
作者&投稿:斗闻 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

we bought this kind of glue machine you are looking for in 2008, and when we rediscovered this supplier, they had no reproduction of this machine.

As an advanced method of organization and management technique, the modern express mail has been widely considered to be a significant profits source in terms of reducing consumption of materials and raising working efficiency, which also plays an important role in the development of regional economy and social progress. Therefore, to accelerate development of modern express mail is very important to optimize allocation of resources, enhance economic quality, promote enterprise’s reform and development, and push the two radical changes of economic systems and economic growth pattern. The system is developed on the bases of Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 as foreground development tool and Microsoft SQL Server 2000 as background database respectively.

这是本人自己翻译之后的内容,不知道现在是否还对你有帮助?如果能帮到你的话,请多多加分哦~~ 三楼的朋友,回答问题的时候自己要多动脑筋,妮这样复制,明显有抄袭的嫌疑~

A feasible methods and measures to avoid damage, according to materials on a tray, put provisions by the criterion of forklift operation on the material transportation of materials, minimize the damage caused by the second handling all materials in warehouses, set-net positioning, timely to write clearly material card, each material shall establish a material card, in order to distinguish all the materials.

"For special packaging and operation have related SOP, strictly according to the instructions for packaging and operation, for special materials according to the material storage management regulations strictly operation, 1 store deadline regulation: 2 storage areas and environment; shall comply with the three principles: stored fire, waterproof, prevent pressure; fixed-point, positioning, quantitative; advanced safety first out of dangerous goods; (3) the custody, must comply with" three away, a forbidden "principle, namely" away from fire, from water, away from power, forbidden to mix pile up. Tightly items to into boxes into the lock, and be required for safekeeping. Warehouse management system"

According to the storage provisions, the general has the highest lowest inventories are at least ensure required to produce more than three days, in an emergency, timely report to general manager, established the emergency response team, using all resources, with the fastest speed to ensure production delivery.

Storage department JiHuaZu quarterly basis, determine the production or sales, and according to the company's stock actual conditions to develop highest and lowest inventories, the general manager for approval. The storekeeper shall be responsible for the highest/lowest inventories of the alarm action between to ensure workshop production and customer 100% delivery, whoever warehouse inventory below the minimum or exceed the highest inventory, storekeepers in 2 hours should fill in "warehouse urgent report" feedback JiHuaZu logistics department, logistics department according to actual inventory JiHuaZu should adjust inventory, in order to best economic benefit (logistics planner will prompt understanding of inventory dynamic situation adjust inventory.

Incoming materials are all qualified set-net positioning, each kind of material are establishing corresponding material card, and specify the corresponding materials specifications and supplier's batch quantity batches, in order to achieve being able to trace, in strict accordance with the advanced materials incoming successively do first out; For special materials have special labeling, according to the storage period of has expiration, the material examine regularly, replace the corresponding labeling, prevent materials expired. According to the library, the old version parts: don't classification to quarantine and additionally labeled clear store, so it won't mix of old reuse.



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固安县19675595247: 中文翻译英文,不需要机器翻译. -
仁步希爱: Only you I was young, you always want to hear the call, always a signal to convey the courage to always be able to demonstrate the vitality of youth.

固安县19675595247: 一些英语翻译拜托大家,不要机器的 -
仁步希爱: Don't run everywhere at the bus station 不要在公共汽车站乱跑 Don't walk of fight in the bus when it is going 不要在公交车开动时到处乱动 Don't try to leave the bus until it stops 公交车请下来前不要下车.

固安县19675595247: 求英语翻译 不要机器翻译的 -
仁步希爱: 以下是我的翻译,不知道楼主是为了自己理解还是会整理成书面材料,所以在翻译是碰到由此而地方提供了两种结果,共楼主参考,如果是个人理解,那么基本可以满足,若是整理材料,可能有些专业术语还需要再次核对.希望我的回答可以帮...

固安县19675595247: 英语翻译 , 不要用机器! -
仁步希爱: 有一次工厂里的机器出问题了.工人们只能去找德国工程师帮忙.工程师在机器上划了一条线,然后说:“把划线的地方拆掉,然后换个新的.”被划上新线的机器开始重新正常运转了.这时候工程师要求为他所做的事情支付他$30,000.下面就是他在单子上写的内容:“新的不见只需要1美元,但是知道问题出在机器的哪个部件要花$29,999.”为了换一个新零件而花上一美元听起来很合理,但是另外$29,999却是智慧和知识的价值.

固安县19675595247: 短句翻译成英文,在线等.不要机器哦. -
仁步希爱: 1. XX product will be put into production on Thursday or Friday.2. The size of cartons has been modified, our factory is now using the correct size.3. Since it's the first time that we produce the product in champagne color, I require you send a L-size ...

固安县19675595247: 在线翻译,不要机器翻译的. -
仁步希爱: Through continuous innovation,human beings have created new tools and productin methods,which have changed people's life style and then the whole world.人工的~希望能帮到你~

固安县19675595247: 翻译成英语,尽量不要机器翻译,意思差不多相近就可以了,发给一个外国朋友的 -
仁步希爱: 对应的英语: I know you are nice and kind. But I want to know any reason for your divorce. I don't want to hurt you. You may keep it in secret if you prefer.

固安县19675595247: 问一点点英语翻译不要机器翻译 We need to understand the role of -
仁步希爱: We need to understand the role of society in the overall development of an individual. Even before we become a part of the education system, we start learning from our surroundings 我们需要理解社会角色在个人整个发展中的作用.即使在我们成为教育系统的一部分以前,我们已经开始从我们的周围学习了.

固安县19675595247: 求翻译一篇英语文章,在线急,不要机器翻译,高手来~! -
仁步希爱: 世界上,越来越多的人从事危险活动.当然,一直都有人在挑战极限,他们爬上最高的山,进入未知领域探险,或者划着小船穿越大洋.然而,人们寻找的极限刺激可能只是持续几分钟或者几秒钟. 让我们用蹦极来举例,你把有弹性的绳子绑在...

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