公交车 上 和 下 的英文解释是“UP”“DOWN”还是“ON”“OFF”谢谢!悬赏20分!!

作者&投稿:雪咸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

上和下:lower and upper; upper and lower; a bove and under; Up and down.

Do you get puffed out running up and down the stairs?


① 表示“上、下”的两对小品词是on和off,up和down

Jim’s standing on the roof. I hope he won’t fall off.

Tom’s climbing up the tree. I hope he won’t fall down.

② 表示“来、去”的一对小品词是from和to;towards(强调越来越近)的意义和to(强调目标)相近,表示“朝,向,接近”等;for在有些动词后面也表示“往,向”的意思

The ball was coming towards me.

The plane flies from Moscow to New York.

He went for home.

leave for… 动身到某地(强调离开,出发)

Yesterday my father left for Tianjin.

set out for… 动身到某地

He left/ set out for New York yesterday.

head for/to 前往 (强调“去”)

③ 表示“进去,出来”这两种方向的介词为into(进、入)和out of(从...出来);表示“在某个地方”或“在……里面/外面”可用at(含有一种瞄准的概念,方向性),in,out of等;表示目的地或位置往往用at

aim at,fire at(瞄准开火),throw at,threw to the bank

Tell him go into my house.

Did you stop anywhere on your way to the office?


④ 表示“穿过,越过,绕过”等动词时,往往用through,across,under,over,round等介词

How did you get through the fence? 你怎么穿过篱笆的?

How did you get over the wall?

【Special difficulties】

Pass and Past


Your sister passed me in her new car, driving great speed.

I’ve passed/past my French test.

A month has passed/past since I left home.


Frank is proud of his past experience.

I go past the garden.

Can you tell me something about your past?

Next and Other


next day 第二天

Mary phoned the next day to tell us that she couldn’t come to the party.


the other day =a few days ago (几天前),

Mary phoned the other day to tell us that she had arrived in London.


the other day 出现一定是过去时;next day有可能是过去式, 有可能是将来式


停车让人下车 set down
停车让人上车 pick up


车停人上车 get on
车停人下车 get off



The bus stops regularly to set down and pick up passengers.

Bus drivers do not stop at every bus stop unless there are passengers getting on or off.


公交车的上下,个人推荐使用 UP /DOWN

get on (使)上车
get off (从...)下来;下车
get up 爬上,登上
get down (从...)下来;下车

应 该 是 on, off
up and down 是 电 梯 用 语


上公交车get on
上公交车get off

常宁市19196024379: 公交车 上 和 下 的英文解释是“UP”“DOWN”还是“ON”“OFF”谢谢!近日看到公交车上面上车和下车的地方分别用英文写的“UP”和“DOWN”,... -
屈蚂金泽:[答案] 车做主语 停车让人下车 set down 停车让人上车 pick up 人做主语 车停人上车 get on 车停人下车 get off 都没错,主要是看主... 国内很多公共场所的英文标记不规范,似是而非,让人觉得是丈二和尚摸不着脑袋! 公交车的上下,个人推荐使用 UP /...

常宁市19196024379: 下公车和上公车用英文怎么说? -
屈蚂金泽: 下公车 get off the bus 上公车 get on the bus

常宁市19196024379: 上下公交车和轿车用英语怎么说
屈蚂金泽: 上公交车 get on the bus 下公交车 get off the bus 上轿车 get in the car 下轿车 get out of the car

常宁市19196024379: 求翻译:公交车上下行线路用英文怎么说? -
屈蚂金泽: 公交车上下行线路 Route for boarding and getting off bus

常宁市19196024379: 乘公交车的顺序是“先上后下”,这个词用英语怎么表达 -
屈蚂金泽:“先上后下” 英文翻译 First up and down"

常宁市19196024379: 英语问题;关于上车下车的短语有哪些和怎么用 -
屈蚂金泽: 上、下小汽车get in/off the car 上、下公交车get on/off the bus 应该是这样吧

常宁市19196024379: 下公交车用英文怎么说? -
屈蚂金泽: 1. get off the bus Here is the terminal, all the passengers please get off终点站了,请全部乘客下车2. steps off a bus McCain grimaces as he steps off a bus with other prisoners 麦凯恩跟其他战俘一起走下公交车,还作了个鬼脸3 jumped off the bus When the bus reached High Holborn, Tony rang the bell and they jumped off together.当公交车到达海霍尔本站时,托尼摇响了铃,他们一起跳下了车.

常宁市19196024379: 公交车上的人们上上下下的英文 -
屈蚂金泽: On the bus the people up and down 公交车上的人们上上下下

常宁市19196024379: 公共汽车的上行和下行是什么意思?
屈蚂金泽: 就是bus从a终点到b终点会和 b终点到a终点的线路不一样的, 就是只允许一个方向的车子通过, 所以公交车返回的时候必须绕到行使(这是一种情况而已) 也就是有几个车站和上行的不一样.

常宁市19196024379: 下公交车用英文怎么说?
屈蚂金泽: get off the bus go to museum of history

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