
作者&投稿:郯泻 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Production line production line design and planning balance is an important combinatorial optimization decision-making, and production lines in this mode of production can be described as on the same day for us. 本设计主要应用流水线平衡理论等工业工程方法对西安航洁窗业有限公司的60型内平开窗生产系统进行了分析和设计。 The design theory, the main application of assembly line balancing methods such as Industrial Engineering Co., Ltd. Xi'an Air-cleaning windows inside the casement window of 60-type production system is analyzed and design. 首先通过理论知识引入生产线平衡的概念和评价指标,接着对生产现状和生产能力进行了评估,再次对生产线上各工序时间进行了观测、记录和分析,经过对数据的整理和计算,对产品节拍、工作地、流水线负荷率和生产线平衡率等主要的生产线性能评价指标做了理论分析,然后结合理论数据对生产线不平衡的现状分别采取了调整作业人员配置和调整作业时间的方法进行了生产线平衡改进,并对生产线各工作环节按取消、合并、重排、简化的步骤进行了改进和优化,且制定了相应的改进方案。 First, the introduction of theoretical knowledge through a balanced production line concept and evaluation index, followed by the status and capacity of production conducted an assessment of the production line once again time for the various processes of observation, recording and analysis, through the collation of data and calculation of the product beats , work, the production line balancing load rate and the rate of production lines and other major indicators of performance evaluation of the production line has done a theoretical analysis, and then combined with theoretical data on the status of unbalanced production lines were taken to adjust the adjustment of operations, staffing and operating time methods of production line balancing improvement, as well as the working part of the production line according to abolish, merge, rearrange and simplify the steps of the improvement and optimization, and developed a corresponding improvement program. 在本文的结尾对改进方案的优劣性作了量化对比和经济效益评估,并对影响生产系统平衡的其他因素进行了归纳和总结。 In this article, the improvement of the end of the program were to quantify the pros and cons of comparison and economic evaluation, and affect the balance of production systems and other factors are summarized and concluded.


The badaling Great Wall located at Beijing yanqing county (the ditch ancient mouth shut. The badaling geographical environment, since the ancient times is the way to shanxi, Inner Mongolia, and of zhangjiakou hubs. The Great Wall at badaling is China ancient times a great defense project Great Wall of a part, is a bright Great Wall's pass. The history said that the world nine fill one, is Great Wall's essence, in the bright Great Wall, alone representation. Section of the Great Wall, commanding, its location is an important military pass the Ming dynasty and the capital Beijing's most important barrier.

In the information today, using information management system of data management has replaced manual management, this paper studies the way the college classroom management as part of the academic information management, which aims to design a based on B/S model with management system of basic function and automatic course arrangement system.

This system is adopted in the development process of software engineering traditional methods of rapid prototyping method, this paper firstly introduces the background, the system development objectives and sure to use APM (I can with Apache + PHP + MySQL) integrated development environment; Second of the system from the requirement analysis, this paper describes the function of the system user requirements; For system discussed again, the overall design system is determined by the function module and all to a database design; Finally describes the specific function of each module, and introduces the main algorithms, and program with system mainly interface pictures.

System development using PHP and HTML backends and front desk development respectively as language, through local search and retrospective method realizes the automatic course arrangement algorithm, and finally achieved the design of classroom management system.

In the information technology today, using the information management system for data management has replaced the manual management mode, the thesis of the university classroom management as part of educational information management, to design one based on B / S mode with the basic management system arranging functions and automatic systems. The process of developing the system using software engineering methodology in the traditional rapid prototyping, the paper introduces the development of the system's background, purpose and determine the use of APM (Apache + PHP + MySQL) integrated development environment; followed by the system conducted a needs analysis, to describe the system from the user point of view the functional requirements; again discussed the overall design of the system to determine the function of all system modules and database design; the final description of the specific function of each module, and describes the program main algorithm, and the main interface with the system image. System developed using PHP and HTML were used as background and foreground development of language, through the method of local search and backtracking algorithm to achieve automatic arranging, and ultimately the classroom management system.

