干,只有谓语它不敢;大家千万要小心,有时它把句型改;作主语时用it,自己在后把身藏;七个感官三使役,宾补要把to甩开;疑问词后接上它,宾语从句可充当;逻辑主语不定式,不定式前加for sb.;to前not是否定,各种用法区别开。
★ let sb. do sth.让某人做某事 ★ make do sth.使得某人做某事
★ hear sb. do sth.听见某人做某事 ★ see sb.do sth.看见某人做某事
★ why not 或why don’t you +动词原形?为什么不….?(表示建议)
例:Why not/Why don’t you take a walk?
★ 某人+had better( not)do 某人最好(不)做某事
★ 情态动词can/may /must /should+ 动词原形(包括情态动词的否定形式+动词原形)
★ 助动词do/does/did/will/would在构成疑问句或者构成否定句即don’t /doesn’t /didn’t /will not /would not+ 动词原形
★ be going to + 动词原形(表示“即将”“打算” 做某事)
  1.在进行时态中。如: 1.He is watching TV in the room.
2.They were dancing at nine o'clock last night.
  2.在there be结构中。如:There is a boy swimming in the river.
  3.在have fun/problems结构中。如:We have fun learning English this term.
    They had problems getting to the top of the mountain.
  4.在介词后面。如:Thanks for helping me. Are you good at playing basketball?
What /How about doing sth? 做某事怎么样? I am interested in playing football.

1. enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事;
2. finish doing sth; 完成做某事;
3. feel like doing sth 想要做某事;
4. stop doing sth 停止做某事(原来的事)
5. forget doing sth 忘记做过某事;
6. go on doing sth 继续做某事(原来的事);
7. remember doing sth 记得做过某事;
8. like doing sth 喜欢做某事;
9. find /see/hear/watch sb doing发现/看到/听到/观看某人做
10. try doing sth 试图做某事;
11. need doing sth 需要做某事;
12. prefer doing sth 宁愿做某事;
13. mind doing sth 介意做某事;
14. miss doing sth 错过做某事;
15. practice doing sth 练习做某事;
16. be busy doing sth 忙于做某事;
17. can't help doing sth 禁不住做某事;
18. waste time/money doing 浪费时间/金钱做…;
19. keep sb.doing 让…始终/一直做…
20. stop sb.(from)doing 阻止某人做某事
21. prefer doing B to doing B=like A better than A喜欢做A更喜欢做B
22. “do some +doing”短语
如:do some shopping/do some washing/do some reading/do some practicing/do some cleaning/do some speaking
23.“go doing”短语去做某事(主要指文娱活动等)
如:go shopping/go fishing/go swimming/go hiking/go skating/go camping/go skiing(滑雪/go boating /go hunting (打猎)

You're not prepared.


五个基本句式如下:S 十 V 主谓结构 S 十 V 十 F 主系表结构 S 十 V 十 O 主谓宾结构 S 十 V 十 O1 十 O2 主谓双宾结构 S 十 V 十 O 十 C 主谓宾补结构 说明: S =主语; V =谓语; P =表语; O =宾语; O1 =间接宾语; O2 =直接宾语; C =宾语补足语 英语的...

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从英语的句子结构上说,除了修饰名词的定语和修饰动词的状语外,在千变万化的句子中可归纳为五个基本句式,一般地说,某些动词用在某一句式中,下面笔者把这些句型和常用的动词进行归类,供你参考。1.S(主) + Vi(不及物动词)(谓)Time flies.1) S + V + adverbial(状语)Birds sing ...


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