In the information today, using information management system of data management has replaced manual management, this paper studies the way the college classroom management as part of the academic information management, which aims to design a based on B/S model with management system of basic function and automatic course arrangement system.
This system is adopted in the development process of software engineering traditional methods of rapid prototyping method, this paper firstly introduces the background, the system development objectives and sure to use APM (I can with Apache + PHP + MySQL) integrated development environment; Second of the system from the requirement analysis, this paper describes the function of the system user requirements; For system discussed again, the overall design system is determined by the function module and all to a database design; Finally describes the specific function of each module, and introduces the main algorithms, and program with system mainly interface pictures.
System development using PHP and HTML backends and front desk development respectively as language, through local search and retrospective method realizes the automatic course arrangement algorithm, and finally achieved the design of classroom management system.


In the information today, using information management system of data management has replaced manual management, this paper studies the way the college classroom management as part of the academic information management, which aims to design a based on B/S model with management system of basic function and automatic course arrangement system.
This system is adopted in the development process of software engineering traditional methods of rapid prototyping method, this paper firstly introduces the background, the system development objectives and sure to use APM (I can with Apache + PHP + MySQL) integrated development environment; Second of the system from the requirement analysis, this paper describes the function of the system user requirements; For system discussed again, the overall design system is determined by the function module and all to a database design; Finally describes the specific function of each module, and introduces the main algorithms, and program with system mainly interface pictures.
System development using PHP and HTML backends and front desk development respectively as language, through local search and retrospective method realizes the automatic course arrangement algorithm, and finally achieved the design of classroom management system.

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势鲁鸿邦: Westerners stand treat using long tables. The host and the hostess sit on the two ends respectively. Then, guests are arranged to take a seat according to their positions, whether they are the guests of hono(u)r or just general guests. Which means, ...

扶绥县17683366448: 帮忙把下列文字翻译成英语,要求:语句要通顺,没语法错误 内容: -
势鲁鸿邦: 您好!答案是、 1 Australia is located in the smallest state, Oceania, is the world's superpower. 62 the capital of Australia is Canberra3 the area of Australia is 769.2 square kilometers and a population of 19000 people4 Australia is a dry weather...

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势鲁鸿邦: summary: this charpter outlines the history of coal gas purification technology, current status and future development, and also make a comprehensive analysis of the oven gas purification process. In addition, a brief introduction is talked about the ...

扶绥县17683366448: 帮忙汉译英一段话,不用太准,语法对就行
势鲁鸿邦: 你应该听你妈妈的话(listen to),因为你妈妈是爱你的(mother's love),如果我是你,我会好好照顾她,和妈妈交流(communicate with),并且和她好好地相处(get along with),我还会对妈妈微笑,而不是生她的气 You should listen to ...

扶绥县17683366448: 英语翻译一段句子,翻译要通顺,不要有语法错误.谢谢 -
势鲁鸿邦: 第一段:中文:同学们!只有启程,才会到达梦的彼岸、只有拼搏,才会获得辉煌的成功、只有播种,才会有收获、只有追求,才能品味堂堂正正的人生.同一个班级,同一个梦想!本次班会到此结束,欢迎班主任眭老师讲话..英文翻译:...

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势鲁鸿邦:[答案] The above is the news all content "translated into English,to no grammar mistakes,smooth understandability,decline machine translation,thank you

扶绥县17683366448: 请帮忙翻译成英语!!要语句通顺,无语法问题 -
势鲁鸿邦: Today, I read" the sleeping beauty", the story is the major content of the king and the queen gave birth to a beautiful princess in the Kingdom, there are thirteen divination female, but the king had invited twelve, they all give the Princess Wishes, but...

扶绥县17683366448: 求高手帮忙翻译下(语句通顺,无明显语法错误即可)
势鲁鸿邦: Liling underglazed five ceramic is our national treasure of traditional arts and crafts. In 1915 the United States held in San Francisco Panama Pacific International Exposition on the first gold medal was awarded. Underglazed five ceramic choose ...

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势鲁鸿邦: The Power of Confidence Confidence is absolutely necessarily for everyone, especially for college students, since they are about to face more challenges and opportunities, if we are short of confidence, we can't keep our legs in society. Today, ...

扶绥县17683366448: 有人能人工翻译一下这段话么?可以借助机器翻译但要保持语法正确通顺. -
势鲁鸿邦: Imitating helps students experience characters' pronounciation and language habbits better. This way, students will gradually get familier with the intonation of genuine American English and associated speech variations, such as stress, imcomplete...

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